01. Basi Ligani 5711 (Muga). One class, short version
The Rebbe’s first Maamar discusses the first chapter of the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani. This Ma’amar is also the charge for our (“the seventh generation”) time. To bring “The Schechina back down to the lowest realm”. This Maamar includes 1) a commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani (5710) chapter one. It discusses a. Ikar...
02. Hayosheves B'ganim (היושבת בגנים) - Muga - 5711
02. Hayosheves B’ganim (היושבת בגנים) – Muga – 5711This continuation to באתי לגני continues on the basic theme of struggling and transforming this world into a home for Hashem, adds the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid which were not included in the first Ma’amar. Why all Neshamos are called חברים?
08. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני - מוגה) 5712
08. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני – מוגה) 5712 Basi Ligani 5712 deals with Korbonos: 1) Sacrifice first requires examining and perfecting the animal, then removing the (animal ) passion, then using the flesh (gashmiyus) for Kedusha. Even a sinner can if he wishes bring a Korbon to Havaya and even higher. 2) The Korbon (from...
23. Lecha Dodi 5689, 5714 (Muga). (5768).
Another version (5767). Commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe and the Rebbe’s Licha Dodi Maamarim. The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013. (We’re including the Previous Rebbe’s as well). Lecha Dodi 5689. PDF The Maamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence...
13. Basi Lgani 5719 (Muga)
Class One: This class has a long introduction about the story of Basi Ligani. It also includes Perek 1, 6. This Perek ends the discussion about transforming Klipa to Kedusha, in this case, the letters ר, ק to the letters ד, ה. It is explained based on the Possuk גער חית קנה to transform Masculine and feminine קליפה...
16. להבין ענין כתיבת ספר תורה ה'תש"ל (Muga)
Class One. Introduction to the idea of edited Ma’amarim. The face has three levels: 1) Large holes [ears, nose, mouth etc.], 2) hair, 3) the face itself. These three levels are understood in two opposite ways, in terms of revelation the first reveals the most, but in the essence, the last reveals the essence itself...
04. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731 (Muga)
Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731PDF Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class One. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Two. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Three.
36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)
36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)The center (ביאור) of this Ma’amar continues the theme of the two that came before it. It continues the discussion on the advantage of באר מים חיים (a well dug by people) over מעין גנים (a fountain straight from heaven) because our Avoda gets us...
38. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma'amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.
38. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.This Ma’amar is the first of two in a Hemshech (series) both on this Possuk.Tziyon is the level of the Neshama above the world and it’s redemption is through Torah.Shaveha are the levels of the Neshama in the body; and it’s redemption is through Tzedaka. This...
39. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 02 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.
39. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 02 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.In this second Ma’amar of this Hemshech the Rebbe questions the notion raised in the earlier Ma’amar that Tzadik (ציון במשפט תפדה) is higher than Teshuva (ושבי’ בצדקה).The question arises from another Ma’amar where the (same) Tzemach Tzedek refers to ושבי’ בצדקה as being the Teshuva...
02. Shuva Yisroel 5736
02. Shuva Yisroel 5736The Koach to do Teshuva comes from the higher level of Yisroel. This explains the continuation in the Possuk:1) כי כשלת בעוניך- we only stumbled.2) קחו עמכם דברים ושובו אל הוי’ה- this is not about ודוי (confession); it is about core4cting an action with an (small) action (at least). 3) אמרו אליו...
03. BaSukos Tashvu 5736
03. BaSukos Tashvu 5736This Ma’amar explores various ideas that all revolve around one basid idea.Sitting in the Sukkah in Chassidus means bringing the Makif into Pnimiyus.It creates Peace, through Da’as.Kol HaEzroch… what will happen alter (after Moshiach comes) affe3cts now also.Lima’an Yadu Dorosaichem internalizing through Da’as.The LulavThe 70 cows Bringing the Makif all the way...
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga).
38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga).The Rebbe said three Ma’amarim in a row, all beginning with this same Possuk נתת ליריאיך נס להתנוסס מפני קושט סלה למען יחלצון ידידיך הושיעה ימינך ועניני (A. Shabbos Chukas-Balak 12 Tamuz; B. Sunday 13 Tamuz; C. Tuesday 15 Tamuz, and then (later) instructed that they be...
08. VaHavaya Amar 5737
VaHavaya Amar 5737, Class One.This unique Ma’amar explores the two Ma’amarim of Parshas Vayera in the Hemshech Samach Vov, from the two years 5606 and 5607. Both of them deal with Hashem’ special love for Avrohom because of how he will raise his children.But there are differences.What emerges is this: the first Ma’amar speaks of...
16-17. באתי לגני ה'תשל"ז (2 Ma'amarim Muga)
Class One. Perakim 1-4. Introduction and overview of the Hemshech. Last year we explained the דלת as opposed to the ריש as having ביטול, until the highest levels: אזעירת גרמי’, לית לה מגרמי’ה כלום. This year we learn about another יו”ד one that brings down. This is the יו”ד of חכמה that comes down with...
18 Hinneni Mamtir 5737 (Muga)
18 Hinneni Mamtir 5737 (Muga), Class One.This Ma’amar is Muga and appears in Sefer Hama’amarim Milukat vol 1 page 235 ff.It is a Manna מן Ma’amar explaining the spiritual significance (beyond just feeding Yidden in the wilderness) of the Man.Point: there is no way one can achieve the highest level of oneness with Hashem through...
04. Basukos Tashvu 5738 (Muga)
Basukos Tashvu 5738, Class One.This Ma’amar was edited by the Rebbe at the time he said it in 5738, and was made public on Hoshana Rabba 5738, hours before the infamous heart attack he suffered then. This first class has three areas of questions:1) Understanding the Sukka2) Understanding the ד’ מינים the four kinds used...
05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738 (Muga)
Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the last one.The idea of “Achas” is continued here. The Rebbe adds that “Achas” is brought forward through Teshuva, which is above all limitations, including the limitations of time. After Tishrei the “Achas” comes down into our daily actions, not only Torah and Mitzvos but...
06. Breishis 5738 (Muga)
Breishis 5738.Two ideas:1) Don’t be afraid.2) Ohr Chadash. now the details: This Ma’amar goes on the (Possuk as interpreted by) the Midrash that addresses the question of why the Torah begins with the creation account rather than the Torah and Mitzvos.In short: Torah and Mitzvos reveal the light from before Tzimtzum, but Birurim reveals “Ohr...
07. Mayim Rabim 5738 (Muga)
Mayim Rabim 5738.This single class ma’amar introduces revolutionary ideas about teshuva. The Alter Rebbe says that the “real reason” for the Neshama’s decent into this world is for Teshuva.In addition to understanding this basically (doing Teshuva after an error) there is the deeper idea: the very departure and return of the Neshama is a journey...
08. Lech Lecha 5738 (Muga)
Lech Lecha 5738.There are two journeys:1) From higher to lower; this is the journey of Avrohom to engage with the world; it is the journey of every Neshama as it descends from heaven to earth.This is also linked to the idea of ViYaakov Halach Lidarko after Tishrei.2) From lower to higher, from Avoda Zara to...
09. ViAvrohom Zakain 5738 (Muga)
ViAvrohom Zakain 5738, Class One. Why does a Jew (who is a חלק אלוק ממעל) need Torah and Mitzvos?Answer: The Neshamah is אלקות שנעשה נברא (G-dliness that has become a creation (worldliness) whose connection is hidden (דביקות בלתי ניכר בכלים).This requires Torah and Mitzvos to change and reveal it’s G-dliness.They (Torah and Mitzvos) are in...
15. Yehuda Ata 5738 (Muga)
15. Yehuda Ata 5738This Maamar has two parts:Part One: Yehuda (Hoda’a) can only come after Reuvain, Shimon, and Levi (we connected it to last week, where Yosef is before Yehuda). Only after giluyim can Etzem be revealed.We tied this to Talmud and Ma’aseh Gadol.Part Two: though the Hoda’a is only revealed after Giluyim, it is...
21. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738 (Muga)
Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738PDF Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738, Class 1.Introduction, the connection between Sinai and this Parsha. The idea of Moshe giving the Pnimiyus himself. Therefore he must give us Pnimiyus and be Koneh us.The question of why the Parsha begins with עבד עברי ואמה העביר’ה.Torah. This Ma’amar doesn’t talk about the Pnimyus, it deals with the...
22. Vikibel Hayehudim 5738
Vikibel Hayehudim 5738 Class One. This class encompasses almost all of the Ma’amar.The idea is that Purim, (one of our lowest points in history,) could be higher and be the conclusion (קיום) of what started at Har Sinai, (the highest point in our history.) The ideas of 1) Personal work (rather than from above) and...
37. אתם נצבים ה'תשל"ט 1 (Muga)
אתם נצבים ה’תשל”ט 1 This Ma’amar is about the כריתות ברית, the covenant between Hashem and Yidden. We had three covenants connected to Torah; this covenant (according to this Ma’amar) was for Torah SheBa’alPeh. To bring together the highest (רצון העליון) and the lowest (הלכה למעשה). This gives Koach for the three covenants of עולם...
38. Atem Nitzovim 5739 (2) (Muga discovered in the Rebbe's room after 3 Tamuz)
38. אתם ניצבים ה’תשל”ט 2 היום is Rosh Hashana כלכם means that we are a unity of diverse (10) types and groups to achieve unity called אחד, which is less than יחיד. However, then there is the covenant לעברך בברית which is connected to the body, here we become יחיד and one with יחודו של...
01. וביום שמחתכם ה'תש"ם (Muga)
The idea of this Possuk according to Chassidus is to link the חצוצרות to the שופר we blow even now. This means that in addition to the ביטול of שופר there is the מציאות of the איד as he is חצי צורה with Hashem. Version Two from Beis Midrash Linashim. וביום שמחתכם ה’תש”מ. Class One....
02. שובה ישראל ה'תש"מ (Muga)
(1) The idea of Shofar and Chatzotzros and Shofar (Atzmus and Giluyim) that were explained Rosh Hashana are repeated clearly here. (2) Teshuva must involve Ratzoi and Shov, connect to Hashem but then return to living in this world as a Yid.
03. בסוכות תשבו ה'תש"ם (Muga)
בסוכות תשבו ה’תש”ם (Muga) Version One בסוכות תשבו ה’תש”ם (Muga) 2nd version (BML) Version Two from Beis Midrash Linashim.This class discusses אמונה which us מקיף and how we affect התישבות in this מקיף as the פסוק says בסוכות תשבו.
04. ביום שמיני עצרת ה'תש"ם (Muga)
Version One. (the page numbers and layout are a bit different than the text i used, so you must adopt a little). The idea of חידוש was discussed at length in this class. The point the Rebbe is making is that the idea of חידוש is by a בעל תשובה. The Rebbe links this to...
15. Basi Legani 5740 (Muga) באתי לגני ה'תש"מ (Muga)
Class One. The work of בירורים in מצרים and in this final גלות reveals אלקות in בי”ע on the level of איהו וגרמוהי חד גם בבי”ע. This is tied into שם צבאות בבי”ע אות הוא בבצבא דילי’ה. The בעל שם טוב worries about the גשמיות of a Yid for this reason: it houses אלקות בבי”ע....
16. זה יתנו ה'תש"מ (Muga)
This מאמר is מוגה. It deals with the idea that a מחצית השקל is not a half שקל but rather an entire שקל that has been halved. This halving (causes one half to be lower) ends with the two halves rejoining better and higher than they were before they were halved. One half is the...
12. פדה בשלום ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
This מאמר was said at the סיום ספר תורה for the בית הכנסת בית מנחם in כפר חב”ד. The בירור of תורה itself in four ideas: 1) פדה בשלום the redemption from the struggle of עולמות בפשיטות happens peaceably. 2) מקרב The struggle to redeem תורה happens with a battle from close up מקרב that...
03.כנשר יעיר כינו ה'תשמ"ב (Muga)
This Ma’amar explores a sequence of four Pesukim beginning with כי חלק הוי’ עמו are our roots, ימצאהו בארץמדבר discusses finding us in a desert and how from the desert itself comes our upliftedness, This is followed by the Possuk that is the Ma’amar’s title כנשר יעיר כינו he explains how the transforming of קליפה...
10. אתה אחד ה'תשמ"ב (Muga)
Class One. There are four levels (like Hishtalshelus) and in each one there are three, like חג”ת. And above that is the plain essence of Godliness. מנוחה שלימה וכו. Every Jew is connected to all the levels of Hishtalshelus (like the ladder which is Tefilla) and also to the Yechida. Class Two. This Ma’amar and...
00. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5742/3 (Muga)
Class One. Shabbos has two levels: 1) The delight of Shabbos which happens by itself, 2) The delight of Shabbos which is connected to Avoda. Rosh hashana is also about delight, but it is higher than both of the aforementioned levels, it reaches the מקור כל התענוגים- the source of all delight. It actually isn’t...
01. Adon Olom 5743 (Muga)
Class Three. This Ma’amar begins where the last one ends: In the last Ma’amar the idea was that we affect the bringing forward of מקור כל התענוגים through blowing Shofar. Here the argument is put forth that the highest idea is not doing for any kind of pay back or effect but simply to do...
03. וחג האסיף התשמ"ג Muga
The system of unity (as explained here) is three steps: 1) division, 2) unification, 3) Oneness (where no parts exist at all, as all the parts are part of one complex purpose). In this מאמר this idea plays itself out in four things: 1) The harvest, 2) The Sukka, 3) The Four Minim Lulav etc,...
08. ViAvrohom Zakain 5746
ViAvrohom Zakein and Ba Bayamim. This was said before (40 years earlier about both Avrohom ands Sara) and it is repeated here; as there are levels in Ba BaYamim, the first being finite and the second being infinite. The numbers 40 and 90 are explored here.
38. Atta HarAisa Ladaas 5746
Two gifts of Mattan Torah: 1) Hashem gave us Himself, 2) He gave us the dew of (for) resurrection. These two gifts are called rain and dew. At Har Sinai and its aftermath, even the unearned dew is earned. It is therefore called “Geshem Nidavos”- rain of generosity. Even Moshe benefited from these two gifts.
47. Ani Lidodi 5746
Elul is the heart, seeing the face of the king which gives so much and nothing at all. Why Ani Ledodi is connected to parshas Re’ei (seeing) and there is no Shoftim (judgment) in Likutei Torah of Elul.
01. Tiku 5747
This Rosh Hashana Maamar explains that though all things, including time (and space) itself, are renewed from nothingness every second, some things, moments, and people (Yidden) are special. All these come together to crown Hashem as King on Rosh Hashana.
21c. Aileh Masei (אלה מסעי) 5713 (Class Three) [this part is Muga].
21c. Aileh Masei 5713 (Class Three) [this part is Muga].This short class is (only) the every beginning and the very end of this Ma’amar.It answers all the questions asked at the beginning:A. Until Moshiach comes we are going out of Mitzrayim.B. We get through Galus (the journey through ‘the desert of the nations’) with the...
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