This week’s class starts with a review of chapter 19 and then goes on to cover chapters 20, 21, and 22. Chapters 18 and 19 of the Tanya describe the superrational nature of the neshama (soul) – the fire and the power in every Jew. The next chapters explain how to make use of this potency on a regular basis. Chapter 20 and half of chapter 21 discuss achdus (the unity of G-d). This means, that not only is G-d one but that the Creation is one with Him. Firstly, because it is created from a word. Secondly, because that word continues to be one with Him. The second half of chapters 21 and 22 discuss Creation as Man perceives it – a real separated entity from G-d. The worlds of kedusha (spiritual worlds) – not withstanding their bitul (nullification) – are also separate from Him. This is especially true of klippa (something in which G-d’s presence is covered).