
Liolom Yehei Adam, Class Two three and four (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).

Liolom Yehei Adam, Class Two (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).
Inside with commentary from the beginning.
The “big idea” is the idea of Adam being as infinite as Me’od in it’s balance and integration and that is the meaning of M”A (repeated multiple time in the paragraph): it isn’t a question it is a statement.
M”A meaning Bittul this allows for תיקון, התכללות, אדם being manifestations of the Ein Sof.

Liolom Yehei Adam, Class Two (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).

Liolom Yehei Adam, Class Three (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).
The next two paragraphs and Shma.
We inherit from all three Avos, thus the balance (the “Adam”).
Yaakov’s three names יעקב ישראל ישרון.
לפיכך bringing Him down into the Middos, and praising Hashem for the opportunity, logically above logic and absolutely (above logic).
Shma, a meditation; ViAhavata a desire; Vihayu satisfying the desire.

Liolom Yehei Adam, Class Three (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).

Liolom Yehei Adam, Class Four (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).
The first of the two אתה הואs was explained.
Bringing G-dliness into Adam HaElyon (as per the RaMaK) and Adam HaTachton (as per Chassidus).
Kidush Hashem and saying Kedusha, this too is מקדש שמו.

Liolom Yehei Adam, Class Four (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).

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