23. 13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma'amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020)
13 Principles of Faith, Ani Ma’amin, Yigdal. (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5780/ 2020)A series of classes given (during Covid to the Yeshiva Achei Temimim Bochurim) on the differences between the original 13 Principles of faith in Pirush HaMishna of RaMbaM and their liturgical versions of rhyme (Yigdal) and prose (Ani Ma’amin).
Is life good but bad happens or is life bad where we try to survive? (5777/ 2017).
A blurb; we quote the RaMbaM from More Nivuchim section three chapter 12.
Is the world a good place where bad things happen or a bad place where good things happen? Three Part Series.
Is the world a good place where bad things happen or a bad place where good things happen? Three Part Series.A class in three parts given for Shluchim.
Series to Shluchos on Emuna and Bitachon, Spring 5776/ 2016.
Series to Shluchos on Emuna and Bitachon, Spring 5776/ 2016.This series has five parts.
Tanya Iggeres HaKodesh 11, Lihaskilcha Bina.
Tanya Iggeres HaKodesh 11, Lihaskilcha Bina.A class given לזכות רפואה שלימה לגני’ה בת תמר.We learned the entire Iggeres and talked about Bitachon.The Alter Rebbe is very strong with this Chossid but he’s empowering him to see God in everything in his world.
Isn't is wrong for Hashem to get "pleasure" from our challenge (pain)? (5781/ 2020)
Isn’t is wrong for Hashem to get “pleasure” from our challenge (pain)?This class was given at Beis Rivkah Seminary.The issue of Hashem’s pleasure is part of the discussion, as well as the need for people to be challenged.
The Jewish people are a supernatural people. (5775/2015).
This little talk was a response to a question a student asked, it explores what it means that Jewish people are different, they are a nation of God, of miracles and even in Golus we live a different life.
Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin (5778/ 2017).
Thoughts on the most recent series of Miracles. 1) Yerushalayim is announced as the capital and there is no real reaction in the world. 2) Family stays together even when things aren’t perfect. 3) When one goes through this kind of suffering comes out purged and pure.
After Simchas Torah 5784 (2023), Talk One.
After Simchas Torah 5784 (2023), Talk One.A talk on the events of Simchas Torah 5784 (2023) to High School Girls all over. After Simchas Torah 5784 (2023), Talk One.
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