
59. זה היום תחילת מעשיך ה'תשמ"א (Muga)

Class One. This מאמר has three levels: 1) זה היום תחילת מעשיך this is the idea that when man was created the purpose of the world began. That the purpose is to reveal G-dliness into the world(s). 2) זכרון ליום ראשון is the idea of חפץ חסד which is Hashem’s delight above man’s access altogether....

02. שובה ישראל ה'תשמ"א (Muga)

Class One. There are three Teshuvos in the Pesukim שובה ישראל גו. 1) שובה ישראל עד הוי’ אלוקיך 2) קחו עמכם דברים ושובו אל הוי 3) אמרו אליו כל תשא עון גו They correspond to the three תשובות found in לקוטי תורה ד”ה מה טובו which are: 1) סור מרע, 2) עשה טוב 3) בקש...

07. Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A 9 Kislev Ma'amar

Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A Tes Kislev Ma’amar Class One: This class is on the Biur (heart) of the Ma’amar. First we review (orally) the levels of NaRaN (Hilabshus and struggle,) Chaya (Struggle but no direct meeting, meaning no Hislabshus,) and Yechida (No Hislabshus, no struggle as there is no opposition). Then inside, why even...

31. Lehavn Inyan Techiyas HaMeisim 5746. Parshas Acharei (Muga)

The classic interplay of Gan Eden and Olom Haba (Hatechiya) where one is personal (G”A) and individuated and the other is universal (Techiyas HaMeisim) is here complicated.

20. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738 (Muga)

Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738.PDF of the Ma’amar. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738, Class One.This is the inverse to the Ma’amar of the 10 Shvat Basi Ligani, as it is about Torah and Har Sinai rather than about Dira BiTachtonim (building the Beis HaMikdash).The idea of Mattan Torah and Torah gives the Koach for all...

21. Parshas Hachodesh 5739 (Muga)

(1) This class (the first of two on this Ma’amar) deals with the idea of: לא הי’ צריך להתחיל התורה אלא החודש הזה לכם, ומה טעם פתח בבראשית? משום כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו לתת להם נחלת גויים The Torah doesn’t bring בראשית just to defend a non-Jew’s onslaught, but because the world is where the...

24. Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 (Ma'amar of 11 Nissan) (Muga)

Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 PDF Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class One.This class includes Perek 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 of the Ma’amar.The questions are raised (in the beginning) and resolved (in the end). Which comes first, Yidden’s choosing Hashem? or Hashem’s choosing Yidden? and the answer… His choosing Yidden allows Yidden to choose...

3. Matza Zu 5749

Outline. 1) Avoda. 2) Giluy. 3) After Matan Torah. 4) Mitzva. 5) Reshus

24. כימי צאתך ה'תשל"ט (Muga)

כימי צאתך ה’תשל”ט This Ma’amar addresses the basic question: Didn’t leaving Egypt take one day not many days? The basic answer is that until Moshiach comes we continue leaving Mitzrayim. A) There are limitations of evil. This actually happens in the ONE day. We leave Egypt, this is called מיצר והעלם. B) There are limitations...

4. Vehecherim 5749

Krias Yam Suf and Bekiyas Hanahar can be immediately concurrent

2 Classes

31. Hashamayim Kisi 5736, A Rosh Chodesh/ Kedoshim Ma'amar

31. Hashamayim Kisi 5736, A Rosh Chodesh/ Kedoshim Ma’amarThe first half (class) of this Ma’amar deals with Rosh Chodesh, and the disappearing moon (and its being a single point) represing Bittul which sets up the possibility of the NEW moon.This Bittul was explained in Avoda, on both edges: (being lower and higher than all Giluyim...

31. Lihavin Inyan Pesach Sheni 5738 (Mugga)

Lihavin Inyan Pesach Sheni 5738This class makes Iyar higher than Nissan, and Pesach Sheini higher than Pesach Rishon.There are four ideas: 1) Iskafia, this is the “escape” from Mitzrayim in Nissan, birur Milmata LiMaala.2) Ishapcha, this is in Iyar during Sefiras HaOmer when we transform our character, Birur MilMaala Limata; This is the level of...

40. Ze Hayom Usa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz)

Ze HayomUsa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz) Class One.In Miracles there are two outstanding characteristics: 1) greater vs smaller miracles 2) more impact-full vs less impact-full miracles.As it turns out, smaller miracles are (more believable and therefore are) more impact-full than greater ones. So… which is preferred? (The answer will, be in the next class). Ze...

2 Classes

44. Tziyon BiMishpat 5736 (Mugga)

44. Tziyon BiMishpat 5736 (Mugga)This Ma’amar is based on the first Ma’amar in Likutei Torah on Devarim: how it could have been and how it is.How it is requires ציון במשפט תפדה ושבי’ה בצדקה

3 Classes

40. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel 5735 (Mugga).

40. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel 5735 (Mugga).The 15th of Menachem is compared to Yom Kippur and actually is mentioned first. These two days are considered by the Mishna (at the end of Ta’anis) to be the greatest of all.The Rebbe finds the reasons for this in the Gemara to be insufficient, so he introduces...

43. Ani Lidodi 5732 (1) Muga

אני לדודי ה’תשל”ב 1 מוגה Class One (beginning and the end): The advantage of Bittul and Kabbalas Ol above all else, which is represented in this Ma’amar in the idea that the people CHOSE TO GO OUT AND GREET THE KING IN THE FIELD. Class Two: The advantage of the.. 1) lower Yirah over the...

41. Kumi Ori 5733 (Mugga Milukat Vol. 3) the Ma'amar Ki Imcha 5734 (Chanuka) is a Hemshech to this one.

41. Kumi Ori 5733 (Mugga Milukat Vol. 3) the Ma’amar Ki Imcha 5734 (Chanuka) is a Hemshech to this one.This Ma’amar revolves around a Midrash that joins together two Pesukim.Yidden tell Hashem כי עמך מקור חיים באורך נראה אור we insist that He shine light first and we’ll respond; and Hashem responds קומי אורי כי...