
01. Zeh Hayom 5744

Class One. 25 Elul vs. Rosh Hashana. 25 Elul: 1) Creation Yesh MeAyin, 2) Braishis, the first or before the first Utterance, 3) Yachid BaOlomo, 4) Emes, 5) Ko is a level of Prophecy. Rosh Hashana: 1) He hides the Neshama in the physical body, 2) Asiya in His Tzelem. Rosh Hashanah joins Zeh (Rosh...

02. Shuva Yisroel 5744

Two meanings of ‘Ad’ 1) Malchus, 2) Our Elokim becomes Havaya. Only Havaya can affect Tshuva like this. The free will needed to affect the Tshuva from the highest levels.

03. Ulkachtem Lachem 5744

Sukkos is all about Achdus in various aspects: 1) The Four Minim are all naturally inclined towards divisiveness, but they are never the less unified; they become the basis for the Achdus of Lulav: joining together for the Mitzvah of Daled Minim. 2) The Sukka itself unifies (in theory) all the Jews in the world....

04. Liosai Niflaos Gedolos 5744

This Ma’amar explains the connection between the Psukim of Ata HarAisa and Hakafos and Simchas Torah. 1) Ata HarAisa: Achdus on the highest levels, 2) Liosai Niflaos, not like RaShI Yesh MeAyin but like the Ba’al Shem Tov, From Yesh to Ayin that has two advantages: A. Atzmus, B. Revealed. 3) How this is connected...

05. Braishis 5744

This Possuk is hard to understand. RaShI explains that it means the first of the things to be created were… The Zohar has trouble with this and explains that this Possuk is about the ten Sfiros. Chassidus adds that 1) the ten S’firos are created Yesh MeAyin, 2) They serve the lower worlds, as they...

06. Vihaya Midai Chodesh 5744

Vihaya Midai Chodesh 5744Aliya LiRegel was really meant to be on Rosh Chodesh and Shabbos as well, but it was not commanded because there is a need ‘to see’ (not only be seen) in the Beis Hamikdash. the ability to see Godliness on Shabbos won’t happen until Moshiach comes, because Shabbos is ta’anug (delight) which...

07. VaAni Hinai 5744

When Avrohom did a Bris, Goyim lost the idea that from them came great Neshamos. On the other hand, the idea of Gairus became possible. This is a Yerida Tzorech aliya for non-Jews!!!

08. ViAvrohom Zakain 5744

This Ma’amar is based entirely on the beginning and end of the same Ma’amar from 100 years before: 5644. What is added with words VaHashem Barach Es Avrohom Bakol over the first half of the Possuk. ViAvrohom Zakain deals with overcoming tests, and VaHashem Bairach…, means that there will be no more tests.

09. Machar Chodesh 5744

Machar Chodesh 5744, Class One. Introduction a perfect world versus and imperfect world even at the highest levels. The classic theme of Machar Chodesh is repeated here. Yonasan is blessed in so many ways but he knows that the truth is with Dovid and he surrenders to his Bittul, calls it out and enhances it....

10. Pada BiShalom 5744

The standard Pada BiShalom (explaining the Possuk, not the Gemara) is repeated here. The level of peace follows the level of war. It begins (war) in little children who go towards peace as they age. this idea is explored in this class.

11. Ze Hayom Techilas Maasecha 5744

Class One. This class has an introduction that explains what will come in the second class. This maamar explains the letter from the Rebbe RaShaB that called Yud Tes Kislev Rosh Hashanah LaChassidus, and he wrote about this day ‘Ze Hayom…’ the inner Kavana of creation is revealed on this day and it has to do...

12. Pada BiShalom 5744

Shalom doesn’t mean that there is no opposition, but that there is merely an opposition that simply is not resisting, Shalom Rav means that the opposition is completely eliminated and transformed. This is the real insight into Pada BiShalom… Ki BiRabim…

13 Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5744

A Ma’amar that juxtaposes Mezuza and Chanuka candles and wonders why we join them together at the door, Mezuza on the right and the Menora on the left. Mezuza is for the house though it protects you even when you leave it. This protection is on the level of Hashem Echad (you’re above the world...

14. Hu Aharon Umoshe 5744

Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar discusses the dual expression in the Possuk Aharon UMoshe and Moshe ViAharon. It is explained on four levels: 1) Each does a different task- Aharon does Yetzias Mitzrayim and Moshe the bittul of the Pharaoh, 2) Each needs the assistance of the other, but the primary player...

15. Vayehi BeEtzem Hayom haze 5744

Yetzias Mitzrayim is linked to midday and mid night. This is difficult to explain is it about light or darkness? and the answer is that it is about transformation.

17. Vichol HaAm Roim 5744

Why was Mattan Torah with so much fanfare and noise? The idea is that Mattan Torah reveals ‘Atzmus’ that breaks ‘The decree that separates the higher from the lower’. The ‘noise’ affects Bittul which is (in a way) the Keli to receive ‘Atzmus’. The Class discusses the change that is affected by the fact that...

18. Aile HaMishpatim 5744

1) Mishpatim mean the Mitzvos that we have in common with Goyim, yet you must learn them from Torah and Bati Din yisroel, because… 2) Tasim means the hidden level of Torah and 3) Lifnaihem means the Pnimiyus of the Neshama, which is not available in non Torah sources. 4) It must be pointed out...

19. HaShamayim Kisi 5744

HaShamayim Kisi 5744This Ma’amar has three levels: 1) The idea of Shamayim and Aretz in ruchniyus, it represents 1) Torah and Mitzvos, 2) Yisachar and Zevulun, 3) The two parshiyos of Krias Shma, 4) Hafrasha and Haram, 5) Yerios and the rest of the Mishkan. 2) The “new” heaven and earth that will be Leasid...

20. ViKibel Hayehudim 5744

The Ma’amar of Mesiras Nefesh explains how Purim could complete Mattan Torah and Children could accomplish more than spiritual giants. The lesson for us now (even in Russia and certainly) in the west is obvious.

21. Ki Tisa Es Rosh 5744, a Parshas Shkalim Ma'amar

This Ma’amar explores that Machatzis HaShekel has a message ‘klali’, we are a half and the other half is our schar- connection to Hashem. Three steps: 1) Bittul until Mesiras Nefesh as is indicated in the idea of 1) Ze Yitnu, giving with no constraint, 2) a half 2) Above the bittul is the ‘ten’...

22. Zachor 5744

Class One. Two types of war (that are Mitzvah) 1) to conquer, 2) to destroy. These are the wars of 1) the seven nations, 2) Amalaik. Class Two. The war with Amalaik is destroy, as they are the essence of evil. The idea that everything must be for Hashem’s honor. How is destroying Amalaik in...

23. Balaila Hahu 5744 (Muga)

Class One. Sleep is an analogy for Galus. Everything is functioning but there is confusion, no limit, order, division. In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (the Frierdike Rebbe’s Ma’amar from 5700), in this way: When there is Shina (sleep) the kochos go back into the Etzem where they are on a higher level. It is...

24) Zos Chukas 5744

The idea of Avoda before the original sin of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and what was added afterward. All of Yiddishkeit is about ‘Dira BiTachtonim’. This is the idea behind ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah’ as well as ‘Zos Chukas HaPesach’.

25) Hachodesh 5744

The Creation, Hashem’s choice in creation, Hashem’s choice in His people. Nature, Miracles in nature, Miracles that are higher than nature. The interplay between nature and the supernatural, What this means in Avodah.

26) Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5744

The Ben Chochom already knows Aidus Chukim and Mishpatim, what is bothering him is, why our Yiddishkeit is different than the Avos and is connected to action. The answer is that ‘Avadim haYinu’-, the challenges in Mitzrayim raised us up to the level of being able to elevate physical things also. The Ma’amar also discusses...

27) Vayakam Aidus BiYa'akov 5744

(This Ma’amar is a continuation to the previous Ma’amar). Yidden’s Koach to receive the Giluy of Atzmus they get from Mitzvos after Mattan Torah from being Hashem’s children, especially after sinning and doing Teshuva.

28) Hafach Yum Layabasha 5744

Class One. This class exposes the fact that the Rebbe is basing this Ma’amar on the Ma’amar of the Previous Rebbe, yet he takes it in an entirely different direction, making this Ma’amar quite original. The conflicting Midrashim: Does the sea need the Jew or the Jew need the sea, is explained by the Previous...

29) Moshe Kibel Torah 5744

This Ma’amar explores the Torah Chadasha of Moshiach, two ideas: 1) The reason for Torah Chadasha is that if the world is new and the Yidden are new, then there must be a new Torah as well. 2) It can only happen through Moshiach, who is a Yid, a Neshama, who is higher than the...

30) Rabi Omer 5744

Rabi, who wrote the Mishna as a reaction to Golus teaches, that when one can choose he should choose Derech Havaya, order and not disorder, even if the disorder is infinite and the order is finite. The two examples of infinite are 1) Teshuva, but this involves sin, no one is allowed to sin (even)...

31) Im Bichukosai 5744

The world was perfect at creation and becomes more perfect through work: Dira BiTachtonim.

32) VaYedaber... Bamidbar Sinai 5744

Introduction, the Torah speaks in the language of man, but behind are deep lessons for all times. The lesson of counting the Yidden. 1) Through Moshe with the power of Hashem, 2) Midbar Sinai- Aliya, 3) Ohel Moed- Hamshacha, 4) Connect a Yid’s Rosh (head) to his Gulgoles (skull)- the NaraN to the Chaya Yechida...

33) Ko Sivurachu 5744

1) Lichatchile Ariber in learning Torah. 2) Birchas Kohanim, higher than Bracha and Tefilla. 3) What Yoseph wanted that Ya’akov could not do for him at the moment. 4) What does the Kohein get for blessing us, Rabbi Yishmael “a Kohein helps a Kohein”.

34) Usfartem 5744

Class One. 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer and 3) Mattan Torah are compared to 1) Sur MeRa, 2) Asei Tov, 3) Bakeish Shalom. Class Two. 1) The connection between Shabbos and Sefiras HaOmer is understandable in this Ma’amar which makes Sefira into a positive thing: revealing Godliness into the World, Shabbos. 2) Yidden are...

35) Karov Hashem 5744

Class One. Moshe’s explaining to the Malachim that they didn’t get the Torah because they have no Yetzer Hara etc, is really about the idea of Dira Bitachtonim. Fortunate is one who comes here (to Gan Eden) with the Talmud in his hand, meaning he brings along the level of Torah connected to action. Class...

36) Viavad HaLevi 5744

In this Ma’amar, he explores the idea that Gevuros don’t begin to be corrected until Korach (!!) and Levi. Gevuros should really not be correctable (and then the evil is never transformed) but through Chesed, even the Gevuros are elevated and transformed.

37) Vihaya Midai Chodesh 5744

37) Vihaya Midai Chodesh 5744This Ma’amar is teaching how to learn a Ma’amar. When you don’t understand ask! The Rebbe discusses two Ma’amarim: the Ma’amarim of Rosh Chodesh and Machar Chodesh and for the most part asks but does not answer any of his questions, to teach us how to learn. Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh...

38) Ma Tovu 5744

Why does it say only once ‘Ma Tovu’ for Ohalim and Mishkanos? Answer: by Jews even the temporary, Ohel, is permanent.

39) Pada Bishalom 5744

Class One. The Gemarah that links this Possuk to Torah Avoda and Gemilas Chasadim. The Rebbe links this to ‘the three pillars on which the world stands’. These three are affecting one’s 1) mind, 2) body, 3) world. The narrow world (the person) and the greater world. Yerida Tzorech Aliya of the Neshama, from a...

40) Tzav es Bnei Yisroel 5744

Korbanos do and don’t apply in the times of Galus, why? They do in tefilla, but they don’t in action, Why? Korbanos must show their Godly effect immediately or they cannot be offered! This is the meaning of ‘Nachas Ruach SheAmarti vina’aseh R’tzoni’, that his will was revealed immedaitely. We explore how this idea differs...

41) Aile Masai 5744

These Journeys set up all the Birurim in history. Though the desert has nothing to elevate (Birurim) and settle (Dira BiTachtonim), it is the defeat of the Shoresh of Klipa, so that the lesser Klipos can have an Aliyah.

42. Tzion Bimishpat Tipade' 5744

Torah and Tzedaka, first the sublime, then the material. Ultimately Tzedaka ascends higher than Torah. This Maamar was (and is) learned lizchus Shmuel Menachem Mendel ben Shulamis for a complete recovery and inner and outer (personal and familial) peace of mind. Amain! Another Version from Beis Midrash Linashim

43. LoHayu yamim Tovim... 5744

Class One. The greatest Yerida brings the biggest Aliya. Connection to Monday and the Shir Shel Yom: Gadol Havaya Umehulal Miod Bi’Ir Elokainu two insights: 1) He is seen as greater, 2) He is actually greater! Class Two. 15 Menachem and its importance.

44. VaYa'achilcha Es Haman 5744

Dew and rain, Rachamim and Rachamim Rabim.

45. Ani Lidodi 5744

We feed Him and He feeds us. On the lower level He must feed us, but on the higher level we feed Him.

46. Vihaya Ki Savo 5744

Class One. Bikurim, Teruma and the remaining grain correspond to 1) Yidden, 2) Torah and the world. This Ma’amar assumes the source of Yidden that is higher than Torah and Mitzvos. But to reveal this we need Tefilla, thus in this Ma’amar Bikurim is Tefilla, and as it is done each day three times! Class...

47. Atem Nitzavim 5744

Rosh Hashanah we go from the ‘prat’ (detail) to the ‘Klal’ (unity). Afterwards from the Klal, (the general) back to the details (Torah and Mitzvos) and when Moshiach comes we’ll go finally from the ‘prat’ (details) to the (ultimate) ‘klal’ (general inclusiveness).

48. Tiku 5744

Class One. A Possuk without RaShI or the Gemara reads quite differently. We blow when all is new and from Pleasure (Shofar). But it comes down from there into Bachodesh HaShvii, Biechad Lachodesh and Yom (Zichron) Truah. Class Two. Two becomes three (Perhaps: Pshitus, Klal, Pratim): Tiku Bachodesh: the source of newness that encompasses all....