2 Classes

01. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5735

01. Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5735The renewal of Rosh Hashana as superior to the constant renewal (יש מאין) of 25 Elul.

02. Shuva Yisroel 5735

02. Shuva Yisroel 5735Why is teshuva associated with the higher name of Yidden (Yisroel) rather than the lower name (Ya’akov)?Answer: Because here we speak of Teshuva Ila’a which allows Aveiros to actually become Mitzvos. This is true after we’ve done the lower Teshuva in Elul, and become Tzadikim on Rosh Hashanah. Now we transform the...

03. Ki Chelek Hashem Amo 5735

03. Ki Chelek Hashem Amo 5735Four steps of the Neshama are described here (in order):1) כי חלק הוי’ עמו- as the Neshama is a ‘Part’ of Godliness, where a part is the entirety, as an ‘Essence’ when holding a portion of it is holding all of it.2) יעקב חבל נחלתו- the Neshama comes into the...

3 Classes

04. Ulkachtem Lachem Bayom Harishon 5735

04. Ulkachtem Lachem Bayom Harishon 5735This (Erev) Sukkos Ma’amar deals with the idea that after Yom Kippur’s Teshuva we are holding by Kesser, which is alternatively called Rishon (as the Ma’amar explains) and it gets tied into the four Minim and specifically the Esrog, which is connected to the highest kind of Achdus.

2 Classes

05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5735

05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5735Simchas Torah is not only that Yidden rejoice with the Torah; but that Yidden will give the Torah (additional) joy.

06. Breishis 5735

06. Breishis 5735This Ma’amar is based on the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amarim from 5705 (1944) (Breishis, there page 74 ff. and Lech, there page 90 ff.).The Ma’amar explores the question regarding the order of creation.Was Heaven created first (as we would intuit) or was Earth created first (as this is the purpose of it all).And of...

1 Classes

07. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (1st Ma'amar of Hemshech (series))

07. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (1st Ma’amar of Hemshech (series))This Ma’amar is based on this Ma’amar from 5666 (תרס”ו) and here the Rebbe explores (not only the התחלה וסיום (the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar in Samach Vov) but) parts of the entire source Ma’amar.We will give two classes: 1) On the beginning and...

2 Classes

08. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma'amar of Hemshech (series))

08. ViAvraham Zakain 5735 (2nd Ma’amar of Hemshech (series))This Ma’amar begins where the previous one ended. The first one is based on the Rebbe RaShaB’s Ma’amar in Samach Vov, this one is based on the Tzemach Tzedek’s in Ohr HaTorah. He adds the Midrash(im) that indicate that Avraham had a daughter (with or without a...

2 Classes

09. Pada BiShalom 5735 (a 19 Kislev- Vayeshev Ma'amar).

09. Pada BiShalom 5735 (a 19 Kislev- Vayeshav Ma’amar).This Ma’amar (taught in 2 classes) is about Shalom (peace) which is important in our Avodas Hashem. He explains that it is the end of the ‘war’ that preceded it. He enlightens this with the Parshas HaShavua, Vayeshev. The bundling of bundles is the reuniting after the...

10. UvaGefen Shlosha Sarigim 5735

10. UvaGefen Shlosha Sarigim 5735This little Ma’amar explains a(nother) connection between the Parsha (Vayeshev) and 19 Kislev.The notion of Shalom associated with the Alter Rebbe’s release (פדה בשלום נפשי… יצאתי בשלום מהשם שלום ואסיים בשלום) is in concert with the dream of the Sar HaMashkim (butler) recorded in the Parsha.Wine is normally Bina, which is...

11. Rani ViSimchi Bas Tziyon 5735 (1st of a Hemshech)

11. Rani ViSimchi Bas Tziyon 5735 (1st of a Hemshech). A (relatively short) Ma’amar that explains the notion of Chanukah beginning after dark.On the one jand this denotes the dire condition of the Jewish People then, not-withstanding that the Beis HaMikdash was standing, it was night and dark spiritually. This allowed the Syrian Greeks to...

12. Ner Chanukah Mishetishka HaChama 5735 (2nd of a Hemshech)

12. Ner Chanukah Mishetishka HaChama 5735 (2nd of a Hemshech).This Ma’amar is the Avoda follow-up to the last one; it is far longer and detailed.Here the Rebbe argues the idea of ירידה צורך עלי’ה in the most extreme way: even if the Yerida is connected to (free will and) sin, the fact that it happened...

2 Classes

13. VaEira 5735 (2 versions: Muga and Bilti Muga)

13. VaEira 5735 (2 versions: Muga and Bilti Muga)This Ma’amar was edited by the Rebbe in 5751 and was printed in Sefer HaMa’amarim Milukat vol. 5. For various reasons both an unedited and edited version was taught and are included here.

14. Basi Ligani 5735

Class One. 1) Introduction, overview of the entire hemshech (two points): 1) Iskafia ViIshapcha (Korban, Shtus, Sheker to keresh), 2) Tzivos Hashem. 2) three examples of Shtus DiKdusha in Tefilla, 1) VaAni Baar Vlo Aida Behaimos Hayisi Imach Vaani Tamid Imach, 2) Korbanos, 3) ViImcha Lo Chafatzti. 3) The question: why does the Frierdike Rebbe...

15. Hayosheves Baganim 5735

15. Hayosheves Baganim 5735When the Malachim and Neshamos come to listen to the Jewish people down here learning Torah, Hashem Himself joins. Only here where darkness is transformed to light (not only displaced by light, but actually transformed), is the highest Godliness available. The word ‘VaEd’ means forever but it is also representative of the...

16. Arba'a Rashei Shanim Heim 5735

16. Arba’a Rashei Shanim Heim 5735All four Rosh Hashanahs are similar; they share the properties of Bittul at the outset and joy at the end.This is true of the three Regalim (Yamim Tovim) as well; they have a Bittul property (walking with the feet) and they’re joyous due to the harvest.However, though they all share...

17. Ki Tisa (Shekalim Ma'amar) 5735

17. Ki Tisa (Shekalim Ma’amar) 5735

18. Viyikchu Li Teruma 5735

18. Viyikchu Li Teruma 5735The repeat of the word תרומה (to separate and to lift up) is used at the beginning of this Parsha three times.It refers to the three offerings of 1) half Shekels for the Adanim (base of the Mishkan) 2) half Shekels for the Korbanos, 3) various offerings given in the goodness...

19. Zachor 5735 (a Zachor Ma'amar).

19. Zachor 5735.[The following s my (personal) understanding of this Ma’amar]. There are two levels of fighting and defeating Amalaik:A. (higher one) by being זכר remembering above the possibility of forgetting, than there’s really no fight and confrontation.B. If one is not on the higher level, then he fights Amalaik through Torah.

20. Vikibel HaYehudim 5735

20. Vikibel HaYehudim 5735The Ma’amar speaks of three levels:1) The Avos’ Avoda before Mattan Torah; they were a Merkava and revealed the Ahava (and Yirah) Misuteres, but it was limited and (only) spiritual.2) Mattan Torah, where the Gzeira was broken and we can elevate the physical and see it’s advantage; and it is accompanied by...

21. Zos Chukas HaTorah 5735 (a Para Ma'amar).

21. Zos Chukas HaTorah 5735 (a Para Ma’amar).Para Aduma is ultimate Chuka; it brings together opposite extremes. Though all Mitzvos (Chukim -?-) do, but here it is most pronounced. The two names הוי’ה (in the Parsha) are interpreted to mean הוי’ דעתיק והוי’ דז”א; the merging of two opposites.This is found 1) in Torah, 2)...

3 Classes

22. Hachodesh 5735 Mugga (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma'amar)

22. Hachodesh 5735 Mugga (A Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar)This Ma’amar was edited by the Rebbe in 5750 (1990).It is being taught in three parts, discusses 1) the interface between Nissan and Tishrei, as well as 2) the interface between Breishis (creation- 25 Elul כ”ה) and Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem (first Mitzva), and it argues that these two...

23. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma'amar 1 of Hemshech of 2 Ma'amarim).

23. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 1 of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).The Rebbe said 2 Ma’amarim (one on Shabbos 10 Nissan, and one on Sunday 11 Nissan) with the same title (דיבור המתחיל), and the same basic design. This is the first of these two.The key idea in (both) these Ma’amarim is that בנך means the...

24. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 2nd of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).

24. Vihigadeta LiVincha 5735 (Ma’amar 2nd of Hemshech of 2 Ma’amarim).The Rebbe said 2 Ma’amarim (one on Shabbos 10 Nissan, and one on Sunday 11 Nissan) with the same title (דיבור המתחיל), and the same basic design. This is the second of these two.The key idea in (both) these Ma’amarim is that בנך means the...

2 Classes

25. Kimei Tzaischa 5735 (1st of Hemshech in three parts).

25. Kimei Tzaischa 5735 (1st of Hemshech in three parts).The perpetual question: why does the Torah link the final Geula to the initial one in four aspects: A. the Exodus (נגלה עליהם מלך מלכי המלכים… וגאלם), B. the splitting of the sea (הפך ים ליבשה בנהר יעברו ברגל שם נשמחה בו), C. the giving of...

2 Classes

26. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5735 (2nd of Hemshech in three parts).

26. Vayehi BaYom HaShmini 5735 (2nd of Hemshech in three parts).

3 Classes

27. UvRashei Chadashim 5735 (3rd of Hemshech in three parts).

27. UvRashei Chadashim 5735 (3rd of Hemshech in three parts).Final Ma’amar in this Hemshech that explains the connection between כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים and the אראנו נפלאות when Moshiach comes, in four aspects:1) גאולה2) בקיעת הנהר3) תורה חדשה שמאתי תצא4) כניסה לארץ ישראל לעתיד

4 Classes

28. Lihavin Inyan Hilula DiRaShbI 5735

28. Lihavin Inyan Hilula DiRaShbI 5735A Ma’amar in four classes about Rav Shimon ben Yochai and his level of Toraso Umnaso and how we can (somewhat) relate to that.

2 Classes

29. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan Machar Chodesh 5735

29. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan Machar Chodesh 5735This Ma’amar given in two classes, deals with two ideas:1) The typical discussion of Machar Chodesh; that in order to have renewal and birth the old is altogether erased and then there’s renewal (מולד); this is Bittul of the Body animal soul and one’s portion of the world, which...

30. BiSha'a Shehikdimu Yisroel... (Mi Gila LiBanai Raz Zeh) 5735

30. BiSha’a Shehikdimu Yisroel… (Mi Gila LiBanai Raz Zeh) 5735.This Ma’amar speaks of נעשה ונשמע; it explains that for Torah to be given, Yidden needed to first exclaim נעשה ונשמע;It further explains however, that in order to say נעשה ונשמע they needed to discover ‘the secret’ [of נעשה ונשמע or the secret that would lead...

31. Vayedaber Elokim 5735 (a Shavuos Ma'amar)

31. Vayedaber Elokim 5735This Ma’amar explains the idea of pre and post Mattan Torah Yiddishkeit; before- ריחות (like a fleeting good smell), after- שמו תורק שמך כמריק מכלי אל כלי (having the actual bottle of perfume and the substance -permanence- of the Torah). This is juxtaposed against (and answers many questions) on two Pesukim: 1)...

2 Classes

32. Bayom HaShaini... Nesanel ben Tzuar 5735

32. Bayom HaShaini… Nesanel ben Tzuar 5735Yisaschar is Torah, but still comes second to Yehuda due to the need for Bittul first.This is explained in two ways (in the two classes on the Ma’amar): 1) Tefilla before Torah.2) In Torah itself there is Bittul.

33. Viatta Yigdal Na 5735

33. Viatta Yigdal Na 5735This Ma’amar explores (basically) every single word in this Possuk.The gist of the Possuk is Moshe Davening for Yidden after their rebellion due to the spies. In his prayer to God Moshe asks for the יגדל נא כח אדנ”י the greatening of the Divine name Adna”i, which perplexes the Rebbe as...

34. Az Yashir Yisroel 5735 (1st of 4 parts of Hemshech)

34. Az Yashir Yisroel 5735 (1st of 4 part of Hemshech)This is the first of four Ma’amarim in a Hemshech about the Possuk מעין גנים באר מים חיים ונוזלים מן לבנון.The miracle celebrated in these Pesukim and this song, is not the (incredible) miracle of the בארה של מרים that provided millions of people and...

2 Classes

35. Shiru LaHashem Shir Chadash 5735 (2nd of 4 parts of Hemshech)

35. Shiru LaHashem Shir Chadash 5735 (2nd of 4 parts of Hemshech)This Ma’amar was said on Sunday night 13 Tamuz (as a continuation of the Ma’amar Az Yashir Yisroel, said the day before on Shabbos 12 Tamuz) 5735. It is the second of a four part series revolving around the (two) Possuk(im) 1) אז ישיר...

3 Classes

36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)

36. Ach BiGoral 5735 MUGGA (3rd of 4 parts of Hemshech)The center (ביאור) of this Ma’amar continues the theme of the two that came before it. It continues the discussion on the advantage of באר מים חיים (a well dug by people) over מעין גנים (a fountain straight from heaven) because our Avoda gets us...

37. Aileh Masei 5735 (4th of 4 parts of Hemshech (?)).

37. Aileh Masei 5735 (4th of 4 parts of Hemshech (?)).This is ‘the typical’ Masei Ma’amar, that until (עבר לירדן מזרחה) Moshiach comes (you enter into the ‘ארץ טובה ורחבה גו good and broad land etc.) we’re continuosly leaving Mitzrayim. This involves repeated journeying, and when it is done על פי השם (as explained in...

2 Classes

38. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma'amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.

38. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 01 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.This Ma’amar is the first of two in a Hemshech (series) both on this Possuk.Tziyon is the level of the Neshama above the world and it’s redemption is through Torah.Shaveha are the levels of the Neshama in the body; and it’s redemption is through Tzedaka. This...

39. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 02 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.

39. Tziyon BiMishpat Tipadeh (Ma’amar 02 of Hemshech) 5735, Mugga.In this second Ma’amar of this Hemshech the Rebbe questions the notion raised in the earlier Ma’amar that Tzadik (ציון במשפט תפדה) is higher than Teshuva (ושבי’ בצדקה).The question arises from another Ma’amar where the (same) Tzemach Tzedek refers to ושבי’ בצדקה as being the Teshuva...

3 Classes

40. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel 5735 (Mugga).

40. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel 5735 (Mugga).The 15th of Menachem is compared to Yom Kippur and actually is mentioned first. These two days are considered by the Mishna (at the end of Ta’anis) to be the greatest of all.The Rebbe finds the reasons for this in the Gemara to be insufficient, so he introduces...

41. Ani Ledodi 5735 (1st Ma'amar)

41. Ani Ledodi 5735 (1st Ma’amar)This Ma’amar (which was said Shabbos Mivorchim Elul 5735) focuses on the הרועה בשושנים.The Rebbe explains the reference to the roses by developing a discussion on the mystical meaning of Jewelry, that is secondary yet enhances and adds to the person (even his soul) in some ways more than what...

2 Classes

43. Mashcheini (18 Elul) 5735

43. Mashcheini (18 Elul) 5735This Ma’amar based on the Ohr HaTorah (only (?)) applies the classic Possuk connected to the summer holidays (Pesach, Sefiras HaOmer and Shavuos) to 1) Rosh Chodesh Elul 2) [the hiding] what happens during Elul, 2) Yom Kippur?And נגילה ונשמחה בך is Simchas Torah.

2 Classes

44. Sos Asis 5735

44. Sos Asis 5735The Ma’amar of Nitzavim is also the Shabbos before ROsh Hashana and explains how the special level of Godliness (שוש אשיש בהוי’- עשי”ת; תגל נפשי באלוקי- שמחת תורה) reaches us (כי הלבשני בגדי ישע) and reaches and stays with us (מעיל צדקה יעטני כחתן יכהן פאר וככלה תעדה כלי’ה) during this time.The...

3 Classes

45. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5735 (-6)

45. Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5735 (-6)This year (תשל”ה- תשל”ו) was 70 (complete) years since the Rebbe RaShaB said and wrote the classic Hemshech (series) of ‘Samach Vov’. The Rebbe ‘reviewed’ (loosely) the first Ma’amar (Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana) the night before Rosh Hashana, and the second one (Ze HaYom Techillas Ma’asecha) quite...

42. Ani Ledodi 5735 (2nd Ma’amar)

42. Ani Ledodi 5735 (2nd Ma’amar).This Ma’amar offers a very unusual version of the “King in the Field” analogy. The King is in the field always due to the fact that this is where His purpose is. נתאוה הקב”ה להיות יתברך דירה בתחתונים [and therefore עיקר שכינה בתחתונים היתה].The people come from the city; this...