
Likutei Amarim – Beinonim – Class 12

The model established in the earlier chapters continues in this class. Chapter 32 delves into the commandment to love our fellow as ourselves. The Alter Rebbe clarifies that this is to be taken literally. He explains that it is possible to experience real love for every Jew as he loves himself by deemphasizing the body and celebrating the joy of the soul. This is effective because on the soul level all Jews are one. In general, it is virtually impossible to have a Jew who does not deserve love. Chapter 33 discusses another mechanism for accessing the soul through Chabad meditation – specifically meditating on the unity of G-d. This brings joy to the person as it reveals the inner faith of the soul as one’s mind becomes a host for G-d “in the lowest realm”. Chapter 34 presents the idea that no Jew is exempt from learning and meditating in Chabad Chassidus, rather each must do it to the best of his/her ability. Additionally, if we fill our lives with good deeds, Torah, and mitzvos, all aspects of ourselves will be in the service of G-d.


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