8 Classes

01. Ze HaYom Samach Tess (1st Ma'amar in Hemshech).

01. Ze HaYom Samach Tess (1st Ma’amar in Hemshech).1) The first half of this Ma’amar deals with זה and כה and כ”ה אלול and ראש השנה.2) The second half begins the discussion on כי א-ל דיעות הוי’ה; two דיעות which means דעת עליון and דעת תחתון.

7 Classes

02. Ani Lidodi 5669

02. Ani Lidodi 5669Page 9-19.Explaining the two Ayins.Real Ayin next to Hashem.A relative Ayin source for the creation.

11 Classes

03. Anochi Anochi 5669

03. Anochi Anochi 5669Page 19-29.Further explaining why Malchus can be the Ayin of the Yesh HaNivra (creation) considering that Malchus is (part of) Atzilus. The three level of אור and שם and מלכות are developed. Malchus is so far removed from the Etzem that ion the Etzem it is not represented by anything but the...

11 Classes

04. Ushavtem Mayim BiSason 5669

04. Ushavtem Mayim BiSason 5669Explaining Atzilus (1st of two Ma’amarim on this subject).1) The issue of ממוצע (intermediary) between Ain Sof and the lower worlds is introduced here. Atzlius IS this ממוצע.2) Question One: how can there ממוצע altogether between what is truly infinite and what is truly finite. This is explained by the need...

7 Classes

05. Lima'an Da'as 5669

05. Lima’an Da’as 5669