11. Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) (Muga)
Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) Class One: This class has two very important introductions, that, it seems, are new ideas that the Rebbe focused on more after 5738 (especially the one about Teshuva). Introduction one: The Rebbe speaks about the purpose of creation being Teshuva, and in this itself there are two ideas. One: the...
13. Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738 (Muga)
Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738The issue of Chanuka, was an attack on the Soul (purity and holiness) of Yiddishkeit. It didn’t mind the Torah as long as it was intellectual, and Mitzvos were ok, as culture without Him C”V. The Mesiras Nefesh came from Yechida, completely removed from reason, and is one where one seems...
14. Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738 (Muga)
Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738Class One:This Ma’amar is Hemshech from the previous one.The Rebbe is discussing the idea of transforming darkness to light.In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (based on a Gemara) that whatever is in Klipa is in Kedusha first. He gives three examples:1) The setting sun in Kedusha is the transference from Atzilus to...
24. כימי צאתך ה'תשמ"ב (Muga)
Class One. The question: why speak of Yetzias Mitzrayim after Moshiach comes, since that redemption will be much higher? Answer One: Because there is some similarity, as both are connected to revealing the 50 gates of Bina (but not on the same levels). Answer two: Because all Geulos -freedom- begins with Yetzias Mitzrayim and it...
40. Vinacha 5725 Mugga).
40. Vinacha 5725 (Mugga).Moshiach teaches on the level above seeing and seeingBut due to the idea of ירידה צורך עלי’ה which means that even what we have now we be different then, Moshiach will even teach on the level of Hasaga.It all depends on what we do now in Galus: 1) Netzach overcoming darkness; 2)...
39. Vihaya Eikev 5727 (Mugga).
39. Vihaya Eikev 5727 (Mugga, Milukat vol. 2).לעילוי נשמת הרב התמים מיכאל עקיבא גרשון בן ר’ רפאל מנחם נחום ע”הThis Ma’amar explores a teaching of the Rebbe’s Father on Tanya Chapter 37 exploring the difference between מעשינו and עבודתינו based on אגרת הקדש סימן י”בThe idea presented is that מעשינו means exceeding the nature of...
56. שמח תשמח ה'תשמ"א מוגה (Muga)
Class One. The part of the מאמר we learned first, deals with שמח תשמח רעים האהובים= חכמה ובינה and the spiritual unity they have. Though there is natural Joy in בינה and especially in חכמה- מקום התענוג שלמעלה משמחה but their Joy is מורכב and therefore finite. The unconditional infinite Joy which we ask Hashem...
01. זה היום תחילת מעשיך ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
Class One. The world was created on the 25th of Elul which is special in so many ways, but we celebrate Rosh Hashana on 1 Tishrei, because of the revealing of G-dliness in the lower worlds. This is connected primarily to the נשמה, but the נשמה needs the body to bring it to this world....
03. בסוכות תשבו ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
Class One. Korbanos and Ketores both involve fire (light) and shade (darkness that is above light). But in Korbanos it is about the fire and the (visible heat and) light; and in Ketores it is about the shade and darkness. Korbanos: 1) bring close, 2) are a service of the mind, 3) reach -only- the...
04. ביום השמיני שלח את העם ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
Class One. This class explains two ideas in Teshuva (that are to a great extent opposites): 1) Actualizing the nature of the נשמה. This itself has two aspects: A. Its nature to reunite with its Source (Hashem) after being separated and placed in a physical body. B. Its desire to do what her Maker (Hashem)...
08. ויהיו חיי שרה ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
Class One. Simcha is explored in this class: Joy allows for complete Avodas Hashem; It involves great humility. It needs to be constrained so that it not result in something unholy. Class Two. The issue of Murgash (external and demonstrative passion) that was described as undesirable in the last class, is the Avoda of: Chava,...
10. ושבתי בשלום ה'תשל"ח (Muga)
ושבתי בשלום ה’תשל”חClass One: This is the first part (and includes ONLY an introduction) to this masterpiece ושבתי בשלום ה’תשל”ח. The essence of the Ma’amar is about the idea of חידוש (novelty). The idea is: what can man possibly do to appeal to G-d? Giving Him anything including more and more means little to Him....
10. פדה בשלום ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
Class One. This (first of two) class on this Ma’amar explores the idea of Shalom. To have peace from war has two aspects: A. The evil is נתבטל בעצם מהותו altogether nullified. B. The weapon used to defeat the enemy has to be transcendent- above the struggle altogether. He explains three levels in this: A....
11. וכל בניך ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
Class One. Two levels are extracted from this Possuk. The first is the Possuk by itself, that says that people who learn Torah are Hashem’s children and they have peace. The second is how this Possuk is understood by the חז”ל אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך that their Torah is מברר the world. The peace...
12. Shalom Rav 5738 (Muga)
Ma’amar Shalom Rav 5738 Class One: There are six Pesukim in the Gemara אמר רב אלעזר אמר רבי חנינא we will discuss (only) the first two. תלמידי חכמים מרבים שלום בעולם… וכל בניך לימודי הוי’… אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך. This Possuk is about bringing peace to the world, revealing Atzmus and making a Dirah...
13. Baruch Sheusu Nissim 5743 (Muga)
Class One. This part of the Ma’amar (which is the largest part of the Ma’amar) explores many levels of life and connection: 1) Food and drink, 2) Wine, 3) Water that is higher than wine, 4) Oil, 5) Good smell, 6) Light. Each of these six are found in the Beis HaMikdash and the Ma’amar...
30. Viavdi Dovid 5746. Acharon Shel Pesach (Muga)
Two opposing approaches to understanding Hashem’s purpose in creation: 1) Talmud: that is all about being close. It is the delight of Yiddishkeit. 2) Maase’: action that is about distance from Hashem and is special because it is a chidush- novel and unexpected.
20. Basi Ligani 5748
NOTE: This Maamar is based on ch. 18 of the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani 5710.
23. Balaila Hahu 5744 (Muga)
Class One. Sleep is an analogy for Galus. Everything is functioning but there is confusion, no limit, order, division. In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (the Frierdike Rebbe’s Ma’amar from 5700), in this way: When there is Shina (sleep) the kochos go back into the Etzem where they are on a higher level. It is...
59. Bila Hamaves Lanetzach 5725 (Muga)
Bila Hamaves Lanetzach 5725.This class was given at 770 in a large event, it has an introduction for about 10 minutes on the Rebbetzin.The idea of the Ma’amar is that immortality is natural and death is an introduction (unnatural) as a response for there being evil in the world, connected to the original sin of...
25. Hachodesh 5747
We have two new years, one for creation and another for Torah. This maamar explores how much higher the second is from the first. The Maamar is in two parts, the maamar itself is class one, while the incredibly deep mystical portion is in part two.
14. Vinacha 5714 (Acharon Shel Pesach) 5714 (Next Ma'amar is a Hemshech to this one) (Muga)
Class One. This class which discusses the very beginning and very end of this difficult Ma’amar, gets at the essence of this Ma’amar. The questions: 1) Vinacha… Ruach Hashem allows for no opposites but we then follow up with dualities: Chochma UBina etc. 2) How can there be duality in Ein Sof (LIma’amla Ma’amala and...
33. Lehavin Inyan RaShBI 5745 (Muga)
Class One. The first half of this Mugadiker Ma’amar addresses the idea of ‘Shvachim’ (praise or flattery) we give to Hashem to arouse Him to give us (K’vayachol) and how this was reflected in the Tanaim who flattered RaShBI. What is unique to the Rebbe’s version of the Ma’amar is that he explains that the...
37. Vayishlach Yehoshua 5736 (Mugga)
37. Vayishlach Yehoshua 5736 (Mugga)This (rather popular) Ma’amar, is very basic and important.It speaks of the two sets of Miraglim (spies) those of Moshe (the Parsha) and Yehoshua (the Haftorah) and the advantage of the Miraglim of Yehoshua over those of Moshe: A. it was commanded; B. it was only to the city of Yericho...
51. ציון במשפט תפדה ה'תשמ"א (Muga)
Class One. This מאמר is מוגה. This מאמר begins typically enough but then turns on its head. (in this class we learned the beginning and the end of the מאמר the middle we’ll do next time). The first explanation is: ציון are Yidden who stand out in Galus and deserve “משפט” redemption; while שבי’ה are...
41. Viatta Yisroel 5737 (1) Mugga.
Viatta Yisroel 5737 (1) (Muga).This Ma’amar is being taught as part of a series that will include the second Viatta Yisroel, the Rebbe said in 5737, as well the one he said in 5727 (which is also Muga).
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