02. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Two.
Posted: September 8, 2022
02. Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Two. Teshuva review of the class before. Never quitting is a real level of Teshuva (though not the highest). Inside (we read only the Possuk) וידבר אלוקים אל משה ויאמר אליו אני הוי’ וארא אל… בא-ל שד-י… Three names three levels, אלוקים- the Godliness of concealment; שד”י- the Godliness of the miracle in nature; הוי’ה- the Godliness of the miracle above nature. Moshe was given a higher Godliness and complained and this disappointed Hashem.
Ma’amar VaEira 5712 ‘Der Frumer VaEira’ about Teshuva, Class Two.