01. להבין ענין ראש השנה תשט"ז
Class One. Rosh Hashsna has three ideas: 1) Inyan Rosh Hashana- creation 2) Tochen Rosh Hashana- renewal, 3) Mitzvas Rosh Hashana- Shofar why all of this happens for man, because he is not a mind but a Soul. Class Two. The Human being is the purpose of creation, because he represents an essence. He...
02. Shuva Yisroel 5716
02. Shuva Yisroel 5716This Ma’amar juxtaposes ‘doping it right’ versus Teshuva.The first class deals with Hisbonenus and Achdus on various levels. It explains how the mind then comes down to the heart and action.The sinner has compromised some part of שם הוי’ה and Teshuva repairs it by going higher [-to the ‘Fifth Level’: Yechida. He...
03. Ulkachtem 5716 (1st of 2 in a Hemshech)
03. Ulkachtem 5716 (1st of 2 in a Hemshech)Lulav brings down Da’as Elyon into the world beyond the Da’as Elyon of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.This is demonstrated on each of the four kinds, Esrog (Bittul) Lulav (One heart, Mesiras Nefesh), Hadas (also Mesiras Nefesh) and Arava (above Ta’am- Sechel, and Raiach- Chaya; it is...
04. כי נער ישראל ואוהבהו תשטז.
Class One. The heavens and the earth are linked: The lowest levels of heaven (השתלשלות) to the highest levels of earth (אצילות), and the link is revealed and obvious (גילוי ההעלם). The highest levels of heaven (עצמות) and the lowest levels of earth (בי”ע) are linked but the connection is sublime and will be revealed...
05. Breishis 5716 (2nd of 2 in a Hemshech)
05. Breishis 5716 (2nd of 2 in a Hemshech)This second Ma’amar in this Hemshech (that is reviewing the Hemshech from תשרי תרע”ו which is part of the המשך עין בי”ת) continues discussing דעת תחתון ודעת עליון or אין דיש הנברא ואין דיש האמיתי or יחודא עילאה ויחודא תתאה.Here these ideas are (continued to) being inserted...
06. אשרי תבחר ותקרב ה'תשט"ז (Muga)
Class One. This Ma’amar explains the four worlds as they relate to the Avoda of a Yid. The two levels of ביטול היש and ביטול במציאות correspond to עשי’ ויצירה and בריאה ואצילות respectively. He explains in footnote 31, how בריאה is also ביטול במציאות, as it is a ביטול that is natural to its...
07. פדה בשלום ה'תשט"ז.
Class One. This class explores the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar and chapters 2-3. This מאמר goes on the גמרא that through תורה ומצוות after ,תפילה we redeem ה’ ובניו from exile. We explore what is the meaning of Hashem being in Golus. The fact that from ז”א there could be a יניקה...
08. ViYaakov Nasa Sukosa 5716
08. ViYaakov Nasa Sukosa 5716Ahavas Olom is love for Hashem through elevating the world.Ahava Rabba is the lovefor Hashem that is above the world, as represented by the Possuk טעמה כי טוב סחרה tasting the affects of Birurim affects the higher love which is Makif (סחרא- מקיף). This in turn empowers לא יכבה בלילה נרה...
09. LiMarbeh HaMisra 5716
09. LiMarbeh HaMisra 5716A closed letter in the middle of the word. ם סתום and what it means.It is a sign of Moshiach. The two levels of the lower מ is like the creations from speech. Limited separate and can fall into Klipa לפתח חטאת רובץ.The higher ם סתום is like creations from though. Unified...
10. Bichof Hei BiKislev 5716
10. Bichof Hei BiKislev 5716.This Ma’amar discusses two levels of correction (of sin or potential sin):1) Correcting the passion (Middos) requires quieting the passion through the mind, and especially Chochma.2) Correcting the letters and words (gestalt) of the sin (or potential sin) itself, nust come from higher than the mind (and Chochma) from the Nefesh...
11. Aileh Shmos 5716.
11. Aileh Shmos 5716.This Ma’amar explores the ‘ladder’ of prayer, explaining the three levels of Hoda’a, Pesukei DiZimra and Birchas Krias Shema and Shema. However, it approaches it very differently than other Ma’amarim (like Ani Ledodi 5712 and 5715).Here the three levels are: 1) Acceptance, 2) understanding and feeling on the levels of חיצוניות המוחין...
12. באתי לגני התשט"ז.
Class One. Introduction to Basi Ligani as a whole. Three examples for אתכפיא ואתהפכא: 1) קרבנות 2) שטות דלעו”ז לשטות דקדושה, this involves the word for not good being transformed to good. 3) שקר לקרש this involves the individual letters of the word for not good (שקר, שין, קוף, ריש) being transformed to good. The...
13. כי תשא התשט"ז.
Class One. This class is about Dira BiTachtonim, 1) as the lowest world (the last to be created) it stands to be the purpose quite logically. 2) The higher worlds, though after the Tzimtzum, A. have more light, B. Are created based on the return of the light, C. indirectly reveal the Etzem from which...
14. ליהודים היתה אורה... ויקר ה'תשט"ז.
This is based on a Ma’amar of the Alter Rebbe, the reason and meaning of this practice is explained a little bit here. אורה in feminine means how we become the Mashpia, this is a true infinity. יקר which is usually not a sustainable light, becomes manageable because of Purim. Turning Yekar around, Tefillin.
15. להבין ... כל המועדים בטלים ה'תשט"ז.
Class One. יפה תואר ויפה מראה Outer Beauty- Mitzvos Asei. Inner beauty- Mitzvos Lo Taase. It is about balance. Class Two. כשחסר ביפה תואר ויפה מראה משלימים החסר בתשובה וקבלת עול. When things are off balance, we compensate with higher than balance. Two anomalies about Purim that reveal this: A) We are called יהודים-...
16. החדש ה'תשט"ז.
Class One. The Midrash discusses the idea of טובים השניים מן האחד by the communication of the first Mitzvah. Moshe and Aharon שושבינא דמלכא שושבינא דמטרוניתא. Physical vs. Spiritual Chometz. Torah is Bitul, Aharon is love, love cannot achieve the Bitul Torah can. [Therefore two anticipated in this first communication]. Class Two. Moshe and...
17. כימי צאתך ה'תשט"ז.
Class One. This class overviewed the entire Ma’amar. 1) The purpose of creation is for the sake of ירידה צורך עלי’, לאשתאבא בגופא דמךכא of the Neshama. 2) The purpose is for ועבדתם את הוי’ אלוקיכם, עבודה צורך גבוה, אתכפיא to preserve the צמצום. 3) The purpose of creation is ועבדתם את הוי’ אלוקיכם, עבודה...
18. לפיכך נקראו הראשונים סופרים ה'תשט"ז.
Class One. In this class we explained the deeper meaning of this Gemara. Because they counted and had a precise number of letters they saw to it that the Torah and the Tehillim should have a center where Ein Sof can be manifest to correct חטא עץ הדעת and גלות אדום. The concept of a...
19. אם בחוקותי תלכו ה'תשט"ז.
Through חקיקה one becomes a מהלך. But it must involve אותיות וכלים ולא סגי אור בלבד because that is the כונה and it brings Godliness down. Examples: 1) חסד זוטא ורב חסד the difference. 2) אור ושפע. 3) רצון וכחות 4) אור מקיף ואור פנימי 5) אורות וכלים.
20. להבין ענין נתינת התורה ה'תשט"ז.
Why are Malachim standing still while Neshamos are called Mihalech? 1) because the Malachim have a body and a soul that are close while the body and soul of the Jew are very far apart (which is why they have the power of Ein Sof to procreate). 2) Malachim are from Dibbur while Neshamos are...
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