19 Classes

vyadata-classes 1 to 18

Classes 1 to 18. The Mem Gimmel Class series includes a full year of study at a relatively advanced level. The classes delve into an important area of the chassidus of Rabbi Shalom Dov Ber Schneersohn (Rashab, the fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch). The first 18 classes in this series cover a discourse from 5657 (1897) (Vyadata). The topic is Achdus Hashem (the unity of G-d) based on the pasuk (line) "Hashem hu ha'Elokim" (e.g., the Divine Name "Havaya" - an acronym for the 4 letter name of G-d - and the Divine name "Elokim" are one and the same). The discourse explains this concept of unity on three levels: (1) Havaya and Elokim are like the right and left Hands of One G-d; (2) Elokim conceals only from the perspective of the creation not the Creator; and finally (3) deep spiritual service makes it possible for us to experience the truth of the unity of Hashem in creation. Vyadata concludes with two practical discussions. First, earning a parnassa (a livelihood) while keeping a balance between faith and human effort. Second, the significance of personal tests.

21 Classes

Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5643

This ma'amar discusses Chanuka and is also an Achdus Hashem ma'amar based on the pasuk, "Ani Hashem Lo Shanisi" (I Hashem (Havaya) have not changed). Based on different interpretations of the word "Havaya" the meaning of "lo shanisi" also changes. The first half of the discourse is mystical and philosophical and is meant to be a meditation. A person who wishes to connect to G-d should meditate on the idea that G-d does not change as a result of Creation and ultimately Creation is one with Him. The second half of the discourse talks about the feeling of great excitement and desire to become one with G-d caused by the meditation. The Rebbe Rashab explains that unity with G-d is achieved through the joy that comes from the struggle within oneself and the performance of mitzvos (an experience of G-dliness in our daily lives). This portion of the Mem Gimmel series includes 20 classes .

18 Classes

Hemshech Rab Brachya 5643

Three discourses given by the Rebbe Rashab on 3 successive Shabbosim during the year (1882-3) covering the topic of the Beis Hamikdash (the Temple). The following questions are explored: 1. Why would G-d prefer our service to Him in the physical world to what transpires in the spiritual worlds? 2. What does it mean that G-d needs sacrifice and how can we explain the concept that G-d is nourished by the sacrifices we offer? 3. What does it mean that G-d has a home in a physical temple and how can G -d be satisfied by such a home? The next topic covered in the classes is the question of space. What is the Torah position on the reality of space (and time)? There are two opinions about space and the ma'amar explains the differences between them and then attempts to find a reconciliation. This section of the Mem Gimmel series includes 17 classes.

22 Classes

Lehavin Inyan Matza 5643

This is the last group of classes in the Mem Gimmel series (23 classes). A ma'amar on Pesach is covered. The significance and meaning behind matza are discussed. Most of the lectures are on the issue of memaleh kol almin versus sovev kol almin (the limited revealed tailored light of G-d versus the infinite concealed untailored light of G-d). The Rebbe Rashab explores how creation is a product of a combination of these two forces. The infinite force of Hashem collaborates with the finite, divided, complex, rich and revealed force of Hashem to create a complicated creation. Additional topics are discussed in the final classes in the series including the uniqueness of Yiddishkeit (Judaism) and its role in enhancing the creation. As well as the seeming conflict between free will and G-d's awareness of what we are doing.

12 Classes

VaHashem Pakad Es Sara 5644

This Ma'amar follows the Mem Gimmel and V'Yadata series and is from the year 5644. These classes are from 5662/2002, and may be a bit different than the earlier classes due to the audience. (for technical reasons the classes begin with number 79, but no classes were omitted).


Achdus 134 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 8 Class 2. Question of Ruchniyus also existing Lima’ala in the Ayin, but not the Geshem. Another (deeper related) idea is the notion of אין כח חסר פועל למעלה- once something is close enough to be called כח it must have all the potential actualized, or there is a חסרון in אלקות.

Achdus 136 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 1. Higher level of Achdus is due to the fact that the צמצום from the מקום החלל (which also is a חידוש compared to עצמות שאינו בגדר מקום) is שלא כפשוטו. The אור אין סוף continues to be ממלא מקום החלל after the צמצום just like before, and the change is...