
Class 23

Page 41-3. Voice is different than words, the Kolos are voices, The mystical idea of voice, between emotion and revelation. The Kolos from down up- Prayer, and from up down- Torah. ‘Ani’ (Tefilla) two ideas in ‘Ani’ Yeshus and Bittul and their disconnectedness. Nafshi, two opposites as well. Prayer to fill a lack on high,...

Class 24

Page 43-5. Ata Hu Havaya Livadecha (1). Ata= Atzmus, the Truth of God Himself is simple and known to all, even the simplest ones. Hamaor Hu Bi’Hisgalus is discussed here and the idea that even small children and simpletons have opinions on G-d because they subliminally know Him.

Class 25

Page 43-5. Ata Hu Havaya Livadecha (2). Hu means Godliness which is very sophisticated and known only indirectly by very intelligent people. Havaya means the revelation of that Godliness, Livadecha it is all One with Him before the Tzimtzum.

Class 26

Page 45-6. Ata (missing the Hai) asisa Es HaShamayim. What gets lost in Tzimtzum HaRishon is all of Ein Sof, including the ten hidden S’firos (and these are the five Partzufim) only Malchus of Malchus becomes the basis for the Ohr (Ein Sof) of the kav.

Class 27

Page 46-7. The first three Brachos of Shemone Esrei are connected to the ten S’firos, the middle Brachos are the lacks that need to be filled, so we begin with the first three (shvach) to have with what to fill the lacks. This class explains how the lack of Malchus due to it’s Yeshus is...

Class 28

Page 47-8. Krias Shma (the divine perspective, there is nothing but God) and Shmone Esrei (the human perspective, so we have needs), Torah brings down with no struggle to the very refined (that Davened already), Tefilla raises up, and brings down to fill the ‘lack’ far more slowly. The first Kol (Tefilla without a Vov)...