Class 20
Page 25-6. This Ma’amar follows the two that came before it and it is notes on the new Ma’amar based on the earlier Shiurim. This class reviews the previous ones, has much discussion and Q&A and explains a few ideas inside. 1) Ata Hu Hashem livadecha, 2) Ad Shelo Nivra HaOlom Haya Hu Ushmu Bilvad....
Class 21
Page 27-9. Malchus is a Midda which is so separate from the Nefesh that it is altogether outside the (ohr of) the Nefesh. Kochos (Sechel, Middos and Chushim) are outside the Nefesh but it is still close enough to the Nefesh to be considered a Nafshi. Malchus has a low end which is altogether outside...
Class 22
Page 29-30 (and before). The two opposites of the Kav: 1) how far from the Ein Sof it is. It went through Tzimtzum and has been changed from Iggul to Kav, and is only a Haara DiHaaara of the Ein Sof; on the other hand the Tzimtzum imposes nothing on the Kav other than to...
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