
01. זה היום ה'תשי"ז.

Class One. This class explains מלכות basically. It is a relationship based on 1) distance, 2) enhanced by the crowning from the people. Class Two. This class explores the additional idea of levels in מלכות: A) The level of רוממות עצמי B) The level of רוממות על עם C) The level of actually ruling. Class...

02. וטהר לבינו לעבדך באמת ה'תשי"ז

Class One. The answer to the question about serving Hashem with אמת. The Rebbe explains the idea of joining רעותא דליבא with one’s שכל ומדות. Class Two. This class discusses the two ideas: 1) The lower level of the Neshama is אלקות שנעשה נברא. Though it is Godly it is much lower than Godliness and...

03. תורה ציוה ה'תשי"ז

Class One. The two levels of a Yid’s relationship to the Torah (based on the two levels of the Neshama that this Hemshech explores): Torah that feeds a Yid ישראל אתקשראי באורייתא ואורייתא בקודשא בריך הוא, Torah that needs a Yid to have it (more deeply) connect(ed) to Hashem. לשמה. דוד הי’ מקשר תורה שלמעלה...

04. נעשה אדם ה'תשי"ז.

Class One. Two types of seeing through the”garments” of the eye and directly from the Etzem Two types of Hashgacha: 1) through מלאכים that act like eyes, 2) directly- כאישון עיני. Two types of Avodah: Mind and heart and Essence- Yechida, There’s a bringing of the higher level into and through the lower level. Class...

05. אמר ר' עקיבה ה'תשי"ז.

Class One. This class like the classes on the earlier four parts of this המשך addresses the two levels of the Neshama: 1) טהורה היא and 2) בראת יצרתה נפחת but now the issue is תשובה. Lower תשובה is לפני מי אתם מטהרים. The higher תשובה is מי מטהר אתכם. But in concert with the...

4 Classes

07. Katonti 5717, (1st Ma'amar).

07. Katonti 5717, (1st Ma’amar).Yaakov is emphasizing his humility more than Avraham and Yitzchak because his struggles (Birurim Galis etc.) accessed him to much higher light.This incredible Ma’amar explains Tzimtzumim before the first Tzimtzum, where there is no division, and Tzimtzum must be (מיני’ ובי’ה) within Elokus (and Etzem) itself.This Tzimtzum is called העכבה (pausing...

08. Katonti 5717, (2nd Ma'amar)

08. Katonti 5717, (2nd Ma’amar)This second Ma’amar (by the same name) Katonti addresses the question of the incompatibility of the Pshat of Katonti (that it reflects a fear of loss) and the Chassidus of Katonti (that it speaks to a gratitude and a humility, not a fear at all).The Rebbe will explain (in the end)...

2 Classes

09. Mizmor LiSoda 5717

09. Mizmor LiSoda 5717Reasonable Brachos (for Blessed Nature) we understand; superrational Brachos (Miracles) we acknowledge with Hoda’a.Liasid only Hoda’ah.Halacha is the parallel of that הריעו להוי’ כל הארץ is ראשי תיבות for הלכה.

2 Classes

10. Viatta Birachamecha 5717

10. Viatta Birachamecha 5717“This Chanukah Ma’amar explains part of ועל הנסים by delving into the mystical meaning of sitting versus standing.No change, versus little changes becoming bigger and bigger through Hishtalshelus.

3 Classes

11. HaYosheves BaGanim 5717.

11. HaYosheves BaGanim 5717.This Possuk speaks of different scenarios: Neshamos in this world engaging with their teachers; alternatively- with one another. Another insight altogether is that it is speaking of Neshamos in Gan Eden.In spite of this variety, all end the same way ברח דודי ודמה לך לצבי או לעופר האילים על הרי בשמים this...

12. Basi Legani 5717 באתי לגני ה'תשי"ז.

Class One. This class includes an introduction to 1) all of באתי לגני and 2) to this particular year. The רי”ש must be changed to a דל”ת. The change involves adding a יו”ד behind the רי”ש making it a דל”ת. The first (is last years מאמר) is about ביטול of the creation to Him. The...

13. ויבא משה בתוך הענן ה'תשי"ז.

Class One. This class talks about אמת. This is available in the seventh heaven, leader (Moshe) and Midda of the 13 Middos “ואמת”. He explains that this is about the revelation of Havaya which didn’t happen until the Torah was given, when the essence as represented by הוי’ה was revealed through bridging the heights of...

14. כי תשא ה'תשי"ז א

There are two half Shekels: 1) The half that man gives: on the one hand everyone gives the same ten: the עשר כחות הנפש; on the other, there are a rich 10 (Atzilus) and a poor 10 (Asiya). 2) The divine 10 which are always the same. They follow the person’s 10 in regular people...

22. הנה ישכיל עבדי ה'תשי"ז.

Class One. The similarities and differences between קריעת ים סוף when we left מצרים and בקיעת הנהר when Moshiach comes. Both are not to get us out of Galus alone; but to set up the giving of the Torah and the associated revelation of אין סוף that accompanies such a revelation. קריעת ים סוף removing...

23. כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים ה'תשי"ז.

Class One. An overview discussion on 1) צמצום הראשון and 2) צמצומים דסדר השתלשלות and 3) פרסאות. Class Two. פרסאות continued. Two types of פרסאות which are אותיות בלתי מסודרים: אותיות עצמיים and אותיות מתפשטים. Explanation about three פרסאות in our מאמר, not only two. Class Three. The Three פרסאות in the person:

4 Classes

28. Havaya Li BiOzri 5717 (Muga)

Havaya Li BiOzri 5717 (Muga)