2 Classes

01. Shir Hama'alos 5734 (first of two in a Hemshech).

01. Shir Hama’alos 5734 (first of two in a Hemshech).This Ma’amar reviews the three levels of Ratzon (found in the Ma’amarim of Rosh Hashanah 5703, 5665.It is connected to the idea of ממעמקים which is deeper than מעומקים. The Ma’amar explores why there are two levels in this itself.

2 Classes

02. Shuva Yisroel 5734 (2nd Ma'amar in Hemshech)

02. Shuva Yisroel 5734 (2nd Ma’amar in Hemshech)This Ma’amar which also speaks of the three levels of Ratzon and revealing a renewed interest from Atzmus in the (purpose of) the creation.Here it is about Teshuva, the higher Teshuva.

2 Classes

03. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734 (1st of Hemshach of 3).

03. Ulkachtem Luchem 5734 (1st of Hemshach of 3).This ma’amar was said days into the Yom Kippur war, which you can feel in the Ma’amar.What the Rebbe does here, is use Torah to argue (in affect) that [the Mitzvos of] Sukkos doesn’t start on the 15th of Tishrei, but right after Yom Kippur.And as such,...

2 Classes

04. BaSukos Tashvu 5734 (2nd of Hemshech of 3)

04. BaSukos Tashvu 5734 (1st of Hemshech of 2)

2 Classes

05. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3).

05. Chag Hasukkos 5734 (3rd of Hemshech of 3).The Sukka (during Sukkos) has קדושת הגוף of a Korban because it is a physical Mitzvah celebrated physically (eating and drinking).The Lulav must also be the same because: A. the Joy of Sukkos is connected to the Daled Minim, B. it internalizes the indirect light of Sukka.

06. Bayom HaShmini 5734 (a Shmini Atzeres Ma'amar).

06. Bayom HaShmini 5734 (a Shmini Atzeres Ma’amar).1) Two Midrashim: A. Make me a small feast for me to enjoy; B. After feasting with everyone he says to His friend ‘Let us revel together’ [alone].2) These two Midrashim represent two ideas: A. the Avoda of the Nefesh HaElokis alone; B. the Avoda with the N....

07. Braishis 5734.

07. Braishis 5734.This Ma’amar is only an outline (this is all we have).The Zohar includes 10 S’firos of Atzilus, but also the lower worlds until Asiya.The Avoda of an Aliya to the Torah raises up all levels of the Neshama (all of Hishtalshelus).The Avoda of Aliya of Tefilla also has 4 levels.Tishrei source of all...

2 Classes

08. Liosei Niflaos 5734 (Shabbos Breishis Hemshech to Simchas Torah)

08. Liosei Niflaos 5734 (Shabbos Breishis Hemshech to Simchas Torah)Two interpretations of the (the 2nd) Possuk of Atta Haraisa, (RaShI and the Ba’al Shem Tov) converge to explain what in creation is wonderous even to Hashem.There is only one such thing ישראל מקדשי שמיך, the idea that Yidden (due to the fact that they are...

2 Classes

09. Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadashim 5734

09. Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadashim 5734After Moshiach comes there will be a כי כאשר השמים החדשים והארץ החדשה אשר אני עושה ‘new’ Heaven and Earth.It is new, but still the same name: Shamayim and Aretz.The Ma’amar explains the similarity between the Shamayim and Aretz of now and of then.Also there will be new Neshamos, but...

10. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5734

10. Vayomer Lo Yehonasan 5734Aliya through and after Yerida.Going from סגול (under the letters) to סגולתא (above the letters).

2 Classes

11. Pada BiShalom (19 Kislev 5734) 19 Kislev; 1st part of Hemshech

11. Pada BiShalom (19 Kislev 5734) 19 Kislev; 1st part of Hemshech1) Three levels: A. Shalom (Torah), B. Cherev Shel Shalom (Tefilla), C. Milchama (Mitzvos, Birurim). 2) When one is on the level of Toraso Umnaso all three are on the Shalom level.

12. Pada BiShalom (Vayeshev) 5734; 2nd part of Hemshech.

12. Pada BiShalom (Vayeshev) 5734; 2nd part of Hemshech.This Ma’amar continues from the previous (19 Kislev) Ma’amar.It reviews the two ideas discussed there:A. Pada BiShalom is three levels Peace (Torah) Sword of peace (Tefilla) and War (Tzedaka, Mitzvos).B. the idea that when one is on the level of Toraso Umnaso, all three (Tefilla and Mitzvos...

13. Tenu Rabbanan Ner Chanukah 5734

13. Tenu Rabbanan Ner Chanukah 5734This Ma’amar (based on the אור התורה) addresses (specifically) the question of the Chanukah candles being on the left side.He explains that Mitzvas Asei are from a lower level than Mitzvas Los Ta’aseh. This is why we access the Light of Mitzvas Lo Ta’aseh through inaction.This is affective to address...

2 Classes

14. Ki Imcha Mekor Chayim 5734 (Hemshech to Ma'amar Kumi Ori 5733)

14. Ki Imcha Mekor Chayim 5734 (Hemshech to Ma’amar Kumi Ori 5733)This Ma’amar taught in two classes explains:1) כי עמך מקור חיים Hashem is the source of creation but it is altogether secondary to Him.2) However באורך נראה אור the purpose of creation which is Torah and Mitzvos באורך is far more meaningful and brings...

15. Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5734

15. Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 57341) The question of juxtaposing the Possuk Yehuda (being subordinate and) approaching Yosef, with the Zohar’s statement about Geula (Yesod, Yosef) approaching Tefilla (Malchus, Yehuda).It’s the difference between the beginning (Giluyim is greater, and in this context, Yosef is higher and Yehuda is subordinate to him) and the end (where Atzmus’...

3 Classes

16. Vaeira 5734

16. Vaeira 5734Vaeira means (1) I DID reveal myself, and (2) I DO and WILL reveal myself, implying that any Jew can have Nevua like the Avos.Provided that he is first on the level of Merkava.The revelation sets up the Teshuva on four levels (A. סור מרע and B. עשה טוב, and C. בקש שלום,...

17. Basi Legani 5734 (1).

17a. Basi Legani 5734 (1), Class One. This class includes: 1) an introduction and over view of Basi Ligani, 2) The Question how can the Nefesh HaElokis and Nefesh haBahamis ever interface, they are opposites. Only Hashem can join opposites together through ‘Nimna HaNimnaos’ but not man. Example one: The Gedula and Gevura employed in...

18. Basi Legani 5734 (2)

18a. Basi Legani 5734 (2), Class One. 1) Question: How can Klipa oppose Kedusha, when Kedusha is the will Hashem and Klipa opposes it. Example one: The Gedula and Gevura employed in creation. The Rebbe shows that they are not opposites at all. Example two; Kasha KiKrias yam Suf, joining the land and the sea...

3 Classes

19. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga), a Yisro (15 Shvat) Ma'amar.

19. Bachodesh Hashlishi 5734 (Muga), a Yisro (15 Shvat) Ma’amar.I taught this class in Yeshiva in 5768 (2008) and am now (5784/ 2024) reteaching it in two classes, so you have a short (lecture-type) version and a longer version.The Ma’amar explores the idea of a point (the occasion of Rosh Chodesh Sivan and Mattan Torah)...

20. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5734

20. Viaileh Hamishpatim 5734This class is about “Panim”, the face of God that was revealed at Har Sinai it now falls to Moshe and the Moshe (“Talmid Chacham”) in each generation to bring to our “face” (Pnimiyus) the “face” of Godliness.This idea is found in many Ma’amarim on Mishpatim, but this one deals with the...

21. Ki Tisa 5734 (1st Ma'amar) Shekalim Ma'amar.

21. Ki Tisa 5734 (1st Ma’amar) Shekalim Ma’amar.This Ma’amar is unusual in the Emunah discussion.Avraham gives us Emunah on the levels of Mimalei and Sovev, and then fortifies it with ורעה אמונה Hisbonenus (in what motivates the thief).Moshe is told כי תשא את ראש he raises our heads- beyond the Hisbonenus (after Avraham’s Emunah that...

22. Ki Tisa 5734 (2nd Ma’amar) Parshas Tisa, Shushan Purim Ma’amar; the Ma'amar after this one is a Hemshech.

22. Ki Tisa 5734 (2nd Ma’amar) Parshas Tisa, Shushan Purim Ma’amar.This Ma’amar explains that Mordechai’s idea was Torah on the highest level: מאן מלכא רבנן, still he also needed a Bittul which is even higher than that.This is due to the fact that the levels of Torah of מאן מלכא רבנן has with it תוקף...

43. Ani Lidodi 5734

43. Ani Lidodi 5734Elul includes working from the bottom up (A. taking stock, B. preparing (resolutions) for the new year) and from the top down (our preparation has a Divine reciprocation).These two break down into the four ideas of 1) סור מרע and 2) עשה טוב and 3) בקש שלום and 4) ורדפהו.The first two...

44. Hashem He'emarta... He'emircha... 5734

44. Hashem He’emarta… He’emircha… 5734The Alter Rebbe explains האמרת and האמירך in one way: we speak Torah and He speaks (in a renewed way) the utterances creation); and the Tzemach Tzedek (and then the Rebbe MaharaSh) speaks it in three ways:1) [what the AR explained] He speaks and creates as we speak words of Torah....

3 Classes

45. Atem Nitzovim 5734

45. Atem Nitzovim 5734A wonderful Ma’amar delivered in three parts, juxtaposing the day of creation (25 Elul) and it’s strengths with the day of the creation of man (1 Tishrei) and his strengths.He explained it using the form of צלם and דמות, unity vs. detail.He ties into the Possuk Atem Nitzovim which has both unity...

46. Sos Asis 5734

46. Sos Asis 5734This Ma’amar from the Shabbos before Rosh Hashana speaks of Yidden arousing Hashem’s delight (pleasure) in the creation, for Him to invest Himself as a King (not only a ruler).It explains the reciprocal nature of this process, we arouse Him, and He arouses us to arouse Him on an even higher level....

23. Hachodesh 5734 Parshas HaChodesh Ma'amar(Hemshech to previous Ma'amar).

23. Hachodesh 5734 Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar (Hemshech to previous Ma’amar).1) Regular Rosh Chodesh has two levels: יעקב- creation, and יוסף- for more.2) Before each Rosh Chodesh there’s the כי יפקד מושביך- the Bittul before that produces the Molad.3) Nissan is above all the months, both in it’s Rosh Chodesh (ונפקדת) and in it’s pre-Moled Bittul...