
Class 00 Short summaries of the Ma'amarim not said.

The Hemshech Rosh Hashana of this year (5668) was never finished. However, the Rebbe RaShaB wrote points of what would have followed had he continued saying and writing this Hemshech. It seems that he went as far as to complete it altogether in these notes. In these few classes we attempt to decipher these notes...

Class 32

Page 43-4. Notes for Ma’amarim numbered 1-2. Bittul, chidush, Only Neshamos and not Malachim, Kodesh, Torah and Tefilla, the lowest Avoda the greatest delight.

Class 33

Page 44-5. Notes for Ma’amar numbered 3 This class accepts that even Malachim deal with Birur but it is not low enough to reveal so high an Ohr as Neshamos reveal. Nehamos reach kedusha and malachim cannot.

Class 34

page 45-6. Notes for Ma’amarim numbered 4-5. In this class we explore the different (possible) levels of Bittul amongst Neshamos! We distinguish Kadosh from Kodesh and explain them (in the context of the Bittul (Chidush) being discussed here) as the two levels of 1) Kla Chashiv and 2) Lo Yada. We complete the notes of...