09b. Lo T’heye M’shakeila (לא תהי’ משכלה) 5712, Class Two.
Posted: December 5, 2022
09b. Lo T’heye M’shakeila (לא תהי’ משכלה) 5712, Class Two. The second level of the resolution to the עבודה צורך גבוה (yes and no) question is on the level above אצילות: What we do (unifying with Him -?-) is not in His interest, but what we achieve incidentally, to struggle with and elevate the material world does matter and make a difference on high. Avodah is a Mitzvah that -in addition to the קבלת עול notion- also connotes תפלה or אהבה. In this Ma’amar love is more than fear, where one does, not only for themselves but for Hashem as well. This love is linked to the elevation of the material world that matters to Him, above אצילות.
09b. Lo T’heye M’shakeila (לא תהי’ משכלה) 5712, Class Two.