Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 16. Inside. 3 Midrashim 1) אליו ולא למדותיו and 2) הדבק במדותיו and 3) יודעים לכוין בשם He is above a name, but the Name isn’t the Sefira as He goes into the Middos, and we are calling (הדבק and מכונים בשם) Him through the מדות and this is אליו ולא למדותיו. Explaining the words that עצמות we only know “שנתפס ברעיון הלב ובמחשבה” and “שיודעים מציאותו שיש מציאות ולא תפיסה והשגת מהותו ח”ו”.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek7, Class 16.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 17. Continued Perek 7 inside. The difference between מלאכים and ספירות, still inasmuch as ספירות are מדות we are not permitted to daven to them ח”ו. The קרבן נתנאל’s concern and the צמח צדק’s concurrence and that he changed his mind. The Rebbe on Pidyonos (see enclosed pdf).
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 17.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 18. Review questions about question of ממוצע. The קרבן נתנאל, the Tzemach Tzedek agreeing with him, the change of heart later, cited by the Rebbe in the note in the back of the Slichos. The question of going to a Rebbe; the old לשון in a פ”נ to include כמו”ש בשו”ת מהרי”ב סי’ רע”ה explaining why one may go to a Rebbe, The Sicha of Acharon Shel Pesach ממוצע המחבר; these two are very different ideas. Enclosed are the relevant PDFs.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 18.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 19. This class is all lecture (no text) is about the idea of נקודות and their connection to the עשר ספירות. We talked about טנת”א and what they each mean and how high the idea of נקודות are. The loftiness of the idea of כונות and where we do (or don’t) fit into this.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 19.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 20. Today we read inside what we discussed yesterday about נקודות. We read the משל of approaching a King while he is in the אוצר for a נדבה versus when he is someplace else.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 20.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 21. Parenthesis at the end of the Perek: another level of אליו ולא למדותיו which is above the ספירות the level of מסירת נפש like the prayer of Chana (Likutei Sichos vol 19 page 291 ff). this is so powerful that it needn’t have לכוין בשם. Example: there’s the גזירה and then there is the ביטול הגזירה בין עליונים ותחתונים and then there are things that are למעלה מגדר עליון ותחתון.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 21.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 22. The other side of איליו ולא למדותיו is that even those who don’t need to be מכוין בשם because they are on the level of אין סוף need to “lower themselves” to be מכוין בשם in order to bring G-dliness down. It’s like the Ruziner’s question of the Alter Rebbe you go away from a higher יחוד to do the מצות אהבת השם.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 22
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 7, Class 23. The issue of ולדבקה בו הדבק במדותיו is questioned because there’s no מאמר חז”ל linking ולדבקה בו to מדותיו; it is a Rashi. The question is primarily the Chassidus: since Chassidus (Tanya Chapter 2) explains דביקות like it is understood by ספירות “representative of Him” therefore, this idea is a Neshama idea. How does that work with הדבק במדותיו (the question is answered בדרך אפשר).