
Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 1

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 1 Class One: 1) Introduction to the Sefer Derech Mitzvosecha 2) Four parts to Vidui and Teshuva: 1) Teshuva (future), 2) Charata (past), 3) Vidui, 4) Bakashas Mechila (the last two are verbal). Class Two:Each Avaira happens on three levels: 1) the second of transgression מרידה במלך מלכי המלכים defying Him...

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 2

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 2 Perek 2, Class Eight: To correct the sin, in terms of making up for loss and stopping the flow to Klipa, requires Teshuva which comes from Kesser. Mitzvos are Atzilus. Teshuva is from higher than Atzilus, ANOCHI. Perek 2, Class Nine: Understanding the soul: Giluyim, Kochos, Levushim. The infinite Neshama...

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 3-4

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 3-4 Perek 3, Class 15 The request סלח לנו אבינו כי חטאנו (forgive us, Father. because we sinned) is explored here. The idea of justifying the forgiveness with the sin is that the sin causes His will to depart and we are asking for a higher will. The Teshuva (Ila’a) needs...