05. Mishpatim 21:01e – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (05)
Posted: February 25, 2022
05. Mishpatim 21-01e. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Five. Continued from the pervious classes: we discussed financial involvements between people who are members of the society, that are given the benefit of the doubt, and those who steal who have removed themselves from society. We now discuss the other side of this: Torah believes in ownership. Torah doesn’t believe in socialism, where people share collectively, it believes in private ownership, a power given to humanity by God. Even something that belongs to no one you must possess first and then use. 15) This is is how we now explain ideas of איסור (not business) that now follows, because the principles are the same. מפתה (seducing an unmarried girl) is wrong because you refuse to make her yours, like the איסור לאו of קדשה (according to the RaMbaM). 16) This is followed up by three examples where not only are you guilty of not taking possession but it is the ownership of another: You belong to God and idolatry is ignoring this ownership. This is why מכשפה (magician with this name) is executed, because it is connected to Avoda Zara. 17) רובע ונרבע living with an animal is also belonging to someone else; moreover it is impossible for an animal ever to available for ownership by you, because another species simply cannot be owned in this way, and belongs to another (species). 18) Avoda Zara is similar to the two listed above, But the order is odd: גילוי עריות- מפת and then עבודה זרה- מכשפה and then גילוי עריות- רובע ונרבע again followed by עבודה זרה again ועצע”ג. To be continued.
05. Mishpatim 21-01e. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Five.