
Ranat Class #19

Avoda of Yamin – chesed – soft – B’chal Levecha and B’chal Nafshecha – relating to Hashem according to my version of Him. Avoda of S’moel – Tough Teshuva – Absolute. Chessed- Avoda of Kohanim is likened to water which unifies and dilutes. Gevurah can have two parts and is likened to Fire and it...

Ranat Class #18

Ahava B’chal Meodecha How can a limited guf get an unlimited Neshama? For tefisa, grasping, a thing needs borders. The Neshama on the level of Yechida is too plain, too vast. CHAYA has virtual borders. We can get a little (koach hamaskil). Hisbonenun on “Hu chayecha” will lead to Ahava Misoteres. But Ahava B’chal Meodecha...

Ranat Class #17

HISBONNENUS Meditation is emptying the mind so the soul can shine forth into the brain. We don’t do this. Hisbonnenus is about filling the mind with chassidus. It is a difficult process that one has to DO in order to be able to learn how to do it. Several different posukim and the maamarim associated...

Ranat Class #16

Shuva class 3: B’chal Levavcha; B’chal Nafshecha; B’chal Meodecha B’chal Levavcha: 1) Loving Hashem in your heart (ONLY) 2) Levels of Nefesh, Ruach and Neshama 3) Yetzer Tov and Yetzer Hara. B’chal Nafshecha: 1) Love is spread out through the whole guf. 2) Level of Chaya 3) Love even if He takes your life. (lower...

Ranat Class #15

Shuva class 2: P 19, 19 lines from Bottom. Chesed and Gevura ATIK = Old; Copied; Separated. 1) Atik is an exact copy of Atzmus like it is in Seder Hishtalshelus, 2)Separate from hishtalshelus but still a part of it, and separated from the Atzmus from which it was copied. 3) Old=always was. Levi serves...

Ranat Class #14

Shuva class 1: Hemshech: Maamarim 1-2 – Kos; Maamar 3 is Din as a world of Mesiras Nefesh; Maamarim 4-5 about Din as in Hiding Elokus. Gevura is Z”A is cold, matter of fact, exacting, clinical and fair, but can also be cruel. A judgment that separates out good from evil. Gevura of Atik is...