2 Classes

Derech Mitzvosecha Mitzvas Lo Sisna and Ahavas Yisroel

The classic insight of Chassidus into Ahavas Yisroel (which is rooted in Tanya Chapter 12) is developed in this Ma'amar.

3 Classes

Derech Mitzvosecha Mitvas Vidui UTeshuva

Derech Mitzvosecha Vidui UTeshuva This Ma'amar explains how the various aspects of Teshuva (Teshuva, Charata, Vidui, Bakashas Mechila) heal various parts of sin.

0 Classes

Mitzvas Achdus Hashem (Derech Mitzvosecha)

Mitzvas Achdus Hashem (Derech Mitzvosecha) Click here to view:  

3 Classes

Derech Mitzvosecha, Eved Ivri

The Beginning of Parshas Mishpatim begins with two Mitzvos that seem so far from being "Mishpatim" because they aren't there just to teach these Mitzvos, they are there to instruct Moshe about his responsibility to raise Yidden (called Eved and Ama) from where they are to where he is

3 Classes

Derech Mitzosecha, Yiud and Pidyon Ama HaIvriah

This Mitzvah (מצות יעוד ופדיון אמה העברי'ה) follows the previous one (מצות עבד עברי). The עבד is the Yid in the lower worlds who Moshe must meet.and uplift. This Mitzvah continues on this vein, until the "uplifting" is into Atzilus itself.

14 Classes

Derech Mitzvosecha Shoresh Mitzvos HaTefilla

This Ma'amar is very long and deals mostly with (Krias Shma and) Tefilla (and the differences between them (רצוי ושוב)) We do not intend to learn beyond the first dozen Prakim (or so) that introduce us to the huge dilemma of יודעים לכוין בשם vs. אליו ולא למדותיו (the question of the complexities of Kabbalah vs. the simple G-d)