
13. Lachain Emor 5721

Lachain Emor 5721, Class One.Introduction: the four expressions of Geula (by Yetzias Miotzrayim and also Liasid) correspond to four Teshuvos (from Likutei Torah Balak- Ma Tovu); they also parallel the two levels in each of the two Tesuvos, Teshuva Tata’a and teshuva Ila’a. We did much more than half. In this part we talked only...

14, 15, 16. Basi Ligani 5721 (2 versions) and Vayehi Bishalach 5721 (altogether).

The Classes is this folder are in the order that the classes were given not in the order of the Maamarim (we are IYH doing the first half of both Ma’amarim together first and then the second half of both of them). This series of classes is sponsored in the Zchus of… לזכות התמים איתן...