
12. באתי לגני ה'תשי"ח א

Class One. Introduction to all the classes of באתי לגני for this year. The Ma’amar from 5683. The Ma’amar for Yahrtzeit of mother and grandmother becomes מאמר הילולא as a result of the הסתלכות. So many lessons, beginning with making this world a home for Him על ידי אתכפיא ואתהפכא. 1) קרבנות 2) שטות 3)...

13. באתי לגני ה'תשי"ח ב

Class One. This class is about the letter ה of Kedusha and the fact that it must be preceded by a ד of Kedusha. He discusses the Alter Rebbe’s discussion on ד and ג and after גימל come דלת who receives the Tzedaka אחור באחור. After the דלת comes the ה”י which is פנים בפנים....

19. Vihecherim 5718 (Acharon Shel Pesach)

Vihecherim 5718, Class One.(In this Ma’amar) There are three levels of Havaya: 1) הוי’ דלתתא and 2) הוי’ דלעילא and הוי’ שבעצמות.This class will discuss the first two of the three “Havaya”s.A. Havaya דלתתא is the creation force and process which goes through the steps of Tzimtzum, understood by using the Moshol of a רב...

20. Kimei Tzeischa 5718

Kimei Tzeischa 5718, Class OneSecond Ma’amar in a Hemshech.The first one spoke (only) of Giluyim (3 levels of הוי’ה) this one adds and focuses on עצמות.The three הויות the מאמר speaks of bring together opposites with the כח of עצמות the גילויים are greatest after Moshiach comes, but the עצמות that brings together the opposites...

21. Lihavin Inyan S'firas HaOmer 5718

Lihavin Inyan S’firas HaOmer 5718, Class One.This (1st) class on this Ma’amar has a long introduction about the “point” of this Ma’amar, which is: משפיע ומקבל. This is represented by…1) The correction of both the נפש האלוקית and the נפש הבהמית (which are a model of משפיע ומקבל) in ספירת העומר.2) יציאת מצרים is mostly...

22. Mashcheini 5718

Mashcheini 5718, Class One.Second Ma’amar in the Hemshech. The last one explained the three steps in lower levels of the Neshama:1) משכני is יציאת מצרים arousing “only” the נפש האלוקית.2) אחריך נרוצה arousing the נפש הבהמית through involvement of the נפש האלוקית with her.3) הבאני המלך חדריו is מתן תורה where the two Neshamos join...