Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla Class One. Introduction: The tradition of simple faith was supplanted by philosophical questioning and the גדולי ישראל answered with a Jewish version of Philosophy. In short: the idea that דברה תורה בלשון בני אדם and הכל משל ומליצה resolved the questions of anthropomorphism. When Kabbala came along and turned in the other direction, not accepting the simplistic (one answer to all questions) approach of Chakira and explaining the anthropomorphic allusions in terms of the Sefiros. This introduced a question within Kabbala itself: Two choices exist: A. Though Kabbalah is real and true, I should opt for a relationship with Hashem that is simple a faith based: אני מתפלל לדעת זה התינוק and בכל קראינו אליו- אליו ולא למודותיו B. One must use Kabbala to get to the higher worlds מ’דארף טאקע וויסען די וועג צו די עולמות העלינוים as the Midrash puts it is: מפני ממה ישראל צועקין ואינן נענין מפני שאין יודעין לכוין בשם. Our Ma’amar will propose this question and answer it, that we must combine both.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla Class One.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla ClassTwo. Perek 1 (1). Three opinions about Davening: 1) RaMbaM: everyday (once) 2) RaMbaN: when you have an acute need. For these two opinions (see Likutei Sichos vol 29 page 185 ff). [3) Meiri: Dirabanan (see Likutei Torah Lo Hibit) Mitzvaj Klalis (super-Mitzvah) and Mitzvah Pratis. Not Z’man Grama
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla ClassTwo.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla ClassThree. This is a review of the last class: Outer and inner ideas of Tefilla Question of what can be and what cannot be a Mitzvah The idea that a מצוה כללית is above the level of מצוות פרטיות that correspond to the רמ”ח אברים ושס”ה גדים.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla ClassThree.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla Perek 1, ClassFour. Davening (in as much as it is a Mitzvah AND is connected to the 13 principles of faith) is for everyone. The need for special powers to Daven is only for ענינים כלליים גדולים The idea of Davening on High is His answering our prayers. Perek 2. Krias Shma vs Shmone Esrei, Yichud Av”A and Zu”N, in Briah and Atzilus. Krias Shma is Mesiras Nefesh, and Shmone Esrei is Shov, each Bracha a different שם and ספירה.