Ki Tisa 34:06 – The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (01)
Posted: June 1, 2022
Part One. A three class series providing a deep examination of the Yud Gimmel Middos Harachamim (the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy).¹ This first class focuses on how the 13 attributes are enumerated. This is an intermediate to advanced level class which discusses in detail the wide range of commentaries on how this enumeration should be done. The analysis is based on a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Likutei Sichos, Vol. 4, pp.1348-49). 1. Shemos (Exodus) 34.6 “Vaya’avor Hashem al-panav vayikra Hashem Hashem Kel rachum vechanun erech apayim verav-chesed ve’emet.” (“And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed: v u v h, v u v h, G-d, Who is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and truth,”). The transliteration is from and the English translation is from Judaica Press as found at
Ki Tisa 34-06. The Thirteen attributes of mercy, Class One.