17 Classes

Reflections on Aveilos (Mourning)

This section is dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Rashi Minkowitz OBM. May the encouragement and inspiration people get from these classes be a Zchus for her and be a blessing to her family. לעילוי נשמת ראשא ע"ה בת יבלחט"א הרב חיים מאיר הלוי שליט"א

14 Classes

Kaddish said at Funerals

Kaddish said at FuneralsThese classes are a part of my series on Kaddish given at Yeshivas Achei Temimim Chovevi Torah in 5783/ 2023.It is a part of a greater series and as such is numbered oddly, starting in the middle of the series.This Kaddish is about Moshiach and I’m including it in the Moshiach section...