Class Eighteen: This is the introduction to the issue of Melech HaMoshaich. The question is why need a King after Moshaich comes if all Yidden are on a high enough level not to need discipline. The answer will be that Moshiach will be (needed as) a Rav (teacher). In Hil Moshiach it is clear that Moshiach is ONLY a King, but in Hil Teshuva he is a Chochom and Novi who teaches Torah, this (according to the Rebbe,) is an Halachic source to the idea of Torah Chadasha. The Sicha of Torah Chadasha (Shavuos 5751) is discussed. That this new Torah is connected to Nevua also, but it only becomes Torah when understood by non-prophets who learn FROM Moshiach.
Class Nineteen: Moshiach will be a King at a time when all Yidden are on the level of Atzilus (not needing a king for the conventional reasons), but there will still be a need for him (as a King), like there is a need for a King now for Neshamos of Atzilus. This is for Torah. And in Torah his personal understanding remains higher than everyone else, like Makif, he will therefore be a King then also. Question: how to reconcile Moshiach as a King for Torah and the Likutei Sichos vol. 35 page 206 ff that after a time he is no longer (needed as) a King only a Nossi (teacher) ועדיין צריך הדבר עיון.
Class Twenty: The issue of Moshiach being a Melech for Torah (here) and the idea that he is (not a Melech forever, only) a Nassi after Moshiach comes is further discussed here. Is his Malchus (Makif) Torah or not. והדבר עדיין צריך עיון.
Class Twenty One: Moshiach is a בר נפלא who gets his years directly from Hashem. The power of Moshiach and the novelty of such a Neshama that can only come into the world this way. Example: how much does the Rebbe change us?
Perek 3, Class 18Perek 3, Class 19Perek 3, Class 20Perek 3, Class 21