
01. Tiku Bachodesh Shofar 5745

Class One. The first class on this Ma’amar is introductory, underscoring what is unusual about it. 1) On Rosh Hashana everything is renewed from Atzmus. 2) It then comes down into the smallest details, 3) Because ‘Dira BiTachtonim’ is the point of all creation.. Class Two. This second class on this Ma’amar explores the details...

02. Dirshu Havaya BiHimutzo 5745

This is a hemshech to the Rosh Hashana Ma’amar. The discussion here is about the idea of special prayer (connected to Davening with a Minyan or during the ten days of T’shuva when one is equal to an entire Minyan) that Hashem cannot ignore and He must answer kvayachol. On one level there is only...

03. BaSukos Tashvu 5745

This short Ma’amar explains Sukkos through the Possuk Basukos Tashvu… Kol HaEzrach… Yeshvu… 1) The Sukka gives us an Ohr Makif, 2) We sit and settle the Ohr Makif to be Pnimi, 3) We have Da’as which brings to Achdus, as represented by the Sukka and the four minim, 4) This reveals the highest level...

04. Yehi Havaya Elokeinu 5745

This Possuk which is one of the seventeen Psukim of Ata HarAisa, is a Prayer that Shlomo said, implying that even in his time it was necessary to underscore the superiority of the Avos and to pray that Hashem should be with us as He’d been with them. The Ma’amar explains this by explaining the...

05. Breishis 5745

Breishis includes the world as it is in 1) the Torah, 2) in the Sefiros and 3) down here. The point is the Torah down here!

06. Hashamayim Kisi 5745

Hashamayim Kisi 5745The heaven is a chair means that it brings Godliness down and the earth is His footstool which means the raising of the world up. Both these ideas are found in the Torah (Torah SheBisav and SheBaal Peh) and in the learners of the Torah (Yidden) and in the world.

07. Lech Lecha 5745

Lech Lecha is double. In Chassidus this alludes to movement up and down. This is Torah vs. Mitzvos and Tefilla.

08. Vayeheyu Chayey Sara 5745 (Muga)

Class One. Sara had two gifts for Avoda 1) Chyin Ilain, 2) Her life was hers (as she earned it). How can this Zohar be reconciled with Rashi that interprets the words to mean that all her years were equal. Class Two. The Rebbe explains that the two ideas of 1) ‘Her life is her...

09. Yafe Sichason 5745

Class One. There are four ideas: the Avoda of the slaves of the Avos, the Torah of the slaves of the Avos, the Avoda of the Children and the Torah of the children. The slave comes first so that the children will follow and exceed them. Class Two. Why is this lesson learned in conjunction...

10. Machar Chodesh 5745 (Muga)

Machar Chodesh 5745 (Muga), Class One. The Possuk that discusses the birth and renewal of the (new) Month, has three readings: 1) That the sun (mashpia) creates an interest in the Mikabel (moon) to want to get light the following day, 2) On Rosh Chodesh, the Moon (in its’ Bittul) receives the light from the...

11. Adam Ki Yakriv 5745

This Korbanos Maamar made its’ way into the winter because it was a newly printed Sefer of the Mitteler Rebbe. The Maamar (in general) makes two points about a Korban: 1) to sacrifice and transform, 2) Uplift and bring close. The Rebbe proposes that these two also exist in Pada BiShalom 1) Tefilla, 2) Torah.

12. V'Chol Banayich 5745

Two ideas of Shalom (peace): 1) Elevating (and giving clarity to) the sparks through Torah, peace. 2) Bringing together opposites makes even the war peaceful, as the peace is in the getting together with an opposite.

13. Pada BiShalom 5745

Pada_Bishalom according to the Gemara in Brachos (6a) involves all three pillars of Torah Tzedaka and Tefilla, but they are not equal. The Torah is on a much higher level than the other two as is enlightened by the Possuk Vichol banayich… Virav Shalom Banayich, that the Chazal interpret “Al tiokri banyich ela Bonayich”. The...

14. Vchol Banayich 5745

Class One. The ma’amar Vichol Banayich is a longer version of the Pada BiShalom that came before it. It teaches that there is a level where all three kavim are equal and a much higher level where Torah [Umnaso, Bichal Miodecha, Milachtecha Naasis Al Yedai Acheirim] is unique to Talmud Torah and this higher level...

15. Rani ViSimchi Bas Tziyon 5745

Rani ViSimchi is the Maamar of Chanuka (and Bihaalosecha, after Shavuos). It explains three levels and then a fourth. The three are the regular concerns of a Yid: 1) Mitzvos, 2) Torah 3) Mesiras Nefesh in the daily performance of Torah and Mitzvos. The fourth is called ‘Bas Tzion’ and emerges in Golus, when the...

16. VaAira 5745

Two levels are described in the first P’sukim of our Parsha. Avos had Sheim Shakai, and Moshe was given (for Yidden) sheim Havaya. 1) VaAira el HaAvos, how much we got from the Avos as a ‘sign’ from them to us which is not only a sign but a provision of power to achieve, in...

17. Basi Ligani 5745

In this Maamar the Rebbe explains how the incredible (number of) Tzimtzum(im) that creates the Ein Sof Limaala ad ein ketz and hides Godliness, actually reveals the very essence of Hashem. Thus the Limaala ad ein ketz is also a giluy and a higher giluy at that. This then becomes the true idea of Otzar...

18. Arbaa Rashei Shanim Heim 5745 (Hemshech to Basi Legani (2))

Rosh Hashana is all about Tzimtzum! This Ma’amr that followed the Yud Shvat (5745) chidush of Tzimtzumim explains, that the reason for a head (of a year) is so the light can be brought lower and lower and lower, so that the Yid down here can achieve Achdus with Hashem through Avoda.

19. Vayishma Yisro 5745 (Hemshech to Basi Legani (3))

Yisro’s presence was necessary for the giving of the Torah. He represents the darkness that needs elevating, transforming and revealing the Godliness into it and from within it. The event of Mattan Torah was all about a higher level, revealing the Godliness from, and in and through darkness. This maamar also follows the earlier two...

20. Ki Tisa 5745. (A Shkalim Ma'amar)

The details of the Parsha of Machatzis Hashekel that are irrelevant beyond Moshe’s time (and beyond the Beis Hamikdash) need analysis. How are they also an eternal lesson? The Rebbe explains the idea that Torah is a Hora’a and an illuminated lesson for us to practice, not only to understand in some spiritual way. The...

21. Veatta Titzave 5745

VeAtta Titzave involves Moshe and Aharon: Moshe brings Hashem to us, Torah, no time; Aharon brings us to Him, Tefilla, there is ‘night until day’ (time).

22. Zachor ... Amalaik 5745

Amalaik, has four levels: 1) Separating the ‘face’ from the ‘rear’ of Avoda, 2) Coldness, 3) Doubt, 4) Da’as of Klipa. The answer to Amalaik is Zachor, remember from Chochma; against this Amalaik cannot compete.

23. Kiymu ViKiblu Hayehudim 5745

Purim is higher than Mattan Torah which is (in turn) higher than what the Avos did. The Avos were a Merkava but were able to bring Godliness only to Ruchniyus, At Mattan Torah the possibility to connect Gashmiyus was added and at the Purim story, the connection to Gashmiuys was entirely from below.

24. Ki Tisa Es Rosh 5745

Another Maamar Ki Tisa, this time on the Parsha. Ki Tisa here means T’shuva which is higher than the Avoda of a Tzadik or Beinoni and is the only reason there is even a possibility of sin by the average Jew. T’shuva is higher than 1) Right and Left: Mitzvos Asei and Lo Tase, 2)...

25. Lihavi Inyan Para Aduma 5745

Para Aduma is t’shuva, this means being very far and elevating the very low, and in this way reaching higher than high. Every aspect of Para Aduma reflects this. 1) Done out of the camp, 2) Represents the four galuyos, [3) Done by the Sgan Kohein, 4) Has no allusions as Kidusha, only as Tahara,]...

26.HaChodesh Haze Lachem... 5745

Class One. This class has the middle of the Maamar of haChodesh 5745, and it talks about the ideas of Teva (nature) and Ness (miracles). In nature, we not only see evidence of God’s presence, but we learn of the nature of God Himself, that he is unchanging. The Rebbe explains how much (and how...

27. Kigavna 5745

This very short Ma’amar explores the Friday night Kigavna, from the Zohar. This Ma’amar was said by each of the first three Rabbeiim, (which shows on unity of forms for ideas). In it he explains the Yichidim that happen on earth as do (always) in heaven (Atzilus). He explains further that the Avoda we do...

28. Kimai Tzaischa Ma'Eretz Mitzrayim 5745

(A 11 Nissan Ma’amar). Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar explains the idea that we continue to leave Mitzrayim in space and in time (as we journey through our history and move from place to place) until Moshiach comes. He explores the highest source of Mitzrayim in the highest levels of Lifnai HaTzimtzum,...

29. Bchol Dor VaDor 5745

(a 13 Nissan Ma’amar). This Ma’amar is a continuation to the previous Ma’amar, it further explains and enhances why even after Moshiach comes, we will reference our Exodus from Egypt. He explains that the undeserved Geula requires work: 1) To keep the candle from going out, 2) Lighting a Candle, 3) A special enthusiasm. He...

30. ViHecherim 5745

Class One. (A thought on 28 Nissan 5773). This Maamar which discusses Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf back then vs. the final Geula, explains (first) that to get the Torah down into this world there needed to be preparation from both ends. From the world’s end this was Yetzias (going out of and breaking...

31. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5745

Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5745Machar Chodesh. This is a difficult Maamar to figure out. It was taught as it was understood (and it may, of course, be wrong). Dovid’s real task is to be Moshiach, but for him to do his mission, the Birurim must be finished (by Shaul) first. The birurim are represented by the...

32. ViHiskadishtem ViHiyisem K'doshim 5745

This Maamar discusses holiness, not in the shul or Yeshiva but at the table. The holiness of the table (connected to washing, Brachos, Tzedaka and Torah) holifies the meal and contributes to the purpose of Avodas HaBirurim most substantially. It also mentions the idea that our holiness ‘holifies’ Hashem Himself (also).

33. Lehavin Inyan RaShBI 5745 (Muga)

Class One. The first half of this Mugadiker Ma’amar addresses the idea of ‘Shvachim’ (praise or flattery) we give to Hashem to arouse Him to give us (K’vayachol) and how this was reflected in the Tanaim who flattered RaShBI. What is unique to the Rebbe’s version of the Ma’amar is that he explains that the...

34. Im Bichkosai 5745

The Rebbe calls this Ma’amar of the Mitteler Rebbe a ‘wondrous Ma’amar’, It explains three levels in each and every Mitzvah: 1) Commandment (as the Soul is contained in the Nefesh HaBahamis; B’Chol Livuv’cha), 2) A promise that you’ll do it [as the Soul is by itself], 3) A story- the Mitzvah (literally) does itself...

35. B'Shaa Shehikdimu 5745

First Class. This shiur explains the three levels of 1) Bitul to Ratzon Prati of the Mitzva, 2) Bitul to the Will for all Mitzvos (as one), 3) Bittul to Hashem (He who has given them the Mitzvos). Class Two. In this class we explore the connection between the three bittuls 1) Ratzon Prati, 2)...

36. Us'Fartem 5745 (Erev Shavuos)

This Erev Shavuos Ma’amar talks about the three steps of 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer, 3) Mattan Torah, and argues that in each of these three there was a Koach elyon that allowed for this event to happen 1) Nigla Alaihem… 2) MiMuchras HaShabbos, the higher than hishtalshelus Koach for Sfira, 3) the ‘Tmimos’...

37.Tzena UrEna 5745

Another Shavuos Ma’amar. The Crowns: were there one two or three of them? Did they come from the Malachim to us or from us to Hashem? The answer: the source of all the Crowns are the Yidden, and they gave them to Hashem, but we need the help of the Malachim and therefore it is...

38. Ko Sivurchu 5745

Class One. Another Ma’amar that is (in part) a Mattan Torah Ma’amar. Why is Hashem introducing Himself as the Redeemer and not as the Creator, considering that Creator is Yesh MeAyin and a far greater miracle? The Rebbe explains because we look at things when they are actual (revealed) and not potential (hidden). Though from...

39. Im Chafetz Banu 5745

The Miraglim, a commentary on the standard Ma’amar of chassidus on the Miraglim. In p’shat down here bad people with bad intentions and bad actions, why does Chassidus paint them in such a lofty light? Answer: Chassidus speaks of them as they are in their Shoresh where there is only good. Beis Shamai and Beis...

40. ViHinei Parach matei aharon 5745

Class One. The first level of Birchas Kohanim: it comes from the highest level and therefore descends to the lowest place and is guarded there. Class Two. Birchas kohanim cont. 2) the Matei Aharon reveals the infinity of the Bracha of the Kahuna from the beginning, 3) The Birchas kohanim transform evil to good. This...

41. Zos Chukas 5745

The Torah has three levels, Chakika (engraved,) Ksiva (written,) and Baal Peh (oral.) These three also exist in the person learning and practicing the Torah. Action (oral,) feeling (written), and oneness (Chakika). There is a level of connection even higher than Chakika. In this Maamar the Rebbe explores a little bit the idea the Baal...

42. Boruch HaGomel (1) 5745

This is the first of two maamarim based on this Bracha. The Rebbe RaYaTz said this maamar twice in 5687 also. The two maamarim complement one another and some ideas are explained at length in the first and abbreviated in the second and other aspects are developed more in the second. In this first Maamar...

43. Yehiu Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 4745

The Ma’amar is based on the Sicha of 3 Tamuz 5687, Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu, that is a Tefilla, though it begins with a Posuk. It discusses the order of the Kuntres 12 Tamuz observing that it begins with Galus comparing Yidden to grapes that do the best when removed from their roots, he goes...

44. Baruch HaGomel (2) 5745

Class One. 1) The Neshama in a Guf is a Golus, 2) In this world in Galus is a double Galus, 3) the four that must say Gomel, that spiritually refers to a sinner doing Teshuva, is the ultimate Yerida, which brings the ultimate Aliya. This yerida is so low, and its’ potential Aliya so...

45. Kodesh Yisroel 5745

This Maamar develops (some of the ideas in) the Alter Rebbe’s maamar in Likutie Torah on this Parsha. Kodesh Yisroel LaHavaya, means that Neshamos, before they descend, are on the level of Havaya and even higher, as they are kodesh in a relationship with Havaya. Raishis Tevuasu (Tevuaso) means 1) that Neshamos are higher than...

46. Nachamu 5745

This Maamar that deals mostly with the idea of Moshe’s 515 prayers (VaEschana) to go into Eretz Yisrael, also deals with the idea of the 15th of Menachem (Av) as well as the haftora, Nachamu Nachamu Ami. The prayer is above Hishtalshelus, and asks for something beyond deserved but still from the Chain that is...

47. Vihaya Eikev 5745

This Ma’amar explains Eikev in several ways (the lowest generation the lowest world etc.) and Tishmeun, Ushmartem, VaAsisem, (Machshava, Dibur and Maase) which are all included in Shmia, Shma Yisroel. When we elevate the lowest level we reveal Atzmus.

48. Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadushim... 5745

Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadushim… 5745[1) Introduction: Shabbos Mivorchim Elul, inspiration.(15 minutes)] 2) Ma’amar. This Ma’amar juxtaposes the beginning and the end of the Rosh Chodesh Haftorah, which is also the beginning and the end of the entire (set) Torah Ohr and Likutei Torah. It begins by celebrating the heaven and the earth being made into...

49. Ki Teitzei 5745

Class One. One must engage in the war of birurim, and go out with a winning attitude, and then Hashem gives us victory. The victory is also ours and we elevate sparks taking back what was K’dusha in the first place. After the basic Birur and elevation, we must refine it, even to the extent...

50. Ki Tavo

Class One. This first class on the Ma’amar of Ki Savo we learned the ‘biur’ Everything in threes 1) Neshama 2) Guf 3) what binds them; 1) Mimalei 2) Sovev, 3) higher than both; 1) Malchiyos, 2) Zichronos, 3) Shofros; 1) Sur Mera, 2) Asei Tov, 3) Bakeish Shalom; Class Two. The second Shiur on...

51. Atem Nitzuvim 5745

Atem Nitzuvim means we are being helped to stand. The Koach comes simply from reading the Torah. However, we must also work to remember the covenant, through Malchiyos (Kabbalas Ol), Zichronos (remembering the Bris) and Shofros (action and Ta’anug).

52. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5745

Class One. The first of two classes on ‘Tiku’ 5745. The Ma’amar explains the need to renew the M’lucha from Atzmus. This is done by Yidden through ‘crowning Him’. The Rebbe argues that the fact that we crown Him and that we use a human Mashal is proof that every Jew has the equivalent of...