Class 52
Page 171-3. First class on (the first level of) Shmo Hagadol. Havaya according to the Pardes, is only Ohr once it goes into keilim. Midrash about Havaya and the Svara of Havaya meaning to create consolidate this idea.
Class 53
Page 173-4, 177, 178. Even to the Pardes, Havaya is the name associated with the essence. 1) Maros Gedolos and Maros Ketanos, 2) The Dvaikus in Ein Sof.
Class 54
Page 174-6. Elokim other than Him Levels from different points of view. This class explores a very interesting argument about what is and is not real, in the metaphysical discussions in Torah, how to make all opinions correct.
Class 55
Page 176-8. Yisro was impressed by Havaya that breaks Elokim, not only manages it; but more importantly, he was impressed by the bringing together of opposites (like the Aron existing in space and not in space at the same time), of Teva revealing Hashem and being preserved as represented by the ‘Mida Kineged Mida’ punishment...
Class 56
Page 178-180. The second Shmo Hagadol (higher than Havaya) according to the Pardes. It is available only through Hoda’a.
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