
Achdus 085

Class Eighty Five. This first class of the מאמר ר’ ברכי’ פתח תרמ”ג included the questions in פרק א and the (beginning of the) answers in פרק י”ח. This is the רבי רש”ב’s דירה בתחתונים. הניח מה שלמעלה בשביל מה שלמטה The question is why? The answer is דירה בתחתונים where opposites come together (in...

Achdus 086

Class Eighty Six. The idea of דירה בתחתונים continued. Only in this world is there תשובה because there are sparks of תוהו. If and when they are released, they join together סובב with ממלא. This can not happen in the worlds of תיקון, which have “room” only for ממלא. This is the Rebbe RaShaB’s דירה...

Achdus 087

Third class on Reb Brachia (end of Perek 1 beginning of Perek 2) about Karbanos and Beis Hamikdash The questions are: what is the meaning of Hashem’s “food” and house? The Rebbe RaShaB in each case brings a יש מפרשים which he then refutes. The יש מפרשים are the חוקרים; we explore the two theologies...

Achdus 088

Chakira vs Kabbalah class two. According to חקירה intellect is Truth (or Hashem.) Anything outside of intellect is false and foolish. According to קבלה, intellect is a creation which doesn’t limit the Creator. This is expressed in the question of נמנעות. Chakira says יש לנמנעות טבע קיים and קבלה argues that Hashem is נמנע הנמנעות....

Achdus 089

Chakira and Kabbalah Part three. This last class on these two theologies relates to the question of עבודה צורך גבוה. “Could anything we do matter and “touch” Hashem? Chakira says no, and Kabbalah says yes. . But Kabbalah’s yes, needs qualifying: What we do matters to “G-dliness” (or: אלקות,) an idea which is altogether foreign...

Achdus 090

The answer to the question of קרבנות is introduced here. Kabbalah holds עבודה צורך גבוה בניחותא and what we do affects אלקות in אצילות. We introduced the idea of כלים which adds more אור.

Achdus 091

Answer to korbanos continued A) the Birur of Klipa accomplishes: revealing אורות דתהו in תיקון and consequently B) the אורות דעקודים 3. Three represents התכללות, which is אין סוף בציור אדם. This is the significance of three here (through קרבנות) as well.

Achdus 092

Perek 2, Nevua (1) This class addresses the question of Hashem living in a house, arguing what the philosophers (יש מפרשים) say: that the presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash is like Korbanos. Class one on Prophecy: Nevua is about people (not Hashem.) That man can reach a level where he is worthy שתשרה...

Achdus 093

Perek 2, Nevua Class Two Prophecy is about the person and his level- אין שני נביאים מתנבאים בסגנון אחד. If the presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash is like Nevua, then it is obviously not Atzmus, which is not according to one’s level! What Kabbala calls אין סוף, Chakira calls ידיעת השם. All Nevua...

Achdus 094

Perek 2, Nevua Class Three Explaining Nevua more, using the example of השתטחות. The meeting of נר”נ with another נר”נ is through the גוף ולבושים. The meeting of חי’ יחידה with another’s חי’ יחידה is direct, by the נשמות merging directly. At the Ohel the ח”י meet and by big people this is conscious. There...

Achdus 095

Perek 3 (class 1) Seven proofs that in the Beis Hamikdash there is Atzmus, which is more than Giluyim (Nevua-like.) The words: השראה vs. התלבשות see in part אגרת הקדש כ”ג.

Achdus 096

Perek 3 (class 2) Questions at the end of the Perek: 1) No one questions that inasmuch as Hashem can do the impossible if He wants to, He can rest in the space of a house. Is there anything for us to understand about this, and if yes then what? 2) How is the Beis...

Achdus 097

The answer to the question of Hashem living in (a house,) the Beis Hamikdash (Class 1) Perek 12. A) The presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash, happens through נמנע הנמנעות. B) It is understood from the idea of (מקום הארון אינה מן המדה). This happens through בירורים, which is the Rebbe RaShaB’s formula for...

Achdus 098

This class is part 2 to the explanation for Atzmus in the Beis Hamikdash: 1) There are two parallel sets of ten: Dibros (Torah) and Maamaros (Creation) 2) They were once one and then diverged- כשתגיעו לאבני שיש טהור אל תאמרו מים מים 3) This divergence caused the high to become higher and low to...

Achdus 099

Perek 13-14 (2)The division between higher and lower, makes the high- higher, Kedusha, and the low lower- creation. Creation is under the effect of מט”ט who is called שרו של עולם or הדיוט relative to Kedusha. There is עליון down here in: Torah and Mitzvos, as well as in זמן, like שבת יום טוב etc,...

Achdus 100

Lecture on Hiskalelus- Kabbalah in one word: Elokus. Kabbalah in two words: Meod (simple infinite,) and Adam (complex and ordered infinity). The second idea is infinite, not in its enormity, but in its order. Two levels of Hiskalelus: A. In Tikun itself, like Tiferes which unifies Chesed and Gevura. B. In the joining of Tohu...

Achdus 101

This is the first of two classes on the idea of עושה שלום במרומיו and how they are different by מלאכים (that are polar creations) and נשמות (that are balanced creations). This is found in Tanya in אגרת הקודש letters 12-13 Hiskalelus from the top vs. Hiskalelus from the bottom It seems that the Rebbe...

Achdus 102

The two Hiskalelus are read inside The sugia of Beis HaMikdash is completed: it is the two opposites of Tohu and Tikkun brought together (through Avoda) by a force higher than both. This is why the Beis HaMikdash always has the number 3 in its detail.

Achdus 103

Beginning of Perek 4. This class discusses Makom as the beginning of eventually explaining the Beis HaMikdash (Perek 12 ff) to be מקום ולמעלה מהמקום together. The Tzemach Tzedek begins with the question of Makom (space). Space is an inverse מציאות, as most מציאות assert themselves to be phobic and intolerant of others; מקום invites...

Achdus 104

Calling something secondary to Him already indicates importance, thus מקום in Torah cannot possibly mean physical space, it must mean metaphysical space, at least ממלא כל עלמין. The difference in the two opinions: is there one universal space for everything or does each creation have its own space? Both are true, but which does Torah...

Achdus 105

An explanation that space is actually our source, space is the beginning of our being and is as such אתרי טפילה לי according to the opinion that מקום is ממלא כל עלמין. The Mishna אין לך דבר שאין לו מקום ואין לך אדם שאין לו שעה is explained not only psychologically but philosophically as well.

Achdus 106

Makom is Mimalei, personalized for each creation. The beginning of the explanation of Mimalei, the idea of hislabshus; life that is personalized and individuated.

Achdus 107

1) Separation Ohr makif (Chaya/ Yechida) from Ohr Pnimi (Nefesh/ Ruach/ Neshama) 2) The individuation of NaRa”N in each of the three basic cavities; mind, heart and liver, and then the distribution to each aspect of the body.

Achdus 108

Perek 4 (6)- more on ממלא כל עלמין There’s so many detail and התחלקות for the sake of התלבשות. In general, there are four kingdoms דומם, צומח, חי, מדבר and specifically, each of these four has many many more particulars.

Achdus 109

Perek 4 (7)- more on ממלא כל עלמין The heavens and the earth: 1) They are different because the heavens are קיימין באיש and the earth is קיימין במין 2) The heavens are מה גדלו מעשיך and the earth is מה רבו

Achdus 110

End of Perek Daled. The idea of ממלא כל עלמין as it plays out in the smallest and biggest things in creation, but always limited.

Achdus 111

Beginning of Perek 5. The idea that the truth is always counter-intuitive to our point of view. Life is natural, while death is a creation. Memory is natural, while forgetting is a novelty. And… infinity and unity are natural, while disunity and finitude are novel. The first level where there is no אין סוף is...

Achdus 113

Perek 5 part 3 The audio for this class is (unfortunately) missing. In addition to Malchus being ממלא so is ז”א, because (although it is סוף וגילוי האין סוף, it is so much a גילוי that) it is considered איהו וגרמוהי חד (even the אורות according to the אריז”ל). The two opinions about איהו וחיוהי...

Achdus 112

Perek 5 Part 2. Malchus is Mimalei The idea of “עיר אלוקינו” words which come from letters account for the (virtual) infinity of different creation, and this is why Malchus marks the beginning of worldliness, Mimalei.

Achdus 114

Perek 5, Part 4. The Rebbe Rashab now suggests that even the Middos of Atzilus are Mimalei Kol Almin and offers two different explanations: 1) we are speaking of the Keilim (or: Garmohi) of Middos which are not Ein SOf but Gevul 2) We are speaking in the opinion of the Arizal who says that...

Achdus 115

Perek 5, Part 5. Conclusion of the discussion that מקום is ממלא כל עלמין, which includes the idea that it is much more than physical, it is spiritual. And it gives life to what will be space, and at the same time it is local: each creation has its own מקום that is the source...

Achdus 116

Part One: This (previous class) justifies calling מקום secondary (טפל) to Hashem as it is spiritual and the six מדות and we know from the פסוק לך השם הגדולה that the ספירות are טפל to the אין סוף. Beginning of the מאמר האומנם ה’תרמ”ג Part Two: the two opinions about מקום if it is ממלא...

Achdus 117

Maamar Haumnam (class 2) The opinion that makom is Sovev is the topic of today’s class. 1) Emek HaMelech, 2) Pardes, 3) Reb Menachem MiRikanti 4) Rambam. They all call Sovev, “Makor”.

Achdus 118

Ma’amar Haunam Perek 6, Class 3. The second (our) opinion: that Makom means Mimalei Kol Almin, It is also called Makor (source). The immediate (or individuated) space of each creation separately.

Achdus 119

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 4. The Mitzvah of loving Hashem seems unreasonable, and the solution to this question is the idea of התבוננות. In this class we talked of the priority in חסידות חב”ד called התבוננות. How it affects the heart to fulfill this Mitzvah etc.

Achdus 120

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 5. Three meanings of ואהבת 1) You should love 2) You WILL love 3) Make others love. Different levels in Love and if the higher level is too high for someone then they should (they must) try the lower level. The worst is lying to oneself.

Achdus 121

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 6. Higher and lower levels of Achdus and Avodah honesty. Yichuda Illa’a (the world is Hashem) and Yichuda Tata’a (the world exists, but Hashem is it’s Master). The אנשי יריחו for whom it was correct to miss ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד as they were actually on the level...

Achdus 122

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 7. Famous question (that is rooted in the famous מאמר מי כמוכה מכ”ק אדמו”ר מהר”ש משנת תרכ”ט) about אחדות versus בחירה חפשית שכר ועונש etc. You cannot have it both ways: Either there is total Achdus Or there is real בחירה חפשית and שכר ועונש. The answer the Rebbe RaShaB...

Achdus 123

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 6 Class 7, Perek 7 Class 1. Two Midrashim that argue creation יש מיש as a part of Torah, which is less (and lower) than יש מאין. The רמב”ם in his מורה נבוכים חלק ב’ פרק כ”ו has issues with this, but the Rebbe explains it here and says (in effect) that...

Achdus 124

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 2. When we speak of creation יש מיש (and we argue that it has credibility in Torah, see upcoming classes beginning with class 126) 1) the world need not be renewed every instant (as when we speak of creation יש מאין) 2) In the presence of the source the world...

Achdus 125

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 3. The idea of creation יש מיש that facilitates מציאות שאינה אמיתית is manifest (it’s fallibility) in the fact that it eventually dies, after 6,000 years, and what dies eventually is (according to Torah) never really alive and “real”.

Achdus 126

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 4. Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class One. Introduction One: The proof that the world is real, and that the way we see it is the way it is, is from the Possuk בראשית ברא אלוקים and the Torah doesn’t lie. In other words Torah determines what is true....

Achdus 127

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 5. Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class Two. Introduction Two: the idea of stepping down from a higher level to a lower level to do a Mitzvah. For example if one is holding on the level of יחודא עילאה he must step away from יחו”ע and descend to יחודא...

Achdus 128

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 6. Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class Three. The idea of “מאחר שכך הוא רצון הבורא הרי שייך שכר ועונש” His Will creates a reality which cannot logically exist. The big question: does this Will have any sense or is it above logic entirely, נמנע הנמנעות?

Achdus 129 (5779)

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 7. Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class Four. The lower reality (יחודא תתאה, מציאות שאינה אמיתית) in light of the higher reality. We begin the discussion of the Two Sichos: A) Toras Menachem יין מלכות חלק א’ ע’ קל”ט B) Likutei Sichos vol. 5 page 65-66. Explanation: difference between...

Achdus 130 (5779/ 2019)

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 8. Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class Five. Continuing the discussion of the two Sichas. Is the only solution to the אחדות בחירה question, נמנע הנמנעות? or is there a way to explain it. And if there is a way to explain it why does the Rebbe in יין...

Achdus 131 (5779/ 2019)

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 9. Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class Six. Continuing discussion on free will that 1) is given not allowed 2) and comes from the essence, Here is the question: is there a solution to the paradox between Achdus and Free Will? Is the only answer נמנע הנמנעות or can...

Achdus 132 (5779/ 2019)

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 7 Class 10. Discussion on מציאות שאינה מציאות אמיתית Class Seven. Every idea in Sechel needs a Possuk, because all Sechel begins above Sechel. Why does the Rebbe explain the issue of בחירה מול אחדות והשגחה in one place and say נמנע הנמנעות in another?

Achdus 133 (5779/ 2019)

Ma’amar Haumnam Perek 8, Class 1. Achdus based on the idea of יש מאין. The רמב”ם introduced יש מאין the Alter Rebbe added to this that it must be every instant (however long that is) This need for constant creation mandates Achdus and immanent involvement in the “lower worlds”.

Achdus 134 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 8 Class 2. Question of Ruchniyus also existing Lima’ala in the Ayin, but not the Geshem. Another (deeper related) idea is the notion of אין כח חסר פועל למעלה- once something is close enough to be called כח it must have all the potential actualized, or there is a חסרון in אלקות.

Achdus 135 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perk 8 Class 3. End of Perek 8. More on Achdus based on the idea of התהוות בכל רגע (constancy of creation) in the case of יש מאין. Meshalim for יש מיש and for יש מאין.

Achdus 136 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 1. Higher level of Achdus is due to the fact that the צמצום from the מקום החלל (which also is a חידוש compared to עצמות שאינו בגדר מקום) is שלא כפשוטו. The אור אין סוף continues to be ממלא מקום החלל after the צמצום just like before, and the change is...

Achdus 137 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 2. 1) Review of yesterday’s class: Achdus (or Bittul) on the higher level, based on the idea of צמצום אינו כפשוטו and the מקום החלל is still filled with אין סוף. As such the creation and the זיו or ממלא כל עלמין (or perhaps the אותיות דבר הוי’ה that create are...

Achdus 138 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 3. This (3rd class for Perek 9) began with a discussion on the notion of שלימות הנפש. We spoke of two levels: נפש נושא כחות or יכולת and נפש כולל כחות or כח. We explained these two levels as 1) the Neshama not lacking anything and 2) the Neshama having everything....

Achdus 139 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 4. This class continues the talk about שלימות and the two types of שלימות: lacking nothing (יכולת) and having everything (כח). We the talked of the three levels in כח itself: 1) כחות היוליים העצמיים (which are all about the שלימות הנפש) and then 2) כחות נעלמים or כחות היוליים that...

Achdus 140 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 9 Class 4, Perek 10 Class 1. In this class we… A) completed the discussion on כח התנועה and how it is a משל for צמצום שלא כפשוטו. B) There is (not only) Achdus with all the worlds (equally) even Asiya, Moreover, there is an aspect of Achdus, which is more in Asiya...

Achdus 141 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 10 Class 2. To us there is concealment while to Him there is real Achdus, Levels: 1) Tzadik 3 days before his passing 2) Reb Nochum Tchernubiler doesn’t see Treife milk 3) the rest of us We meditate and collect ourselves in Shma to feel in Viahavta (which we’ll discuss next time). This...

Achdus 142 (5779/ 2019)

Haumnam Perek 10 Class 3. After the התבוננות there is a very strong want ואהבת which can only be satisfied בדרך שוב through action, as we’ve seen in the past when people seek “personal paths” to G-d they end up with a want that they have no way of satisfying and fulfilling. One needs daily...