Class fifty seven
Class Fifty Seven. This class is not text based and includes the Chanuka part of the Ma’amar (from the beginning of Perek 1 and Perek 4). The basic idea is that the Chashmonim demonstrated such a great Mesiras Nefesh as to make it possible to use their energy to light up the night, the street...
Class fifty eight
Class Fifty Eight. כי נר מצוה ותורה אור ודרך חיים תוכחת מוסר. The three steps are מצות that make one a כלי for the אור התורה but to have it one must do אתכפיא so there’s adequate room for the אור to reveal itself in. How this manifests in Avoda.
Class fifty nine
Class Fifty Nine. Beginning of the Biur (we actually read inside the text). The world was created from שם אלוקים so that Hashem would be concealed and only after the creation event does the תורה mention שם הוי’ה. The idea of physical מצוות and how even the מצוות that are חובת הלבבות are physical.
Class sixty
Class Sixty. Beginning of אחדות: ביטול היש לאין שהיש יהי’ בטל אל האין. Different ideas of אחדות and what is unique about אני הוי’ לא שניתי.
Class sixty one
Class Sixty One. This class discusses the Possuk אני הוי’ לא שניתי, that the basis for the question is the word הוי’ה. In other words, after you define הוי’ה you can explain לא שניתי. Three definitions for הוי’ה: 1) לשון מהוה as the Creator, this is the lowest הוי’ה. 2) מלשון הי’ הוה ויהי’ה כאחד...
Class sixty two
Class Sixty Two. This class begins the question of שניתי. How can there be לא שניתי if each world has a different level of גילוי. [Note: the next Perek will address the question of שניתי from the worlds themselves, this Perek addresses the חיות אלוקי that comes into the עולמות]. The differences are in the...
Class sixty three
Class Sixty Three The question of Shanisi (2). How is there no change if there are changes between sfiros (in one world), Kesser and Chochma (from close), Bina (from far), Z”A (through a window), and Malchus (through a hole) It is predicated on the idea of “Makom” and Ein Sof- having a relationship with something...
Class sixty four
Class Sixty Four This is the first answer to the question of Shanisi: If Havaya means Mihaveh (creator), the Lo Shanisi is that אין עצם מסתיר על עצם one cannot truly block Himself, so the covering though actual isn’t “real.”
Class sixty five
Class Sixty Five This class provides the second answer to the question of לא שניתי. It is predicated on the idea that now הוי’ה means אין סוף, or סובב כל עלמין. Here the answer is that אין סוף .נמצא למטה כמו למעלה ממש The אין סוף is the same everywhere, we just perceive it differently...
Class sixty six
Class Sixty Six This is the end of Perek Aleph in Tanu Rabanan 5643, the third לא שניתי is in Atzmus. Introduction, Kavana, what does intent mean in ענינים פנמיים. We first gave examples from Halacha, like Shabbos. Intent changes nothing and everything, like כונת הצמצום בשביל הגילוי and כונת הגילוי בשביל הצמצום. Here we...
Class sixty seven
This is the second class on the third לא שניתי which is that הוי’ה is עצמות. 1) The idea of המאור הוא בהתגלות, that where His intent is even (and especially) in the absence of אור אין סוף there is Him. 2) The idea that יש הנברא isn’t coming from יש האמיתי, but actually IS...
Class sixty eight
This is the third class on the third לא שניתי which is that הוי’ה is עצמות. We began reading INSIDE and reviewed the beginning of this third answer that “עיקר המכוון” is עצמות ומהות. More on המאור הוא בהתגלות.
Class sixty nine
We finished the first Perek and explained why the higher worlds (that are “only” גילויים”) are לא שניתי because of how they benefit the purpose down here. We mentioned (in the Shiur) Tanya Perek 38 about כונה and עשי’ה.
Class seventy
This is the beginning of Perek 2. In Perek 1 we discussed לא שניתי from the angle that the LIFE reaching us from Him is לא שניתי. This Perek reasks the question: Isn’t the existence of the world itself the greatest שניתי? There will be 2 answers, the first is that the worlds are recreated...
Class seventy one
This class discusses 2 ideas in יש מאין 1) must be from כח אין סוף העצמי 2) must be בכל רגע ורגע this is the basis for לא שניתי as it is really only the דבר הוי’ה.
Class seventy two
This class discusses the difference between יש מיש, where the material already is and all you are doing is changing the shape, and יש מאין where there is real creating going on. יש מיש can be done once for always. יש מאין must be perpetual. Aristotle held that יש מאין is נמנע. The Rambam considers...
Class seventy three
This class continues the discussion of the difference between יש מיש and יש מאין. We explain that עילה ועלול means “Cause and Effect” and that מאין ליש also means “Cause and Effect”, the difference is the trace-ability. The idea of a quantum separation and a quantum leap to explain יש מאין.
Class seventy four
We continue discussing יש מאין. In this class, we explore the משל of agriculture (plant and animal life) how it is like יש מאין because there is a serious חידוש element.
Class seventy five
Question: there is a logical law of כח ופועל- everything that exists actually must exist potentially first. How does this apply to the יש מאין model? The אין and יש are (as explained) quantum separated, so in what way is the אין also a כח for the יש? The discussion we had revolved around the...
Class seventy six
In this class the answer to the question of the previous class is given: The Ruchniyus (spirituality) of the worlds exist in the Koach (Ayin) but not the Gashmi (material). The second part of the class raised the idea of אין כח חסר פועל למעלה which means that אלקות cannot have any חסרונות (lacks) and...
Class seventy seven
In this class, we talk about the idea that יש מאין must be בכל רגע ורגע constant. The example for this is the idea of זריקה. When throwing something upwards, the force raising it must be constant, as it is being thrown against its nature. על אחת כמה וכמה in creation ex-nihilo it must certainly...
Class seventy eight
This class is the end of the first לא שניתי of the second Perek: the world itself doesn’t change Elokus, because the world is really the words that renew the world perpetually. Example: Moshe’s Nevua (מורה נבוכים בהקדמה); is like so many lightning flashes in succession, that it feels like daylight but it isn’t really.
Class seventy nine
This class is page 41 in תרמ”ג. The second level of לא שניתי when הוי’ה refers to אור אין סוף is that the creation is truly (still) “within” the אין סוף as the צמצום is שלא כפשוטו. Incidentally, we explore two aspects of ממלא כל עלמין: A. that it gives life B. that there is...
Achdus 080
Class Eighty. Beginning of Perek 3. When one considers (contemplates) Hashem he wants Him to be revealed and known. This (short) class is a review of the Hisbonenus.
Achdus 081
Class Eighty One. The Hisbonenus creates a desire for HIM and not anything less The Possuk מי לי בשמים ועמך לא חפצתי בארץ
Achdus 082
Class Eighty Two. The recognition of Hashem creates a desire for Bittul (revelation of Him and Oneness with Him) on two levels. 1) The animal Soul can be affected by education and inspiration– גילויים even now 2) The body cannot experience Bittul unless it is Atzmus (the G-dliness within the body itself) which won’t be experienced...
Achdus 083
Class Eighty Three. This is the 2nd to the last class on this ma’amar. 1) The first step is שמע וגו, contemplating G-dliness. 2) The second step is ואהבת, wanting G-dliness. 3) The third step is HAVING Him. This is through והיו הדברים האלה וגו’ על לבבך etc.- Yiddishkeit is the answer. The story of...
Achdus 084
Class Eighty Four. 1) One does שמע ישראל… thinking about Hashem. 2) This causes a ואהבת… a desire to have Him. 3) This desire is realized (in truth) through והיו הדברים וגו’ וקשרתם וגו’ וכתבתם על מזוזות וגו’ ובשעריך, through Torah and Mitzvos. 4) This, however, will not be felt until לעתיד לבוא. What we...
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