01. Min Hameitzar 5738
Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 1: This introduction to the ma’amar covers the Rebbe’s array ofquestions, essentially asking, “If life of every Yid going inot Rosh Hashana is so good (as ChaZaL say) how is it possible for a person to cry ‘Min Ha Meitzar’ (from a place of narrowness and being squeezed)?” A person cries...
02. Shuva Yisroel 5738
Shuva Yisroel 5738, Class One.This ma’amar is the second part of a hemshech (series) of threeincluding the Rosh Hashana maamar “Min HaMeitzer” (Out of Narrowness),“Shuva” (Return) on Parshas Ha’azinu (Kinehser).The essence of the Ma’amar is the need for Hashem to show us mercy, because we don’t know the extent of our own deficiency because we...
03. Kinesher Yair Kino 5738
Kinesher Yair Kino 5738, Class One.This is a המשך to the two Ma’amarim before it.All three share the presumption that Jews are on a very high level and still have much to do to the extent that it is a big “רחמנות” on them; meaning compared to where they should be the situation they’re in...
04. Basukos Tashvu 5738 (Muga)
Basukos Tashvu 5738, Class One.This Ma’amar was edited by the Rebbe at the time he said it in 5738, and was made public on Hoshana Rabba 5738, hours before the infamous heart attack he suffered then. This first class has three areas of questions:1) Understanding the Sukka2) Understanding the ד’ מינים the four kinds used...
05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738 (Muga)
Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the last one.The idea of “Achas” is continued here. The Rebbe adds that “Achas” is brought forward through Teshuva, which is above all limitations, including the limitations of time. After Tishrei the “Achas” comes down into our daily actions, not only Torah and Mitzvos but...
06. Breishis 5738 (Muga)
Breishis 5738.Two ideas:1) Don’t be afraid.2) Ohr Chadash. now the details: This Ma’amar goes on the (Possuk as interpreted by) the Midrash that addresses the question of why the Torah begins with the creation account rather than the Torah and Mitzvos.In short: Torah and Mitzvos reveal the light from before Tzimtzum, but Birurim reveals “Ohr...
07. Mayim Rabim 5738 (Muga)
Mayim Rabim 5738.This single class ma’amar introduces revolutionary ideas about teshuva. The Alter Rebbe says that the “real reason” for the Neshama’s decent into this world is for Teshuva.In addition to understanding this basically (doing Teshuva after an error) there is the deeper idea: the very departure and return of the Neshama is a journey...
08. Lech Lecha 5738 (Muga)
Lech Lecha 5738.There are two journeys:1) From higher to lower; this is the journey of Avrohom to engage with the world; it is the journey of every Neshama as it descends from heaven to earth.This is also linked to the idea of ViYaakov Halach Lidarko after Tishrei.2) From lower to higher, from Avoda Zara to...
09. ViAvrohom Zakain 5738 (Muga)
ViAvrohom Zakain 5738, Class One. Why does a Jew (who is a חלק אלוק ממעל) need Torah and Mitzvos?Answer: The Neshamah is אלקות שנעשה נברא (G-dliness that has become a creation (worldliness) whose connection is hidden (דביקות בלתי ניכר בכלים).This requires Torah and Mitzvos to change and reveal it’s G-dliness.They (Torah and Mitzvos) are in...
10. ושבתי בשלום ה'תשל"ח (Muga)
ושבתי בשלום ה’תשל”חClass One: This is the first part (and includes ONLY an introduction) to this masterpiece ושבתי בשלום ה’תשל”ח. The essence of the Ma’amar is about the idea of חידוש (novelty). The idea is: what can man possibly do to appeal to G-d? Giving Him anything including more and more means little to Him....
11. Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) (Muga)
Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) Class One: This class has two very important introductions, that, it seems, are new ideas that the Rebbe focused on more after 5738 (especially the one about Teshuva). Introduction one: The Rebbe speaks about the purpose of creation being Teshuva, and in this itself there are two ideas. One: the...
12. Shalom Rav 5738 (Muga)
Ma’amar Shalom Rav 5738 Class One: There are six Pesukim in the Gemara אמר רב אלעזר אמר רבי חנינא we will discuss (only) the first two. תלמידי חכמים מרבים שלום בעולם… וכל בניך לימודי הוי’… אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך. This Possuk is about bringing peace to the world, revealing Atzmus and making a Dirah...
13. Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738 (Muga)
Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738The issue of Chanuka, was an attack on the Soul (purity and holiness) of Yiddishkeit. It didn’t mind the Torah as long as it was intellectual, and Mitzvos were ok, as culture without Him C”V. The Mesiras Nefesh came from Yechida, completely removed from reason, and is one where one seems...
14. Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738 (Muga)
Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738Class One:This Ma’amar is Hemshech from the previous one.The Rebbe is discussing the idea of transforming darkness to light.In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (based on a Gemara) that whatever is in Klipa is in Kedusha first. He gives three examples:1) The setting sun in Kedusha is the transference from Atzilus to...
15. Yehuda Ata 5738 (Muga)
15. Yehuda Ata 5738This Maamar has two parts:Part One: Yehuda (Hoda’a) can only come after Reuvain, Shimon, and Levi (we connected it to last week, where Yosef is before Yehuda). Only after giluyim can Etzem be revealed.We tied this to Talmud and Ma’aseh Gadol.Part Two: though the Hoda’a is only revealed after Giluyim, it is...
16. Habaim Yoshreish Yaakov 5738
Habaim Yashresh Ya’akov 5738 (Class One).The basic question: the Possuk is about Liasid, how can the Possuk say that Liasid first begins the Yatzitz Ufarach Yisroel?Answer: It is referring to the entire time from the entry into Mitzrayim until Moshiach comes. It’s one long ירידה צורך עלי’ה.Also, there needs to be the earth in which...
17. Vayedaber Elokim 5738
Vayedaber Elokim 5738 Class One.This Ma’amar goes through three points in the process of Galus to geula.Point One: In Galus.We should see and celebrate all the good we see (especially now at the end of Galus) but we aren’t.There is darkness but it is His will, the truth of it is for Geula.As Hashem says...
18. באתי לגני ה'תשל"ח
Class One. This class is about the first part of this Ma’amar. 1) Review of the Basi Ligani from the beginning. 2) The difference between the ק and the ה; as it is broken down into ד vs ה and ר vs ק. The דל”ת is like the Pinteleh Yid; while the ה”י is like...
19. Hayosheves Baganim 5738
19. Hayosheves Baganim 5738.The Ma’amar of the (Motzoei) Shabbos after 10 Shvat 5738.The three interpretations of Hayosheves BaGanim; our Ma’amar brings (only) one, about Yidden in Galus and all of heaven comes to see and hear (and respond) to what we learn and do. These efforts bring the Geula and even what happens before and...
20. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738 (Muga)
Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738.PDF of the Ma’amar. Basi Ligani (15 Shvat) 5738, Class One.This is the inverse to the Ma’amar of the 10 Shvat Basi Ligani, as it is about Torah and Har Sinai rather than about Dira BiTachtonim (building the Beis HaMikdash).The idea of Mattan Torah and Torah gives the Koach for all...
21. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738 (Muga)
Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738PDF Viaileh Hamishpatim 5738, Class 1.Introduction, the connection between Sinai and this Parsha. The idea of Moshe giving the Pnimiyus himself. Therefore he must give us Pnimiyus and be Koneh us.The question of why the Parsha begins with עבד עברי ואמה העביר’ה.Torah. This Ma’amar doesn’t talk about the Pnimyus, it deals with the...
22. Vikibel Hayehudim 5738
Vikibel Hayehudim 5738 Class One. This class encompasses almost all of the Ma’amar.The idea is that Purim, (one of our lowest points in history,) could be higher and be the conclusion (קיום) of what started at Har Sinai, (the highest point in our history.) The ideas of 1) Personal work (rather than from above) and...
23. Ze Yitnu 5738 (Ma'amar of Parshas Shekalim).
Ze Yitnu 5738 (Ma’amar of Parshas Shekalim). 1) Two half Shekels, you give a half and get whole (and there are many versions of this. In this Ma’amar, they are): the half of the Neshama in the body brings to us the half that is above the body.2) Everybody is the same (they give “only”...
24. Layehudim Haysa Orah 5738 (Purim)
Layehudim Haysa Orah 5738 (Purim) PDF Layehudim Haysa Orah 5738 (Purim) Class One.This is a Ma’amar about the idea of Yehudim, submission, acceptance without reason, and readiness for Mesiras Nefesh.It further explains how this then plays out in אורה זו תורה with the idea of ברכו בתורה תחילהAs well as in ושמחה זה יום טוב,...
25. VaAchaltem Achol 5738 (this is a Hemshech to Layehudim [Purim])
VaAchaltem Achol 5738 PDF VaAchaltem Achol 5738, Class One.This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to Layehudim of Purim.This class is on the last part of the Ma’amar that deals with Purim.Purim is very special now but will be (even more) special even after Moshiach comes, because it is from the highest and reaches the lowest. First...
26. Vayedaber... Zos Chukas 5738 (Parshas Para Ma'amar)
Vayedaber… Zos Chukas 5738Para Aduma is like Teshuva transforming the evil itself to good.מי יתן טמא מטהור The strong connection between Para Aduma and Yom Kippur.It is Ratzoi Vashois Klali on the level of Chakika. Para Aduma is being ready למשמרת to bring someone to Teshuva.
27. Ki Yishalcha 5738 Acharon Shel Pesach)
Ki Yishalcha 5738 (Class One)This first class (on this most complex of Ma’amarim) is the heart (center or Biur) of the Ma’amar as a whole. [Chapters 4-7].The three levels of עדות חוקים משפטים are explored here.In Pshat the oreder should be משפטים חוקים עדותBut here the Possuk orders them differently: עדות חוקים משפטים and the...
28. Bichol Dor Vador 5738
Bichol Dor Vador 5738 Class One.This Ma’amar will be divided into two classes:Class one the meaning of Mitzrayim.There are two broad categories of what is מצרים, but they’re in two more basic categories:Category One: מצרים means narrowness and limitation. 1) The physical and spiritual limitations we must overcome. 2) The idea of מיצר מי the...
29. Kimei Tzaischa... Arenu Nuflaos 5738
Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738, Class One.The Ma’amar is built around two definitions of אראנו נפלאותFirst Deffinition (Tzemach Tzedek) נפלאות- miracles concealed in nature; אראנו- are revealed.Second Definition (Mitteler Rebbe) נפלאות- the supernatural that dazzles and overwhelms and therefore isn’t understood or sustained with us is אראנו- revealed, where טבע holds למעלה מהטבע because when...
30. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) a Rosh Chodesh Ma'amar.
UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) Class One.Introduction: What is Mussaf? above Histalshelus.The mention of יציאת מצרים even after Moshiach some is due to some unique property of the initial Geula: the struggle!This will be special even then. Why Yidden ran away and won’t run when Moshiach comes. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738, Class Two.This class...
31. Lihavin Inyan Pesach Sheni 5738 (Mugga)
Lihavin Inyan Pesach Sheni 5738This class makes Iyar higher than Nissan, and Pesach Sheini higher than Pesach Rishon.There are four ideas: 1) Iskafia, this is the “escape” from Mitzrayim in Nissan, birur Milmata LiMaala.2) Ishapcha, this is in Iyar during Sefiras HaOmer when we transform our character, Birur MilMaala Limata; This is the level of...
32. Tanya Amar Rav Yosi... Zimna Chada 5738
Tanya Amar Rav Yosi… Zimna Chada 5738(This is a little different than most Ma’amaroim on this Zohar).RaShbI caused rain through Torah on the Possuk הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד only after his students came to him.Why this Possuk? (Because it has all of Hishtalshelus in it.)Why his students? Because they caused...
33. Vihishalachti 5738
Vihishalachti 5738, Class One.This class includes the first question of the מאמר: what is the meaning of והתהלכתי בתוככם after Hashem already promised ושכנתי בתוכם? Also What is the significance of walking doubly (והתהלכתי) from Hashem’s angle (as well as from our עבודה angle)?And the answer to this question.[The rest of the questions will be...
34. Bisha'a Shehikdimu 5738 (Shavuos related)
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5738(The first of a two part Hemshech connected to Shavuos 5738)The days leading up to Shavuos great things happened.A) Rosh Chodesh, 1) Three is the number of Torah 2) ביום הזה revelation 3) מדבר סיני the challenge and the opportunity, 4) ויחן שם ישראל כאי אחד בלב אחדB) 5 Sivan the Geirus and...
35. Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma'amar)
Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar) Class One. This is the second part of the Hemshech.In this Ma’amar the idea of לאמור is continued from the precious Ma’amar, but a different idea is introduced: that it is critical to speak Torah with one’s mouth, because it brings from the highest high to the lowest low.אנכי...
36. Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738
Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738, Class One.The idea of Torah being a gift from Hashem to us, so why does it say Moshe Kibel rather than Hakadosh Baruch Hu Nasan?Answer: because only Moshe could get the Torah.He is Chochma and can get and hold the Ohr and Sechel of Torah in its entirety.This is explained...
37. Shlach Lecha 5738
Shlach Lecha 5738This Ma’amar tells the story of the Miraglim (the spies) and pays almost no attention to their sin.Instead this Ma’amar explains that the mission of the Miraglim (the spies) was the second step (after Mattan Torah and “ביטול הגזירה” which is the first step) towards entering Eretz Yisroel and elevating it.This required an...
38. Yehi Hashem Elokainu 5738
Yehi Hashem Elokainu 5738, Class One.There are two levels:1) The idea that Yidden are naturally one with Him כי חלק הוי’ עמו and even this involves “work” to reveal. That work is חלקי הוי’ אמרה נפשי and the Midrash אנא נסיב מלכא as well as any act of Yiddishkeit being מסירת נפש2) The idea of...
39. Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma'amar) 5738
Zos Chukas HaTorah (Chukas Ma’amar) 5738, Class One.זאת חוקת התורה reflects no change (and not even a thought of change). The three levels of חקיקה (engraved, the Luchos) כתיבה (written, Torah SheBiKsav) and אמירה (Torah SheBa’alPeh).These three exist in Torah, the worlds: 1) עולמות אין סוף and 2) אצילות and 3) בי”ע until עשי’ה.The three...
40. Ze Hayom Usa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz)
Ze HayomUsa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz) Class One.In Miracles there are two outstanding characteristics: 1) greater vs smaller miracles 2) more impact-full vs less impact-full miracles.As it turns out, smaller miracles are (more believable and therefore are) more impact-full than greater ones. So… which is preferred? (The answer will, be in the next class). Ze...
41. Ki Merosh Tzurim 5738
Ki Merosh Tzurim 5738, Class One.Yidden don’t only have holy roots, but whatever their ancestors possessed they inherited.Additionally whatever they have down here is rooted on high.כי מראש צורים ומגבעות are the levels of Chochma and Bina which then come down through the Middos and Malchus to the lowest worlds.The greatest thing, is for what...
42. Luaile Taichulaik HaAretz 5738
Luaile Taichulaik HaAretz 5738Point: Goral dividing Eretz Yisroel by Moshe Rabbeinu and when Moshiach comes. Notes:13:41 -17:21 Maamar summary. Goes with Parshas Pinchas17:46 Start learning inside38:45 Shevet Levy chelek after attaining higher level.41:50 Gorul biyur atzmus or not?50:30 What definition gorul mamash? Lowest and highest possible avoda. When you bring the low and high together...
43. Vishinantum Livanecha 5738
Vishinantum Livanecha 5738 Part One.This part of the Ma’amar explores the idea of 15 Menachem , the Aliya is proportionate to the yerida.1) Pesach- Tzadik2) Tishrei- Teshuva but step by step3) 15 Menachem- Teshuva in an instant; at the moment of the Churban itself maximum Gilui. Notes:0:00 – 1:00 Story – The Priest who wore...
44. Vihaya Aikev 5738.
Vihaya Aikev 5738.Summary: This ma’amar is about the importance of “holistic” performance of all mitzvot on every level (thought, speech and deed). “Machshava” (thought) is connected to “seichel” (intellect), “dibbur” (speech) is connected to emotion, “maaseh” (deed) is connected to “asiyah” (action). The role and practical function of each level is explained in the class....
45. Hashamayim Kisii 5738
Maamar HaShayim-Kisi-5738“Shamayim” (Heaven) is Hashem’s chair and the “Aretz” (Earth) is Hashem’s footstool. What does this mean? Heaven is like a chair which brings Him down to the worlds.Earth is like a footstool that raises the world up to Him.Spiritually this is Torah (heaven) and Yidden (earth).However each of the two are the (collective) purpose...
46. Vihaya Ki Savo 5738
Maamar Vihaya Ki Savo 5738Self-Transformation Through Torah and Mitzvos(originally the Rebbe taught this ma’amar on Chai Elul on a Wednesday)0:00 – 7:20 Intro thoughts on the founding of Tomchei T’mimim on 17 ElulThis maamar on Parshas Ki Savo – the inner meaning of the following 4 ideas and their order is analyzed.1. Eretz Yisrael is...
47. Atem Nitzavim 5738
Atem Nitzavim 5738 This Parsha is the Bracha that gives the strength to crown Hashem a King on Rosh Hashana. Yidden even before Rosh Hashana stand with strength and certainty, as Hashem uses us a Merkava and we are uniquely positioned to make Him King. The idea of the Bris is discussed here as well...
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