
13 Basi Ligani, Shabbos Bo. (5773/2013).

Class One. Perek 3 explains the Rebbe outlines what the creation is: a place of duality. The double effect of Klipa 1) cooling off inspiration for Yiddishkeit 2) The passion for material things, are the basis for the duality in creation in all of its aspects. 1) Two Tzimtzums of light, [will be continued in...

14. Basi Ligani, Motzoei Shabbos Bo. (5773/2013).

Second (Motzoei Shabbos) version of Basi Ligani 5733, is almost identical to the first one (of Shabbos day). This time we did the whole Maamar in one class. The duality of 1) Coldness to Godliness and 2) Passion to worldliness in the Frierdike Rebbe’s chapter 3 sets up the notion of duality in so many...

15. Uvnei Yisroel Hulchu... 4733 Bishalach. (5773/2013).

The Maamar after Yud Shvat the Rebbe explains the solution to the problem of duality introduced by the Maamarei Hilula. The two will become three (not one) when Moshiach comes. This is “Yerida Tzorech Aliya”. Even the duality in Klipa itself will be transformed when Moshiach comes into passion for Kidusha and the Cold objectivity...

16. Bachodesh Hashlishi... 5733.

How the story of the arriving at Har Sinai and the giving of the Torah, reflects and gives the strength for the process of the two becoming three (as opposed to before Mattan Torah that there was two and you had to choose one or the other, because there could be no unity) when Moshiach comes.

25. kol Yisroel Yesh Lohem Chelek laolom Haba 5733 (Muga)

Olom hatechiya is gashmiyus and is higher than Gan Eden (though it is ruchniyus). Source: Melukat IV, p.177 high quality audio. medium quality audio.

40. Ani Ledodi 5733.

40. Ani Ledodi 5733.This Ma’amar Ani Ledodi addresses the issue of why the King is in the field ant not in the desert.The field is where the purpose is achieved; and the desert has it’s sparks elevated out of the desert. But the work and place is the “Field” not the desert. 40. Ani Ledodi...

41. Kumi Ori 5733 (Mugga Milukat Vol. 3) the Ma'amar Ki Imcha 5734 (Chanuka) is a Hemshech to this one.

41. Kumi Ori 5733 (Mugga Milukat Vol. 3) the Ma’amar Ki Imcha 5734 (Chanuka) is a Hemshech to this one.This Ma’amar revolves around a Midrash that joins together two Pesukim.Yidden tell Hashem כי עמך מקור חיים באורך נראה אור we insist that He shine light first and we’ll respond; and Hashem responds קומי אורי כי...

42. Ze Hayom 5733 (1st Ma'amar in Hemshech).

42. Ze Hayom 5733 (1st Ma’amar).There are three ideas: 1) כ”ה Godliness concealed (or revealed a little), 2) ז”ה (Godliness revealed but apart from the world), 3) the joining of ז”ה and כ”ה to reveal what is above the world in the world.Only Yodden can do this, as in Yidden there is בצלמינו כדמותינו; both...

3 Classes

43. Ze Hayom 5733 (2nd Ma'amar in Hemshech).

43. Ze Hayom 5733 (2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech). The ideas of joining כ”ה and ז”ה together using the power of the Yid who entails both בצלמינו כדמותינו is developed further here with a series of examples:1) Nissan, Elul, Tishrei2) ובקשתם משם and כי תדרשנו which culminates in ומצאת3) גורעין (Elul) ומוסיפין (the Divine assistance) ודורשין...