Class 55
Class #1: Emuna and Daas. Intro to Maamar. Zohar: Matzo is bread of Emuna, it nourishes yiddishe emuna.Q1 How is it that lechem gashmi can m’farnes emuna in Yidden. Q2 Kisvei Arizal: A) Matzo is katnus Abba. B)Matzo is nekuda tachas hayesod = malchus = bittel. How can Matza be katnus abba (chachma, sechel) and...
Class 56
Class #2: Mashal for Memalei Kol Almin vs. Sovev. Inside perek beis p 109. In Seder Hishtalshelus is 2 aspects. Memale kal Olmin and Sovev kal Olmin. MEMALE = Ohr pnimi = hislabshus = Giluy (REVEALED)= Yosher = I got it. SOVEV = Ohr makif (NOT surrounding , inside but hidden) = Ma’avir =Helem =...
Class 57
Class #3: Mashal for Sovev Kol Almin (continued). Inside perek 3 p110 5 lines down. Review: Neshama in a guf is a mashal for memale. Ohr,chayas, koach = Sovev, Memale, energy. Mashal for Sovev is Ratzon. Ratzon doesn’t have a specific place. It is both nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Ratzon can be...
Class 58
Class #4: Mashal for Sovev. Nimshal of Memalei (continued). Ratzon = fluidity of the body = is not a koach but a force that takes the 613 parts and makes them work together. Ratzon – automatic vs need to concentrate. EVED PASHUT has no relationship to his master, just does what he is told, no...
Class 59
Class 5a: Special shiur. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU, HISKALELUS. question and answer, rejection. Through this inyan, we can see the development of an idea in chassidus by the Rebbe Rashab. In our maamar in 5643 The Rebbe concludes that the inyan needs much further investigation, while in 5672 it is explained smoothly with no problems. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU...
Class 60
Class 5b: Inside sif gimmel p 110; then p 111 15 lines down. Nimshal for SOVEV. Review: GILUY is revelation a) to a zulas (hislabshus) b) zulas must get it (tefisa) c) the zulas determines what can be given. HELEM is hidden. a) there is no need for a zulas b) a zulas doesn’t need...
Class 61
Class 6: Creation combination of Sovev and Memalei. YESH MIYESH vs. YESH MIAYIN. Sovev is most important component of creation – Hashem created everything with Chefetz (pnimius Ratzon – The kavanna of the world) and Ratzon (the world itself) Creation happens with a combination of Memale and Sovev. MEMALE = Eila v’elul = Yesh mei yesh...
Class 62
Class 7: YESH MIYESH vs. YESH MIAYIN. yeshus from SOVEV (continued). Example for Eila v’Elul is sechel and middos. Each emotion has a separate source in the nefesh, but it is hidden. Use Chochma and Bina to think about something and the emotion passes through the brain and is revealed. Then the brain is no...
Class 63
Class 9a: Where in HISHTALSHELUS does SOVEV kol ALMIN begin? RATZON KLALI. Be careful when dealing with Kabbalah not to diminish Hashem. But Kabbalah allows us to have a relativity with Hashem. Hashem doesn’t have to do anything in a particular way. He chose to make the world orderly so we can connect to Him....
Class 64
Class 9b: Where in HISHTALSHELUS does SOVEV KOL ALMIN begin? cont. Inside p. 112 8 lines from the bottom. Adam Kadmon is Ratzon d’Ratzon of the world. It contains the will for all the wills. Machshava Hakeduma d’A”K is the beginning of Sovev kal Almin. It is a memutza between Atzmus Ohr Ein Sof and...
Class 65
Class 10: Several terms are discussed: Pshitus, Klal. Thiru Ilaa, Thiru Tataa. PSHITUS=ONE with no details, opposite of Tziur, the many do not define the ONE. KLAL: ONE but made up of many separate things that DO define the ONE. In nefesh, the etzem ha nefesh is pshitus, it relates only to itself – hence...
Class 66
Class 11: End of perek 4. (6 lines from bottom p 117) Creation is a combination of Memale and Sovev. Memale brings beauty and order, gradualism, yesh miyesh, a finite power. In order to make yesh miayin need an infinite power. Whole seder Hishtalshelus is in one point, a Quantum leap. Sovev kal Almin.
Class 67
Class 12:Summary of Chapters 5-6. Language varies from maamar to maamar depending on its source. Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu – Kadesh is holy and removed = Sovev Kal Almin; Baruch = hamshacha to bring down = Memale. Kesser Malchus = Sovev; 10 Sefiros of Malchus = Memale . Malchus is lowest Sefira but has the...
Class 68. Maamar Kol Dodi
Class 68. Class 13: Introduction to the second maamar in this section – Kol Dodi. MATTAN TORAH is the purpose- ANOCHI Yesh Meayin. The first maamar talked about Creation – this one is about yetzius Mitzrayim and Mattan Torah. 2 Ratzons – Pnimius HaRatzon for Torah and Mitzvas, and CHitzonius HaRatzon to create the world...
Class 69
Class 14: The concept of “AYIN” is beyond comprehension to us, but INSIGNIFICANT to HIM. Yesh MeAyin – world comes into being every instant – illustrated by 3 stories about tzaddikim davenning for their needs, but yesh M’ayin is only a haarah. Mattan Torah is Atzmus b’giluy in Torah. Yesh HaAmiti – this is the...
Class 70
Class 15: Mispar ispar hamer ubeh lemata, lemaala. Detail means less light. World created with dibbur. 1) separate from the speaker, 2) only one word at a time, 3) Limited power behind the speech. “Sefiros” (in hemshech ‘ayin-beis’) has four explanations. 1) Number, 2) Light, 3) a story, 4) Sefer – a book of stories,...
Class 71
Class 16: Six Middos, twelve Gevulei Alachson in Malchus. Numbers bli gvul. MOSHOL: Steps in building a house. 1) a Ratzon – a wanting to have – not realistic –>2) Chochma a flash – possibility to make it real –> 3) Bina – a house is now many bricks, windows, is it worth it to...
Class 72
Class 17: Chochma – identifies which sound should come from a given motza. Tziruf into words, sentences etc. The Root of letters is from Atzmus. Chochma carries the osios into Malchus, where the light is diminished and the individual oisios can emerge, first by being divided into 5 categories: the throat, the tongue, the lips,...
Class 73
Class 18: ANOCHI- took us out of every MITZRAYIM. Review Speech and inside p. 117 7 lines from bottom.Speech is mostly Malchus with a little Chochma. When Hashem uses speech to create the world, it is only a HaAra from Malchus – Chitzonius. Yesh M’Ayin is only a HaArah. Perek tes. Anochi Havaya Eloka…Who took...
Class 74
Class 19: Atzilus part 1: ATZILUS- allows for a real relationship with HASHEM. In hemshech ayin-beis there are 4 definitions of the word Sefira. 1) a number 2) Light that shines and reveals misaprim 3) a sefer and 4) a Sipur the source of the sefer. In Atzilus is the joining of Oros (infinite) with...
Class 75
Class 20: ATZILUS (continued). ARIZAL- the Ein Sof can be OHR PNIMI to keilim like neshama and guf. What happens when we put Ohr Ain Sof into Adam Haelyon? Ramak: The Light lifts up the kelim and bittels them a drop (Davenning and Torah). Arizal: The light comes in and descends down here – a...
Class 76
Class 21: DAAS- Elyon and Tachton, Rachamim of Murgash, Romemeus Emuna begins where sechel ends. Place of faith is Sovev. Daas = Maturity. Daas Tachton – Daas with a subjective hergesh (feeling). To feel Rachamim for another (animal) it must touch you (you could boil a lobster but not a cat.) Daas Elyon comes from...
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