1. Aile Toldos Noach 5751 (Muga)
Two levels of Noach correspond to the two levels in Shabbos. The third idea unifies the two. The same idea is found regarding the double allusion to Noach. The unifying idea is “Toldos” his good deeds (actions).
08. Vayeheyu Chayey Sara 5745 (Muga)
Class One. Sara had two gifts for Avoda 1) Chyin Ilain, 2) Her life was hers (as she earned it). How can this Zohar be reconciled with Rashi that interprets the words to mean that all her years were equal. Class Two. The Rebbe explains that the two ideas of 1) ‘Her life is her...
2. Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5751
Based on a Zohar juxtaposed against Rashi’s commentary. Sara’s life is a descent of higher powers lower. Then the revelation of the lower power’s higher source. On the highest level all is equal.
09. Pada BiShalom 5746
Pada Bishalom has levels 1) that now is only potential and the Shalom will be revealed when Moshiach comes, 2) That the Shalom is revealed at the moment of the Tzadik’s histalkus, 3) That the Tzadik experiences the Shalom during his lifetime. This Ma’amar observes that the Mitteler Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit being the day before his...
09. מרגלא בפומיא דרבא תכלית חכמה תשובה ומעשים טובים ה'תש"מ (Muga)
Class One Three levels and stages: 1) רעותא דליבא 2) קבלת עול מלכות שמים 3) מצוה עצמה Footnote 20: Only Mitzvos actually “hold” Atzmus, but the רעותא דליבא and קבלת עול that proceed it allow the Atzmus to be “revealed”. Class Two These three levels are linked to: 1) בן this is the idea that...
05. Pasach Eliyahu 5715 (Muga), (Third of 5 Ma'amarim in this Hemshech)
Class One/ Nine (המשך). Nature vs. Miracles, where do they get their energy from and how are they different. Level One: G-dliness is revealed only in miracles; in nature He is hidden. Level Two: Both the miracle and nature are (sustained by) G-dliness, the difference is only from which aspect (name): Miracles from הוי’ה and...
06. Boruch Sheusu Nissim 5715 (Muga), (Fourth of 5 Ma'amarim in this Hemshech)
Class One/ Twelve (המשך). Class Two/ Thirteen (המשך). Class Three/ Fourteen (המשך). Class Four/ Fifteen (המשך).
18. Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5725 (Muga, Milukat vol. 5)
Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5725 (Muga, Milukat vol. 5)This folder has three classes:1) two are a detailed version of the Ma’amar taught at “The Yeshiva. Net” available at: maamarimonline.com.2) A single class given (for Beis Midrash LiNashim UBanos 770) in 5782 in conjunction with the Ma’amar Vayigash (Muga) 5736 [and followed by the Ma’amar ViAvdi Dovid...
13. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa'amarim Milukat vol. 5.
13. VaEira 5735 (Edited Version) Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5.Class One: This edited Ma’amar develops the ideas of the Divine names שד”י and הוי’ה; explaining that there are two (requisite) levels in שד”י the first is שאמר לעולמו די (Hashem’s used it to contain the creation), and the second is שדי באלקותי לכל ברי’ה (there’s...
15-16. Basi Ligani 5731 (Muga)
This Maamar (muga) combines two Maamarim said Shabbos and Motzoei Shabbos Bishalach 5731. The class was divided into three parts. Class One. Chapters 1-4 deal 1) the idea that “Dira Bitachtonim” is ongoing; and not something completed by Moshe Rabbeinu and other Tzadikim, 2) “Ikar Shechina BiTachtonim Haysa” has two points a. A great light,...
17. Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5731 (Muga)
Rabbi Paltiel presents a ma’amar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Tu B’Shvat that discusses the concept of the “New Year for Trees” in both Halacha and Chassidus (source: Melukat, Vol.5, p.169). This shiur was presented in Shevat 5768 (January 2008) at the… Women’s and Girls’ Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher Learning Many thanks to...
12. Al Kein Kuru Layamim Aile' Purim (ע''כ קראו לימים האלה פורים) 5713 (Muga)
This is the Maamar connected with the story of Stalin’s death.
24. Aile' Pikudei 5730 (Muga)
This was Hashem’s moment of intimacy with Yidden as they return (from a figurative exile) from the sin of the Eigel. Two Mishkans are like the two levels of a Yid’s service to his Creator: the revealed (emotional) level and the hidden (intellectual) one. Version One- Bilti Muga (unedited). Version Two- Muga (edited, Milukat vol....
06. אשרי תבחר ותקרב ה'תשט"ז (Muga)
Class One. This Ma’amar explains the four worlds as they relate to the Avoda of a Yid. The two levels of ביטול היש and ביטול במציאות correspond to עשי’ ויצירה and בריאה ואצילות respectively. He explains in footnote 31, how בריאה is also ביטול במציאות, as it is a ביטול that is natural to its...
29. Kimei Tzaischa... Arenu Nuflaos 5738
Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738, Class One.The Ma’amar is built around two definitions of אראנו נפלאותFirst Deffinition (Tzemach Tzedek) נפלאות- miracles concealed in nature; אראנו- are revealed.Second Definition (Mitteler Rebbe) נפלאות- the supernatural that dazzles and overwhelms and therefore isn’t understood or sustained with us is אראנו- revealed, where טבע holds למעלה מהטבע because when...
44. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724
Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724PDF Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class One. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Two. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Three. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Four. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Five.
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