
Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva Perek 1

Mitzvas Vidui UTeshuva

Perek 1 Class One: 1) Introduction to the Sefer Derech Mitzvosecha 2) Four parts to Vidui and Teshuva: 1) Teshuva (future), 2) Charata (past), 3) Vidui, 4) Bakashas Mechila (the last two are verbal).

Perek 1 Class 1

Class Two:Each Avaira happens on three levels: 1) the second of transgression מרידה במלך מלכי המלכים defying Him (Tanya Perek 24) 2) Higher than Time (and in some way forever) (Tanya Perek 25) 3) the lasting affect of the sin עונותיכם מבדילים ביניכם לבין אלוקיכם it lingers and this is corrected through Teshuva of which our Ma’amar speaks.

Perek 1 Class 2

Class Three: Reasons for Mitzvos in many categories. One of them is Yichudim, which is the basic Kabbalah Kavanah, this is the same as the idea as “Hakadosh Baruch Hu Maniach Tefillin” He responds to our Mitzvos. One must be whole and do all the Mitzvos to strengthen all the limbs, which are Mitzvos. An Aveira is a deficiency in the above.

Perek 1 Class 3

Class Four: What an Aveira affects, both Aveiros of omission (missing Mitzvas Asei) and commission (doing Lo Ta’aseh), It creates illness and gives life from Kedusha to Klipa and must be corrected.

Perek 1 Class 4

Class Five: The correction (of the sin) includes three things: A. Completing what Kedusha lost B. Stopping the flow from Kedusha to Klipa C. Taking back from Klipa (what it already took from Kedusha). The Rebbe will discuss these three in reverse order (# C will be explained first etc).

Perek 1 Class 5

Class Six: The first of the three ideas of correction is discussed in Perek 1- taking back from Klipa what it (already) took from Kedusha, by Killing it. This requires an action to counteract the deed of evil and a passion (Teshuva) to counteract the passion and lust of the sin. The idea of Teshuvas Hamishkalת an act with intent, it is enough speech (vidui) to be the counteraction even of an action.

Perek 1 Class 6

Class Seven: Continued from the previous Shiur. The power of the Yid to “create” in this case sin, like (but not equal to) בא על הערוה והוליד ממזר and חילול השם. The idea of וחטאתי נגדי תמידת the sin that is opposite us is the creation of the Yid, until he does the Teshuva on the level of Mishkal. Through words and passion it is all killed and overturned. Reb Pesach Molostovker, Reb Berel Kurnitzer.

Perek 1 Class 7

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