Chassidishe Chinuch
Talk One (5777/ 2017).A talk given at the conference on Chinuch that took place in New York the week of Gimmel Tamuz. The class begins with ideas about child rearing (in the mind of the Rebbe) in general. Then we move on to Chassidishe Chinuch: Fire and honey. Faith and development of the mind. 1)...
Pittsburgh, Pa. 11 Nissan 5777/ 2017. Chinuch cannot be a reaction to the way we were raised; that is not parenting, but living out our childhood through our Children. Chinuch means deciding what we want our children to be and work to make it happen. “I want my children to be like me”.
Our children are everything
An overview of the basic attitudes in Chinuch given at Maon Noam outreach center. Five points: 1) Shalom Bayis 2) Being a living example at home 3) the ongoing conversation in a Jewish home 4) school 5) friends. We have more influence over our children than we think. We must use it, but without too much...
Parenting - It's Never Too Late
This is a wonderful talk on parenting that will make you laugh and provide you with many useful ideas whether you are planning to be a parent, in the middle of raising children, or a grandparent. Teachers will also find much value here. The talk was originally given on the occasion of Pesach Sheni but...
Story Telling (Beth Rivkah Seminary 5780/ 2019)
Story Telling The place of telling stories in our culture. When is telling stories that didn’t happen exactly as told education and when is it lying. A story that is true, even when it isn’t, is educational. What about negativity and sadness, and learning about the hardships of “the real world”.
Three Talks on Chinuch ideas questions and answers, going into the 5721 (2020-2021) School year
Talk one.Given to teachers over zoom ideas about dealing with the Chinuch now (in general and after quarantine especially). Talk Two. Educating the children and Moshiach and faith and Temimus, sincerity, Talk Three.Questions and answers, some opinions and thoughts. This talk is a bit more informal feeling which is nice. Also it is a more...
Two Talks on Chinuch (5781/ 2012) Chicago Ill.
Talk on Chinuch (5781/ 2012) Chicago Ill, Talk One:Self-esteem and Selfishness; what is the right balance. Bitachon In Hashem and ourselves. Talk on Chinuch (5781/ 2012) Chicago Ill, Talk Two:Introduction: Teachers are doing G-d’s work.One Side: Yiras Hashem, Ahvas Hashem and Ahavas HaTorahThe other Side: Work and development of skills.
וחי בהם, we must learn to live as Jews not to suffer. (Toronto 5776/ 2016).
Often what separates us from our children is the hardships we may have known that our children don’t know and want no part of. Understanding this will allow us to raise them, differently than we were raised so they should be the same as we are.
Thoughts of the Rebbe on Chinuch, what it means to raise a Jewish child
Thoughts of the Rebbe on Chinuch, what it means to raise a Jewish childBoston 5782 (2022)1) teaching responsibility and morality, right and wrong for it’s own sake2) there must ne God in the children’s lives for this to work3) Faith: a SIMPLE relationship with God.4) There must be Kabbalas Ol (children don’t only do what...
A charge to Beis Rivkah Seminary (5782-3/ 2022-23)
A charge to Beis Rivkah Seminary (5782-3/ 2022-23)1) Use the opportunity, 2) learn to value learning and knowledge and enjoy it.3) What is most important is God, family old values, and make these values your own4) You’re near the Rebbe and 770, see it for what it really is: Beis Chayenu, and take advantage of...
Kabbalas Ol and Chinuch; what is it really (5783/ 2023)
Kabbalas Ol and Chinuch; what is it really (5783/ 2023)This class was given at Beis Rivkah Seminary.How is the idea of Kabbalas Ol really meant to be used.An insight into Chinuch. Kabbalas Ol and Chinuch; what is it really (5783/ 2023)
"Ki Yeda'ativ" I love him (Avraham) due to teach his children.
“Ki Yeda’ativ” I love him (Avraham) due to teach his children.Vayera 18: 19 I love him (Avraham), Class One.Avraham gave the world three gifts: 1) Monotheism, 2) Tzedaka, 3) Chinuch.The first two are now international, the third is still not yet everybody’s. Hashem says that this third pole (Chinuch) is why He loves Avraham so...
Yaldei Shluchei Harebbi (a talk to mothers of special needs children) (5784)
Yaldei Shluchei Harebbi (a talk to mothers of special needs children) (5784)In conjunction with the Kinus HaShluchos; a talk to mothers about the realities of life with a special needs child. Yaldei Shluchei Harebbi (a talk to mothers of special needs children) (5784)
If Hashem punishes only till 4 generations; why are we still paying of the original sin?
If Hashem punishes only till 4 generations; why are we still paying of the original sin?Given in Beis Rivkah Seminary (5784/ 2024)Correction vs vengeance is explored here. The idea of Divine ‘punishment’ always being cleansing. If Hashem punishes only till 4 generations; why are we still paying of the original sin?
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