01. Ze Hayom 5714
Class One. This typical Rosh Hashana Ma’amar explores the idea of ‘Helem’. When all Godliness is gone, what is left? God! This is the ‘Koach HaHelem of Malchus. All the revelations from Malchus are added to it in the process of ‘Binyan Hamalchus’ and when all of that is nistalek (removed) what is left is...
02. Suka SheChamasa Miruba MiTzilasa 5714
02. Suka SheChamasa Miruba MiTzilasa 5714Yiddishkeit is usually about light, why is there a Mitzvah linked (emphatically) to blocking the light?Answer: blocking visible light (גילויים) reveals the essence (מקיף דאור חוזר).After the Avoda of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we are ready to have this light (and to have it) revealed.
03. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714
03. Lihavin Inyan Shmini Atzeres ViSimchas Torah 5714Simcha mean revelation.Wine reveals what is hidden for man (Hisbonenus and Ahava ViYirah); and for ‘Elokim’ (Avoda reveals the Ayin of the Yesh and the Ayin of the Yesh HaAmitti and the Yesh HaAmitti itself in the lower Yesh; also אין אומרים שירה אלא על היין includes and...
04. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714.
Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh Chodesh ViRosh Chodesh 5714, Class One. This class includes Perek 2-3 of the Ma’amar that speaks of the ideas of Ohr (light) and Ahava (Love), arguing that the essence of all light and love is distance and not closeness. It discusses Ohr Yashar and Ohr and more. Lehuvin Inyan Erev Rosh...
05. V'Chul Banayich 5714.
This Maamar revolves around four Midrashim on the idea of Shulamis. 1) The first says that Yidden through Torah bring peace (real peace) into the world. 2-3) The second and third describe two conditions 1) Galus, 2) Beis Hamikdash, where Yidden can bring this peace. 4) The fourth says that to affect this peace the...
06. Amar Rav Oshia 5714.
This long Maamar is actually quite easy. It has two parts (basically). One, dealing with the words ‘MiKol Michatzetzim’, which means The idea of Bittul in the Torah even of children, and that learning Torah in this way affects one’s ability to paskin Halacha LiaMaase and teaching others. Two- Why this is most effective in...
07. Tanu Rabanan Ner Chanuka 5714.
This is the Chanuka Ma’amar that is the opposite of all the typical Chanuka Ma’amarim. Here darkness is not something that needs to be reversed but to be celebrated! Light and the sun (here) are about Avoda Zara (Chama) and the setting sun leaves only darkness which is God. The same is true of Sukkos...
08. Vayedaber Elokim... VaAira 5714
The theme of this Ma’amar is the revelation of Havaya and specifically the Havaya (dileaila) which is higher than a relationship with the worlds. Torah and its’ purpose reveals the Ein Sof. He argues that the association of Havaya to Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf is only because it is leading up to Mattan Torah....
09. Basi Ligani 5714.
Class One. The first class on this Ma’amar explores: 1) an introduction: Iskafia and Ishapcha and ‘Tzivos Hashem’, 2) Korbanos, Shtus and transforming Sheker, 3) Shtus has three perakim: 3. Shtus of Klipa, 5. Shtus of Kedusha, and 4. that bridges the two. 4) Yaakov Chevel Nachalaso is where Klipa (shtus DiLeumas Ze) can dominate...
10. ViaAile HaMishpatim 5714
Class One. This class explains the levels of 1) Eved Knaani, 2) Eved Ivri, 3) Ama HaIvria. We begin by explaining ‘Teva’- nature and explaining that nature is neither good nor bad it is ‘natural’. Dealing with the evil of one’s nature and not giving in to it is the realm of the Eved Kna’ani....
11. Vayakheil Moshe 5714.
Class One. This class raises and answers all six questions in this Ma’amar and explains the first three Pesukim of Vayakheil in sequence. Vayakheil Moshe- to give them Koach from the mountain top to be able to do Birurim in this world. Aile Hadevurim… refers to the 39 types of work that one should do...
12. Megila Nikra'as 5714
Class One. Why is there division in (the days we celebrate) Purim and not in Matan Torah? This class explores the beginning and the end of this Ma’amar. We discuss Hasaga vs, Bittul and struggle to understand which is which.
13. Hachodesh 5714. A HaChodesh Ma'amar.
Class One. 1) Creation, 2) Choosing creation, 3) Fixing Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Hashana, 4) Choosing Yaakov and his son, 5) Fixing Rosh Chodesh of Geula, Why is Rosh Chodesh of geula at a different time and not joined with Rosh Hashana etc. Answer: it is higher than the entire phenomenon of Rosh Hashana. Why...
14. Vinacha 5714 (Acharon Shel Pesach) 5714 (Next Ma'amar is a Hemshech to this one) (Muga)
Class One. This class which discusses the very beginning and very end of this difficult Ma’amar, gets at the essence of this Ma’amar. The questions: 1) Vinacha… Ruach Hashem allows for no opposites but we then follow up with dualities: Chochma UBina etc. 2) How can there be duality in Ein Sof (LIma’amla Ma’amala and...
Ma'amar Vinacha 5714.
Ma’amar Vinacha 5714.A Ma’amar about אור אין סוף and אצילות.And אין סוף למעלה עד אין קץ ולמטה עד אין תכלית.And Moshiach joining together the highest and the lowest. Note: we are missing class 3 and 15. We apologize, but the classes that are here compensate for their unfortunate absence.
15. Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714 (Hemshach to previous) (Muga)
Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version, Class One.The purpose of the world requires that there be a העלם (concealment) which then sets up the “real purpose” the reversal of the concealment itself. This is the meaning of על שלשה דברים העולם -ההעלם- עומד.אין סוף is one, but has two ideas; A. למעלה עד...
16) Vayedaber... Bamidbar Sinai 5714.
Class One. Counting the Yidden, Count and higher than count, or: bringing ‘higher than count’ into count. The number 600,000 is constant (A. In Atzilus, B. when Yidden’s Avodah is limited), is enhanced by the increasing and fluctuating higher numbers. Class Two. Questions and Answers. It all amounts to explaining two aspects: 1) counting, 2)...
17. Besha'a Shehikdimu 5714
17. Besha’a Shehikdimu 5714Jews are better than Malachim (angels) for Torah, why?
18. Vayedaber Elokim 5714
18. Vayedaber Elokim 5714Gevura is involved in joining the Neshama and the Guf together.Gevura is further used to help the Neshama overcome the challenges of the body and the world.This results in the Neshama having the (Yerida tzorech) Aliya.The Avos don’t have this Aliya for several reasons.The Avos are serving Hashem like ריח and we...
19. Vayikach Korach 5714.
19. Vayikach Korach 5714.Korach’s complaints; why they were logical and why he was ultimately wrong.This Ma’amar explores the idea that Gilui (Mimaleio Kol Almin; Kav) goes to Atzmus above Ein Sof (Sovev Kol Almin; Iggul) because it fulfills the Divine Purpose. The first class is an involved introduction the Hemshech Ayin Bais.
20. Lima'an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714
20. Lima’an Yechaltzun Yedidecha 5714Yitzchok is called ‘Yedid’ (as per אשר קידש ידיד מבטן among other examples), due to his Gevura: fighting to create a relationship form the person by himself. This Ma’amar explores אהבה כרשפי אש on the highest level, but that is entirely human!!
22. אחרי ה' אלוקיכם תלכו תשי"ד
Class One. 1) This Possuk (Acharei…) begins with love, the fear (which is supposed to come first, Tanya Ch. 41) is before this Possuk’s Avoda starts. 2) Walking from below to above is about one’s personal connection with Hashem as opposed to the formal connection through Torah and Mitzvos. 3) all the subsequent steps follow...
23. Lecha Dodi 5689, 5714 (Muga). (5768).
Another version (5767). Commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe and the Rebbe’s Licha Dodi Maamarim. The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013. (We’re including the Previous Rebbe’s as well). Lecha Dodi 5689. PDF The Maamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence...
24. KiTapuach Ba'atzei Hayuar 5714.
A Ma’amar of the Alter Rebbe and the Tzemach tzedek that has not been developed by the later Rabeiim that much, is always full of surprises. This Ma’amar can be seen as two distinct discussions: 1) How could a Yid appear side by side with Malachim who are prosecuting them on Rosh Hashana itself. We...
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