02b. Lehuvin Inyan Simchas Torah (תורה להבין ענין שמחת תורה) 5712 – Class 2
Posted: October 11, 2022
02b. Lehuvin Inyan Simchas Torah (תורה להבין ענין שמחת תורה) – 5712, Class Two. This class talks about Simchas Torah. We dance and bring Joy to the Torah. The question is who are we to do so, especially on the level of the Torah called Matana (a gift). The answer is that we are masters over all levels of light until (literally) Atzmus, and we are therefore able to add light to the Torah even on the highest levels. It is however done through dancing (action) as action is rooted in Atzmus.
02b. Lehuvin Inyan Simchas Torah (תורה להבין ענין שמחת תורה) – 5712, Class Two.