Likutei Sichos – Vol 27 p 191 ff – Two Tekufos of Yemos HaMashiach (02)
Posted: May 12, 2021
Likutei Sichos vol 27 page 191 ff. Class Two. Contradictions in RaMbaM that require the two stages in the times of Moshiach. 1) The RaMbaM Paskens that the Neviim only saw Yemos HaMoshiach, which means that there WILL be שינוי מנהגו של עולם in Yemos HaMoshaich. 2) The RaMbaM Paskens that wearing weapons on Shabbos is carrying because we won’t need them after Moshiach comes, which is only consistent with the view that there WILL be שינוי מנהגו של עולם in Yemos HaMoshaich. 3) The RaMbaM holds that Techiyas HaMeisim happens during the era of Moshiach (within the 6,000 years of creation) which is the ultimate שינוי מנהגו של עולם. The Rebbe’s answer: there MUST be two periods within the Messianic era according to the RaMbaM. The Rebbe explains that the Gemara in Kesubos (a miracle) happens in the first stage of Yemos HaMoshiach; the Toras Kohanim happens in the second stage of Yemos HaMoshiach.