Class One. This class explores the השכלה in this מאמר. The three worldsבריאה , יצירה, עשי’ה succeed each other, each later world, being lower than the one above it. However to create the physical עשי’ה, requires a strength above all the worlds, represented by the words: אף עשיתיו. He also discusses אצילות כממוצע או [ביתר דיוק] כאמצעי as an intermediate for the lower worlds. But the lowest world has the highest source. Chochma brings this into השתלשלות and it includes קדמות השכל ועצמות ומהות. From Chochma comes the power to bring into the lowest level, to make Asiya Gashmi. But it passes through השתלשלות making the worlds shine. The source is higher than Chochma and Atzmus.