
Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 063 ff – Hadran on Meseches Nazir (02)

Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 63 ff – Hadran on Meseches Nazir, Class Two.
This class demonstrates how the Aggadah at the end of Meseches Nazir is a direct follow up to the Halacha that came before it and supports it and duplicates it, in a brilliant and most precise way.
The issue, SAYS THE REBBE, is a unique idea taught here (by Nazir): you can establish something foundationally, and then later come back to it and simply reaffirm it. But there’s much more power in the reaffirmation than in the original foundation.
There are three opinions here:
1) that a reaffirmation cannot be stronger than the foundation on which it is built. [This is the opinion of Rav and Rav Huna who argue (with Tanaic support) that making a Bracha has to be stronger that the Amain that follows it].
2) that a reaffirmation can be as strong but not much stronger than the foundation on which it is built. It can be more בכמות but not more in איכות. This is the opinion of Rav Yosi, who agrees that answering Amain is greater than making a Bracha, but only an increase in במות not איכות. Accordingly he holds that the later affirmation is enough to make Shimshon a Nazir but not Shmuel.
3) that a reaffirmation can be stronger than the foundation on which it is built. It can be superior not only in כמות but also in איכות. This is the opinion of Rav Hamnuna, who argues that answering Amain is greater than making a Bracha, is not only an increase in במות but also in איכות. Accordingly he holds that the later affirmation is enough not only to make Shimshon a Nazir but to make Shmuel a Nazir as well.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 18 p 63 ff – Hadran on Meseches Nazir, Class Two.

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