
Shalom Bayis Shiur in S. Africa 2008

Part One. MP3 Part Two. MP3

15 Menachem (5774/2014).

Marriage. This class discusses Marriage, Teshuva, and free will.

6 Kislev 5777 (2016).

The Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s תנאים.

Discussion with Beis Rivkah girls (5784/ 2023)

Discussion with Beis Rivkah girls (5784/ 2023)Marriage earnest and Chassidish.

Yaldei Shluchei Harebbi (a talk to mothers of special needs children) (5784)

Yaldei Shluchei Harebbi (a talk to mothers of special needs children) (5784)In conjunction with the Kinus HaShluchos; a talk to mothers about the realities of life with a special needs child. Yaldei Shluchei Harebbi (a talk to mothers of special needs children) (5784)