Perek 2, Class 9 The idea of loving and not hating, and not even thinking hateful thoughts. Tanya Iggeres HaKodesh 23 נא ונא וכו’ ואיש את רעת רעיהו אל תחשבו וכו’ כמחשבת עבודה זרה ממש Rambam does say it positive (הלכות דיעות פרק ו’ הלכה ד) but Hillel and Chassidus see a point in the indirect form.
Perek 2, Class 10. Inside. Why is the Gemara indirect (or negative): what you don’t want done to you don’t do to your fellow, rather than positive DO onto others what you want done to you (as it is in רמב”ם הלכות דיעות םרק ז’ הלכה ד)? Answer because it is hinting also to thought: don’t think of another badly, as per אגרת הקדש כ”ב at the end. This doesn’t mean you don’t see the fault, it is מקיף, part of the entire person., as we see our own faults. Example court of law.
Perek 2, Class 11. In Tanya Chapter 32 two reasons are given why Ahavas Yisroel is the entire Torah: 1) To raise the Neshama up, (which was discussed at length until now) 2) To bring Hashem down (which really means דירה בתחתונים) and that depends on Ahavas (and Achdus) Yisroel, as through our unity He rests (as per אגרת הקדש סימן ל”א).
Perek 2, Class 12. Introduction, the Rebbe explains the expression ופירש הבעל שם טוב ז”ל (In Shaar Hayichud VihaEmuna Perek 1) to mean to spread out and reveal (though it has a source in מדרש תהילים) Similarly when הלל says ואידך פירושרא הוא (according to the second point in Ahavas Yisroel- to bring G-dliness down) that when there is the Ahava, Hashem is brought down through one of the Mitzvos. Example: Talis, Malchus, Bittul, Yirah.
Perek 2, Class 9Perek 2, Class 10Perek 2, Class 11Perek 2, Class 12