3 Classes

01. Ze HaYom 5736

01. Ze HaYom 5736This Ma’amar (loosely follows the previous one) is the Rebbe exploring the second Ma’amar in the ‘Samach Vov’ on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Rebbe RaShaB writing and saying this Hemshech (series) the first time.The previous Ma’amar (said Erev Rosh Hashana 5735-6) was based on the beginning and end...

2 Classes

02. Shuva Yisroel 5736

02. Shuva Yisroel 5736The Koach to do Teshuva comes from the higher level of Yisroel. This explains the continuation in the Possuk:1) כי כשלת בעוניך- we only stumbled.2) קחו עמכם דברים ושובו אל הוי’ה- this is not about ודוי (confession); it is about core4cting an action with an (small) action (at least). 3) אמרו אליו...

2 Classes

03. BaSukos Tashvu 5736

03. BaSukos Tashvu 5736This Ma’amar explores various ideas that all revolve around one basid idea.Sitting in the Sukkah in Chassidus means bringing the Makif into Pnimiyus.It creates Peace, through Da’as.Kol HaEzroch… what will happen alter (after Moshiach comes) affe3cts now also.Lima’an Yadu Dorosaichem internalizing through Da’as.The LulavThe 70 cows Bringing the Makif all the way...

04. BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736

BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736 BaYom Hashmini Atzeres 5736.This typucal Ma’amar that revolves around the two Midrashim of Shmini Atzeres:1) The king who asks his friend to stay for one more day and enjoy what is left over from the feast.2) The father who suggests that the daughters married to people who live farther away should...

05. Machar Chodesh 5736 (from Tishrei to Cheshvan)

Machar Chodesh 5736 (from Tishrei to Cheshvan)This Ma’amar is a continuation to the last one.The constant is the idea of reaching the highest levels (one with Atzmus) through elevating Klipa.There are three parts to this Ma’amar.1) Shmini Atzeres. It’s much higher than Sukkos.

06. Lihavin Inyan Tishrei 5736

Lihavin Inyan Tishrei 5736.This is ONE LONG CLASS on a Ma’amar (perhaps it should have been done in two classes).Understanding Tishrei as a whole (rather than through it’s various days that are special) is achieved by studying it’s names: 1) Tishrei A. head B. release and atone, C. Master (King) D. Bring G-dliness down from...

08. Amar Rav Acha Yaffe Sichasan... 5736

Amar Rav Acha Yaffe Sichasan… 5736Question: why is so much attention given to the idle talk of the Servants in the Avos home?Answer: Sicha means Tefilla, on the level of Bichol Miodecha, which is (in this case) higher than Tefilla.This Tefilla Bichol Mieodecha changes the Torah to unify Torah ShbiKsav and Torah Shebaa.The Torah that...

09. Pada Bishalom 5736 (a 19 Kislev Ma'amar)

Pada Bishalom 5736 (a 19 Kislev Ma’amar)Though this Possuk entails within many ideas; it’s clear the Alter Rebbe (in his letter) that he saw as the key to this Possuk the idea of Torah.Torah is a higher and purer kind of peace.Yet it comes after מקרב adversity, that when overcome correctly brings not only a...

10. Mai Chanuka 5736

Mai Chanuka 5736.This Ma’amar is…1) Considered a Hemshech to the Pada BiShalom Ma’amar form 19 Kislev, though the connection seems rather superficial2) Based on the Previous Rebbe’s Ma’amar by this name from 25 years earlier (5701).In this Ma’amar Chanuka is explained, and the Mesiras Nefesh it involved is articulted.He explains that the word מקרב in...

2 Classes

11. BiChof Hai BiKislev 5736

BiChof Hai BiKislev 5736This Ma’amar is the second of three Ma’amarim on Chanuka given by the Rebbe in 5736.This Ma’amar is clearly a Hemshech (continuation in series) from the Ma’amar before it.

12. Mai Mivurech 5736

Mai Mivurech 5736This is the third Ma’amar on Chanukah of this year, and it was said in the second Shabbos of Chanukah (Zos Chanuke). It is clearly NOT a Hemshech to the ones before.The point of this Ma’amar is to explain the seven Mitzvos of the Rabbanan, juxtaposed against 1) what is Biblical, 2) Rabbinic...

4 Classes

13. Vayigash 5736 (Muga).

Vayigash 5736 (Muga).This folder includes a short (oral) version of this Ma’amar given at Yeshiva and a more comprehensive version given at Beis Midrahs Linashim in 5782 (2021).We’ll also enclose some of the (Muga) Ma’amarim from 5725 and 5732.

14. Vialeh Shmos 5736

Vialeh Shmos 5736.The Rebbe said ten Ma’amarim Vialeh Shmos, and for the most part they all speak to this Ma’amar as it is the Torah Ohr.The idea is that there are two Yeridos (ירוד ירדנו) and there will be two Aliyos (ואנכי אעלך גם עלה), and in general this is the original Galus and the...

15. (1) באתי לגני התשל"ו

Class One. This first of two classes on the first of two מאמרים on פרק ו’ מבאתי לגני התש”י. The spirit of the מאמר is about ביטול. This is connected to the shape of the letter דלת as opposed to the letter ריש. Behind the דלת there is a small יוד, this represents ביטול. However,...

16. (באתי לגני התשל"ו (2

Class One. These two Ma’amarim (the previous one and this one) are very similar, but there are minor differences. We obviously learned both Ma’amarim. The spirit of the מאמר is about ביטול, and he seems to use it in place of the typical אתכפיא ואתהפכא that is so familiar to באתי לגני. This is connected...

17. Vayomer Moshe Ichluhu Hayom 5736

17. Vayomer Moshe Ichluhu Hayom 57361) This Shabbos is 13 Shvat, the 80th Yahrtzait of the Rebbetzin Rivka, so we told some stories about her.2) Introduction to the Ma’amar: A. two ideas of Bittul (Angelic Bittul) without struggle and (Human Bittul) through ‘Iskafia and Ishapecha’ (struggle); B. The Manna, Shabbos and Torah share the idea...

19. Ki Tisa 5736 (A Shkalim Ma'amar)

19. Ki Tisa 5736 (A Shkalim Ma’amar)We learned this Ma’amar backwards: first we learned all of the Biur (most of the Ma’amar) then we went back and asked each question (there are 11 of them) and found their answers throughout the Ma’amar.This Ma’amar holds that entire building of the Mishkan including collection Machatzis HaSheekl and...

20. Ze Yitnu 5736 (Another Shkalim Ma'amar, said Rosh Chodesh Adar II)

20. Ze Yitnu 5736 (Another Shkalim Ma’amar)The Pardes explains that מחצית השקל doesn’t mean a half Shekel, but the halving of a Shekel; which sets up a meaningful exchange: the upper half inspires the lower half Shekel to be given and reunite (on a higher level) with the upper half of the Shekel. The Pardes...

2 Classes

21. Vayikra 5736

21. Vayikra 5736Moshe’s humility is represented by the little Aleph of Vayikra makes him (lower than a middle and large Aleph, on the one hand and) higher than the great Aleph of Adam (in Divrei HaYamim).

22. Zachor 5736 (Parshas Zachor Ma'amar; much of this Ma'amar is Vayavo Amalaik)

22. Zachor 5736 (Parshas Zachor Ma’amar; much of this Ma’amar is Vayavo Amalaik) Amalaik begins with making us cold.This can be connected to Torah (!!!) because Torah is intellectual and is by nature cold.It continues onto ספק (uncertainty, inferred and overt) that ends with question היש הוי’ בקרבינו אם אין (is G-d among us ??...

25. Hachodesh 5736 (this is a Parshas Hachodesh Ma'amar) 2nd Ma'amar in Hemshech.

25. Hachodesh 5736 (this is a Parshas Hachodesh Ma’amar) 2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech.This Ma’amar is a direct Hemshech (serial) to the one before.In the last Ma’amar we celebrated nature and how it holds Atzmus (לא שניתי manifesting in לא ישבותו and חדשים כיום הבראם); in this one we celebrate miracles and change (חידוש). Miracles move...

26. Kol Dodi 5736 (1) Shabbos HaGadol

26. Kol Dodi 5736 (1) Shabbos HaGadolThis Ma’amar explains the ‘need’ for Hashem to ‘jump’ and get us out of Mitzrayim after 210 years, because we made our situation much worse (ירידה גדולה ביותר למטה ממה שהי’ צריך להיות) that we wouldn’t have survived [and would have been many MORE years than the original 400],...

2 Classes

27. Kol Dodi 5736 (2) 11 Nissan (second of a Hemshech)

27. Kol Dodi 5736 (2) 11 Nissan (second of a Hemshech)This (long 11 Nissan) Ma’amar is in part (almost exactly) a review of the Ma’amar before this one, also tilted Kol Dodi.There are some changes and additions, but all in all it explains the same idea. Hashem leaps to save us in Egypt because we’ve...

28. Vinacha 5736, Acharon Shel Pesach (Third of a Hemshech)

28. Vinacha 5736, Acharon Shel Pesach (Third of a Hemshech)This Ma’amar addresses the issue of the ‘leap’ (מדלג על ההרים מקפץ על הגבעות) discussed in thge previous two (pre-Pesach) Ma’amarim (on the Possuk (קול דודי הנה זה בא מדלג… ומקפץ) as it relates to Moshiach’s coming. But here, when He leaps when Moshoach comes, we...

29. Ksones Bad Kodesh 5736.

29. Ksones Bad Kodesh 5736.This unique Ma’amar explains the four guarments the Kohain Gadol wore on Yom Kippur in holy of holies.There are two ideas here:A. how each is distinct, and is connected to another level and protects and heals and corrects on another level.מצנפת in the meeting between Ein Sof (Kesser) and Atzilus that...

2 Classes

30. UviRashei Chadshaichem 5736 (fourth part of a Hemshech)

30. UviRashei Chadshaichem 5736 (fourth part of a Hemshech)The Hemshech that spoke about דילוג וקפיצה (Hashem leaping to save Yidden) turns to the Avoda of Nissan and Iyar.On one level the Avoda is such that Nissan and Pesach are lower than Iyar and Sefiras HaOmer.But on another the notion of the leap dominates this also.

2 Classes

31. Hashamayim Kisi 5736, A Rosh Chodesh/ Kedoshim Ma'amar

31. Hashamayim Kisi 5736, A Rosh Chodesh/ Kedoshim Ma’amarThe first half (class) of this Ma’amar deals with Rosh Chodesh, and the disappearing moon (and its being a single point) represing Bittul which sets up the possibility of the NEW moon.This Bittul was explained in Avoda, on both edges: (being lower and higher than all Giluyim...

4 Classes

32. Usfartem 5736 (Fifth Part of a Hemshech)

32. Usfartem 5736 (Fifth Part of a Hemshech).This long Ma’amar explains the reason there is Sefiras HaOmer between the Ratzoi of Pesach and the Shov of Shavuos.In explaining this he revisits and adds much new insight to the series of Ma’amarim that explained the Possuk that connects Pesach to a leap קול דודי הנה זה...

33. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5736

33. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5736This is (sort of) a Ma’amar within a Ma’amar.The beginning and the end is the typical מחר חדש Ma’amar, based on the earliest Rabbeim and the Rebbe MaharaSh (from תרל”א and תרל”ו) explaining how the Bittul (כי יפקד מושביך) brings the renewal, the ‘Moled’ (ונפקדת).However, in the middle the Rebbe brings...

34. Besha'a Shehikdimu Yisroel 5736

34. Besha’a Shehikdimu Yisroel 5736This Ma’amar is very organized and clear.The theme is the precedence of Na’aseh to Nishma, as it manifests in numerous aspects. 1) You cannot do Mitzvos unless you know what they are (‘hear them’ first), however there can be an attitudinal precedence to that also. to resolve to accept whatever you...

35. Lihavin Inyan Mattan Torah 5736

35. Lihavin Inyan Mattan Torah 5736This is a quite the Ma’amar! Short and very deep.The greatest thing is Divine Revelation, because that’s the purpose for the creation.Steps are taken to get the revelation forward. In general there are three steps: A. revealing ‘all’ the light, but in fleeting way (like the waft of perfume); B....

36. Nasso Es Rosh 5736

36. Nasso Es Rosh 5736This Ma’amar purpose that we should ‘lift up’ only the heads of Gershon and not Kehas; as what Gershon represents is always applicable while what Kehas represents only works in the time of the Beis HaMikdash.Never the less due to ‘Kavod HaTorah’ Kehas has his head lifted also and moreover he’s...

37. Vayishlach Yehoshua 5736 (Mugga)

37. Vayishlach Yehoshua 5736 (Mugga)This (rather popular) Ma’amar, is very basic and important.It speaks of the two sets of Miraglim (spies) those of Moshe (the Parsha) and Yehoshua (the Haftorah) and the advantage of the Miraglim of Yehoshua over those of Moshe: A. it was commanded; B. it was only to the city of Yericho...

5 Classes

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga).

38. 39. 40. Nasata LiYireiecha Nes LiHisnoses 5736 (Mugga).The Rebbe said three Ma’amarim in a row, all beginning with this same Possuk נתת ליריאיך נס להתנוסס מפני קושט סלה למען יחלצון ידידיך הושיעה ימינך ועניני (A. Shabbos Chukas-Balak 12 Tamuz; B. Sunday 13 Tamuz; C. Tuesday 15 Tamuz, and then (later) instructed that they be...

41. Aileh Masei 5736 (1st Ma'amar of two Hemshech)

41. Aileh Masei 5736 (1st Ma’amar of two Hemshech)This is the first of two Ma’amarim Aileh Masei (that are clearly a Hemshech). Both emphasize the ideas that from the moment we leave Mitzrayim until Moshiach comes we are leaving limitation (Mitzrayim); he explains that these 42 journeys exist in 1) the 40 years in the...

42. Aileh Masei 5736 (2nd Ma'amar of two in a Hemshech)

42. Aileh Masei 5736 (2nd Ma’amar of two in a Hemshech)This Ma’amar is very similar to the one before it, but here the Rebbe adds a new idea, The work we do is Birurim, and this is accomplished by journeying through the 42 stops through the desert (and the world) and elevating sparks.This is done...

43. Aileh HaDevarim 5736

43. Aileh HaDevarim 5736This short little Ma’amar begins with a discussion about the ideas of עבד נאמן and עבד פשוט as they are found un the Samach Vov that the Rebbe seems to be differing from what the Rebbe RaShaB says. He (our Rebbe) places the עבד נאמן above the עבד פשוט in every way.The...

2 Classes

44. Tziyon BiMishpat 5736 (Mugga)

44. Tziyon BiMishpat 5736 (Mugga)This Ma’amar is based on the first Ma’amar in Likutei Torah on Devarim: how it could have been and how it is.How it is requires ציון במשפט תפדה ושבי’ה בצדקה

2 Classes

45. Lihavin Inyan Chamisha Asar BiAv ViYom HaKippurim 5736

45. Lihavin Inyan Chamisha Asar BiAv ViYom HaKippurim 5736This Ma’amar is one of six or seven Ma’amarim on this theme. They are based (to a great extent) on the Ma’amar Nachamu 5670 which is based on the Tzemach Tzedek’s notes on this theme).The underlying issue is that even when we are being punished for our...

46. Ani Lidodi 5736 (1st Ma'amar on this Possuk [and 1st part of Hemshech])

46. Ani Lidodi 5736 (1st Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 1st part of Hemshech]).This little Ma’amar joins what is written in the classic Ma’amar Ani Lidodi with the Ma’amar Visamti Kadkod where additional detail is added to the analogy of the king in the field. The two ideas of אני לדודי ודודי לי and דודי...

2 Classes

47. Ani Lidodi 5736 (2nd Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 2nd part of Hemshech])

47. Ani Lidodi 5736 (2nd Ma’amar on this Possuk [and 2nd part of Hemshech])Elul is TeshuvaAnd Teshuva is Aliya (after Yerida).

48. Atem Nitzavim 5736 (1st Ma'amar).

Atem Nitzavim 5736 (1st Ma’amar).The point of this Ma’amar is that when Hashem returns to His essence (חוזר לעצמותו) on Rosh Hashana and it is left to Yidden to renew His Kingship, this is achieved by their return to their own essence, from which level they are in the position to Make Him King again.היום...

49. Atem Nitzavim 5736 (2nd Ma’amar).

Atem Nitzavim 5736 (2nd Ma’amar).The Rebbe said a Ma’amar Atem Nitzavim on 18 Elul several days later (Shabbos Nitzavim) he said another Ma’amar by the same name, but the connection between the two is quite remote, it is on ONE detail of the Ma’amar, based on the Midrash that links אתם נצבים היום כולכם לפני...