01. Tiku 5747
This Rosh Hashana Maamar explains that though all things, including time (and space) itself, are renewed from nothingness every second, some things, moments, and people (Yidden) are special. All these come together to crown Hashem as King on Rosh Hashana.
02. Shir HaMaalos Mimaamakim 5747
Class One. The Nekuda of Malchus has no Metziyus. It therefore reflects Atzmus. Binyan HaMalchus therefore is revealing Atzmus. Class Two. The Nekuda of Malchus is Atzmus (RaDL”A) and not helem of Hishtalshelus at all. Yet Binyan HaMalchus reveals even RaDL”A- the unrevealable!
03.Yehi Hasehm Elokeinu Imanu 5747
On Sukos the Achdus of Suka (simple) raises us up and the unity of the four kinds (complicated) creates a deeper unity still. All this is rooted in humility. This allows us to be worthy of very great blessings – “Like our Fathers”.
04. Bayom Hashmini 5747
The two sides of Shmini Atzeres- the highest and the lowest. Birurim and struggle, For Yidden alone.
05. Machar Chodesh 5747
Machar Chodesh 5747The renewal of Rosh Chodesh is reminiscent of the renewal of Rosh Hashana.
06. Tzohar taasae' Lateiva 5747
The Tzohar (Window or precious stone) in Noach’s Taiva (ark) was far more than for light. IT opened a spiritual light 1) into the darkness and judgment that was the flood; 2) In our Avoda thus expanding the Tzara (narrowness) of Torah and Tefilla that is constrained in this world to Tzohar- becoming an infinite...
07. Vayita Aishel Biveir Shava 5747
3 explanations (all in chassidus) for Vayita Aishel. 1) Oros of Atzilus brought to Beair Sheva= Malchus, 2) Atzilus can also protect outside Atzilus (Levaya), 3) Aishel is Rama= Atik and comes into Olom in an eternal way, like rama karni (of Malchus Beis Dovid).
08. Amar Rav Acha Yafe Sichoson...5747
Yafe’ Sichasan Shel Avdei Avos because Sicha means a tefilla from Yechida. An entirely different idea of what is special about this sort than the typical issue of M”A and BA”N.
09. Vshavti BiShalom 5747
Teshuva, means returning to Hashem what He anticipated and created. Teshuva is [1) Poel vs. Koach, 2)] Bli Medida vs. Medida. Musafin. This spells itself in the Pisukim ViShavti BiShalom…
10. Vayishlach Yaakov 5747
Vayishlach, Yaakov’s hope to meet Eisav in his source are dashed. Yaakov then deals and elevates the actual Eisav, but then refuses to join him in Seiir, as the Geula has been delayed. His children will have to complete the task.
Shalom (brings in higher light, and combines opposites). This Maamar explores many particulars of Shalom in the context of 19 Kislev.
12. Mai Chanuka 5747
The candles on Chanuka celebrate the war! The candles represent the candle of the Neshama and of (Torah and) Mitzva. How a candle represents the two and four basic aspects of Yiddishkeit. It also represents Mesiras Nefesh.
13. Ki Ata HAVAYA Neiri 5747
Havayaof hishtalshelus comes into Elokim, The higher HAVAYA reveals a much higher light. This manifests at special times. On Chanuka, the higher light manifests and joins with the ordinary.
14. VeAvdi Dovid 5747
Yehuda and Yosef are two worlds. In the beginning Yosef was superior but in the end Yehuda will be. Talmud (Torah) and Maase (Mitzvos). Now Mitzvos are for birurim and need Torah. When birurim finish Mitzvos will be for bittul and won’t need Torah.
16. Habaim Yashreish Yaakov 5747
The lowest service is the highest purpose. It is revealed as such at the end as in the beginning. As it is represented in 1) Mitzrayim, 2) Golus, 3) The Neshama’s descent into this world.
17. Ki Kaasher Hamayim Hachdashim 5747
Ki Kaasher Hamayim Hachdashim 5747 simply reveals all the potential which already existed in golus. This idea is explained using 1) the analogy of birth 2) the example of the Avos and Moshe, 3) the Pesukim of this Haftora.
20. Vayehi Bishalach Paro 5747 (5771)
Yidden’s golus experience enhanced them in 2 ways 1) they had an Aliya, 2) The birur of the sparks in Mitzrayim, thus- Paro sends us from Egypt once the work is done. How one has Shmira from this success and it’s joy being excessive (Plishtim-like). When Moshiach comes there’s no opponent. All will know Him....
21. Ki Sisa Es Rosh 5747
This is a Maamar for Parshas Shekalim. It explains that the half shekel represents Mesiras Nefesh (self sacrifice) and Teshuva (return). This insight explains why everyone gives the same amount, only a half shekel, is an atonement for our sins and is “Over al haPekudim” (higher than Torah).
22. Vusu Li Mikdash 5747
The timelessness (“Li”) of the Beis Hamikdash 1) of the physical structure, 2) of the Beis Hamikdash in the heart.
23. Zachor... Amaleik 5747
Amaleik is our eternal enemy who attacks us even after we have been (spiritually) redeemed because he finds some weakness (achorayim) to exploit. Thus until Moshiach (even in a relative condition of Geula) he’s there to cool us off.
24. Zos Hatora Adam Ki Yamus biOhel 5747
Misa (death) has many levels and was relevant on a spiritual level before the first sin, and will continue being relevant even after Moshiach comes.
25. Hachodesh 5747
We have two new years, one for creation and another for Torah. This maamar explores how much higher the second is from the first. The Maamar is in two parts, the maamar itself is class one, while the incredibly deep mystical portion is in part two.
26. Vayikra 5747
Hashem’s calling from His essence to the Essence of Moshe (and every Yid). This is then brought into the struggle of Avoda (life) in elevating and refining the G-dly soul, the animal soul and the body.
27. Vaachaltem Achol 5747
After the end of 1) Birurim and 2) Aliyos, there will still be and additional Aliya in Olom Haba. If we are zoche’ even that Aliya will be through our effort and not a (shameful) gift.
28. Tefilla LiDovid 5747
This Kapital [86] corresponded to the Rebbe’s birthday that year (5747). This maamar explains the number 86 the -gimatria (numerical equivalent) of Elokim. It explores three levels of Elokim and three level of sweetening Elokim with Havaya. It concludes with the sweetening of Elokim at it’s source.
29. Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5747
This Maamar is a hemshech (continuation) to the one before it. It (also) discusses how Gevura is sweetened (ultimately) in it’s own source. How this is represented in 1) The revelation of the Shechina in this world (in the Beis Hamikdash), 2) The Mitzva of Birchas Kohanim, 3) Pesach and more.
30. VeHeinif 5747
Krias Yam Suf and Bekias Hanahar are two levels in giluy Elokus. They both prepare for a gift of Torah. Nigla and Nistar.
31. Livyasan Ze Yatzara 5747
A Ma’amar that explains the “Knigia” (performance) that Hashem will perform for Yidden in Olom Haba. A struggle between the Livyasan and the Shor HaBar. Each will slaughter the other and Yidden will eat both along with “Yayin HaMishumar” special wine being preserved since creation). What is Livyasan? (the epitome of pure holiness) and what...
32. Gan Naul.. Gal Naul... 5747
A commentary on a Maamar of the Rebbe Maharash which is part of the hemshech “Matza Zu 5640”. “Gan” is Mitzvos, Betrothal, Pesach. Yet it already has life and therefore sets the stage for”Gal” which is Torah, Marriage, Shavuos.
33. ViNikdashti 5747
Kedusha (Mesiras Nefesh) in the every day is the level of Torah LiShma. There are two levels in this also.
34. Lehavin Inyan Sefiras Haomer 5747
Three versions of what Sefiras HaOmer is for 1) Tzadikim, 2) Baalei Teshuva, 3) Higher than anyone’s personal condition. All three have Avoda relevance in our lives.
37. VeHar Sinai Ashan Kulo 5747
ASHAN is Olom Shana Nefesh. There are two orders: Olom is the highest and Olom is the lowest. What’s the fourth element? At Har Sinai Fire (G-Dliness) pervaded the world. The result was a “Smoking World”. What does this mean?
38. Ko Sivarachu 5747
All of Yiddishkeit has Klal and Prat. Birchas Kohanim BiChlal and BiPrat (Biklalus at least). It happens fast and is sure. The 3 Blessings correspond to Pesach Shavuos and Sukkos.
39. Lehavin Inyan HaNesachim 5747
The libations (Wine, and oil and flour) were to be brought with the Korbonos, but only once they entered into Eretz Yisroel. How this Mitzva is a reaction to or a follow up of the story (and it’s aftermath) of the Spies.
40. Hashamayim Kisi 5747
Hashamayim Kisi 5747The classic Ma’amar of the Alter Rebbe (in Torah Ohr on Breishis) is here analyzed, expanded and revolutionized. In the process, some obvious questions are resolved. Heaven and earth are (not only Torah and Yidden and the like, but also) the higher and lower worlds (including Atzmus). Accordingly, we can explain that the...
41. Se'u Yedeichem Kodesh 5747 (5772/2012)
The Zohar explains that two Havayos in one Possuk should be understood as two Havayos (DilAila and Diltata- higher and lower). Moreover as one grows they discover many levels of higher and lower Havayos and what is higher to one level is low to the level above itself etc. [Levels of infinity]. This Possuk Se’u...
45a. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel (UNEDITED VERSION) 5747
For various reasons, I taught both versions of the Maamar. Both versions are being made available. Naturally, the edited version is deeper and EDITED!
47. Ani Ledodi Vdodi Li 5747 (1) (Shabos Mivorchim_Elul)
This Maamar explains that the idea of “Melech BaSade'” for those who haven’t sinned. Those who have are in the Midbar from where they find Hashem (uvikashtem Misham) and it is “tzorech aliya”.
48. Ani Ledodi Vdodi Li 5747 (2) (erev Rosh Chodesh Elul)
This maamar explains that the two Maamarim ”Ani Ledodi” in Likutei Torah explain the revelation of the thirteen midos Harachamim in the order of “Klal Prat uKlal”.
49. Samach Tisamach 5747
Adding joy to the ever present joy of ”Reiim haAhuvim”. Infinite joy that comes down into form.
50. Atem Nitzavim 5747
A commentary on the Likutei Tora’s Maamar with this name. Naturally Jewish unity is like a “klal” (all our differences are neutralized); Through Teshuva our unity becomes one of absolute equality.
51. Ze Hayom Techilas Maasecha 5747
Why is Rosh Hashana connected especially to Malchus (making Him a King). It reveals G-D with no constraints whatsoever.
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