Samach Tisamach 5657 - Class 39
Page 43- 4. Kol Chayei HaOlom Haba- Ziv HaShechina, vs. bringing down קדוש, קדש and creating new קדושה as it says ועשיתם את כל מצותי והיתם קדושים לאלוקיכם. These two ideas of Gan Eden and Kedusha are like Kavana and Ma’aseh HaMitzvah; Na’aseh and Nishma etc.
Samach Tisamach 5657 - Class 40
Page 44-5. The idea that דרבנן ודברי סופרים are higher than דברי תורה. In order to bring the Torah (of Atzilus) lower, one must dig higher. Thus, חמורים דברי סוםרים יותר מדברי תורה Though ד”ס are lower than and come from ד”ת, nevertheless their source is higher.
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